What Bill Windsor has learned about Corruption since 2008

In 2007, Bill Windsor was awfully naive for a former president of a Goldman Sachs company. He thought judges were honest. He has learned there is no such thing...

William Michael Windsor was found guilty of being NAIVE.

In 2008, 60-year-old Bill Windsor was sued in a completely bogus lawsuit that it turns out was designed to stop him from discovering a multi-billion dollar fraud.

$2,000,000 in legal fees later, William Michael Windsor ceased to be so naive.

32-year Federal Judge Orinda D. Evans took Bill Windsor from a retired multi-millionaire to a poor person.  Horrendous Orinda also made Bill Windsor an Activist.  Bill Windsor hates, loathes, and despises liars, and Judge Orinda D. Evans lied and lied and lied some more to take care of the largest law firm in Georgia that represented the New York liars who had sued him.

Even after this, Bill remained naive.  He did not stop to think that if Judge Orinda D. Evans did this to him, she would be doing it to others.  Or that other judges were corrupt.

The naive light started to flicker when the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals failed to reverse Orinda D. “the Liar” Evans.  Then the United States Supreme Court refused to tell the federal judges in Georgia that they had to abide by the United States Constitution.  Even then, Bill Windsor did not realize he was not the only Mohican experiencing this.

An article ran online asking if the United States Supreme Court had voided the Constitution.  It was the story of William Michael Windsor’s pro se journey to the United States Supreme Court.  The article gave Bill’s email address and a home telephone number.  Over 7,000 people emailed Bill to tell their stories of judicial and government corruption.  Bell South’s voicemail system broke after better than 600 people called and left voicemails telling their stories.

So, no more naivete…kind of.  Bill still wants to believe some people are honest.  That’s just his nature.

Bill came up with one idea after another to try to help save America.  He launched LawlessAmerica.com and began publishing articles.  Over a decade later, millions of eyeballs have seen the 1,727 articles.  This has clearly been the most effective thing he has done.  He has had to battle haters, hackers, malware, and corrupt government officials.

In 2010, former radio and TV announcer Bill Windsor began an online radio show.

Bill generated over 50,000 followers on Facebook until they canceled his page due to “nudity, pornography, and solicitation of sex.”  AT&T canceled his long-time email address claiming a violation of terms of service (never to be identified).  Bill has had his life threatened hundreds of times.  Sean Boushie attempted to murder him, but missed and hit the car next to him.  While he has never committed a crime, Bill was held in jail for 134 days.

In 2012 and 2013, Bill drove to all 50 states to produce and direct a documentary about government, judicial, and law enforcement corruption.  Before he departed, he told his radio listeners that he didn’t believe there was an honest judge anywhere in America.  People told him not to say that as he would lose all credibility.  A year and 1,500 interviews later, Bill Windsor KNOWS he has found only two seemingly honest judges — one in Gwinnett County Georgia, Judge Joseph C. Iannazzone, and Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett.  But Judge Joseph C. Iannazzone was back before Bill had become the leading authority in America on judicial corruption.  Now he has a target on his back that glows in the dark.

Judge Iannazzone Amy Coney Barrett

We live in Lawless America.  Our Constitution is amazing, and we have many great laws.  The problem is that the Constitution, the laws, and the rules are routinely violated.  That puts us in Lawless America.

In 2021 and 2022, Bill experienced first-hand that everyone in Texas is corrupt — judges, government officials, government agencies, attorneys, court personnel, district attorneys, police, sheriffs, you-name-it.  Bill is preparing to sue the State of Texas in the United States Supreme Court.  Perhaps Justice Amy Coney Barrett will do the right thing.  Naive?  Or an eternal optimist?

If we have any chance to save America, it is up to all of us Nobodies.  Explain briefly to at least one person a day that none of us will ever see justice unless we educate millions of our fellow residents of Lawless America. 


Bill Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not, therefore, reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.   This website is to expose judicial corruption, government corruption, law enforcement corruption, attorney wrongdoing/corruption, and political corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our  Legal Notice and Terms





Copyright, 2022, Lawless America



How can you tell if William M. Windsor is telling the Truth?

How can you tell if I am telling the truth?

It really upsets me when I read on various forums that I’m a nut, none of this is true, our judiciary isn’t corrupt, The Supreme Court did no such thing.

But, it is the natural reaction for many to doubt what they read and hear.  There is so much dishonesty that it is hard for me to blame folks.

Well, I am telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and I will prove it to anyone at any time….

If you have any doubt that what I am saying is true, please post a comment here or email me at bill@LawlessAmerica.com.

I have had my Constitutional rights violated so much by our federal courts that it takes hundreds of pages just to list the violations.

Proof Made Easy

Let me ask you some questions:

If you were involved in a lawsuit where the opposing party completely made up the lawsuit — nothing at all was true — and you obtained sworn testimony from three senior managers with the opposing party who stated under oath that the claims in the lawsuit were not true, would your Constitutional rights be violated if the judge refused to consider the properly filed evidence?

If you appealed your case to the Court of Appeals and explained that the district court judge responded on the record “I’m not going to consider that” when you said you had documented over 400 counts of perjury by the opposing party, would your Constitutional rights be violated if the appellate judges ignored this and declared your appeal was frivolous?

If you appealed your case to The United States Supreme Court based upon massive violations of your Constitutional rights, and The Supreme Court said the case was not worthy of their consideration, would your Constitutional rights be violated?

Well, all of that happened to me, and a lot more.  It’s just this simple: Undeniable, uncontroverted proof of over 2,000 counts of perjury were presented to Federal Judges Orinda D. Evans, William S. Duffey, and Julie E. Carnes in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, and they refused to allow it to be discussed or considered.  Then every judge with the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit and the United States Supreme Court did as well.  Judge Richard J. Leon in the United States District Court for the DC Circuit refused to consider it, as did Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg, Judge Janice Rogers Brown, and Judge David S. Tatel with the United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.  If this isn’t a denial of due process, fundamental fairness, and justice, then I’m a liar.


Laundry List of Some of the Constitutional Violations

I have incurred a fortune in legal fees and court costs and have never been granted a hearing.  I have asked for hearings repeatedly over the years, and never once did any judge allow my case to be discussed in a courtroom.

There are specific motions that require a right to be heard at a hearing before the judge, and I was even denied these rights.

Judge Orinda D. Evans gave the opposing party a summary judgment when the central issue in the case was a disputed fact, and summary judgments are not allowed in such cases.

The judges have ignored the law and the rules. 

In all of the substantive orders in my court actions, the controlling statutes and case law precedents were never honored.

In over a dozen orders from the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit involving my appeals, the judges never once discussed the facts or the law that I presented.

The fundamental right to have the Court accept my sworn affidavits as true has been violated.  I have sworn to EVERYTHING that I have ever said under oath under penalty of perjury before a notary.  My sworn affidavits have been ignored.  This is made even worse because my affidavits have not been controverted in any manner.

There are two documents on file under seal in the federal courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia.  These documents will prove the fraud upon the courts and the obstruction of justice by Judge Orinda D. Evans, but 22 federal judges, including the nine justices of The United States Supreme Court, have refused to take two minutes to inspect these documents to see the proof.

Judges are allegedly required to be impartial.  In my dealings, there has never been one iota of impartiality.

The rights of confrontation and cross-examination are basic.   In my lawsuits, I have reported massive perjury, yet I was denied the right to examine the perjurors.

Decisions are supposed to be based upon the evidence presented.  But the judges ignored the facts and the law and even invented their own facts.  The court records prove this.

Judge Evans did not allow me the most basic discovery.  I was never even given the names and contact information for potential witnesses employed by the opposing party. 

Judge Evans denied me the ability to take deposition testimony of any of the people directly involved with customers or any customers. 

You allegedly have the right to subpoena witnesses and any documents or other evidence that may support your position or contradict evidence presented against you, but Judge Evans denied me the ability to subpoena witnesses and obtain documents. 

You allegedly have the right to protections expressly created in statute and case law precedent, but in my actions, statutes have been violated and overwhelming case law has been ignored.

You have the right to equal protection of the law regardless of race, creed, color, religion, ethnic origin, age, handicaps, or sex.  You have the statutory right to represent yourself in court, but all of the judges have denied equal protection to me and probably all pro se parties.

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right of trial by jury, which protects the right of the accused to be judged by ordinary people in the community rather than by the judge presiding over the case.  But I was denied a trial by jury. 

In a hearing that was granted to the opposing party, I was denied the right to call witnesses.  I was denied the right to cross-examine witnesses.  I was denied the right to admit proof into evidence. 

An inherent right is the honesty of the judge.  In my dealings with the courts, there has been massive dishonesty, but no one will do anything about it.

Judges are alegedly required to honor the canons of the Code of Judicial Procedure, but all of the judges involved have repeatedly violated the canons and their oaths, and no one will do anything about it.

Inherent in due process is the expectation that the judge will not violate criminal statutes.  In my dealings with the federal courts, the judges have intentionally violated over a dozen federal criminal statutes.


So, ladies and gentlemen, I have the proof of all of the above.  It is all filed in various court records.  So, please stop anyone out there from trying to claim that this isn’t real.  The United States Supreme Court was presented with all of the proof, and they refused to tell the federal judges that they cannot violate the Constitution.  That was a simple request that honest judges would have had no difficulty ordering…but they refused to do so.  They refused to say that federal judges must honor the Constitution.

As I have been saying for months, this should not even be about me.  This corruption is everywhere.  Our country has a crisis that I believe is the most significant we have ever faced.

I’m a retired grandpa who has never taken up any cause with a state or our federal government.  I just happen to be a far more intelligent person than your average pro se party.  People like me usually have attorneys.  Judges avoid having their corruption publicized because attorneys cannot risk their careers and most pro se parties either would never do what I have done or don’t know how.  All of these federal judges hate, loathe, and despise me because I am about as intelligent as they are, much more creative, and not afraid at all.  I am their worst nightmare, and I am committed to fight this until it is fixed or until I die, whichever comes first.  For now, I am betting on death, but fighting with a never-say-die attitude.

William M. Windsor


Attacking the Supreme Court



I am not going to sit idly and allow the United States Supreme Court to invalidate the Constitution of the United States.  The printer is now printing three Petitions for Rehearing that I will file by the end of the week.

Our federal court system is corrupt from the bottom to the top.  I will exclude Sonia Sotomayor from the list for the moment, because I have reason to suspect that she would have done the right thing, but six justices is all it takes, and she was outvoted.

I will be on many radio shows in the next few weeks.  I’ll post the stations that I will be on when they give me all the information.



Continue reading Attacking the Supreme Court

Windsor files Petition for Rehearing with U.S. Supreme Court

On November 29, 2010, The United States Supreme Court denied a Petition for Writ of Certiorari filed by me.  It was a one-word ruling: DENIED.

The justices of our Supreme Court were told that the federal judges in Atlanta are corrupt and are violating the Constitution.  Nothing was filed against me, so my Petition was uncontroverted, uncontested.

On December 6, 2010, I sent a Petition for Rehearing to The Supreme Court, and I gave them notice of potential criminal action against them.

Continue reading Windsor files Petition for Rehearing with U.S. Supreme Court

Judge Orinda D. Evans is as Crooked as They Come



Judge..Orinda..D..Evans is as crooked as they come.

The latest from Judge..Orinda..D..Evans is an order dated November 22, 2010 in which she is claiming to have authority to stop me from filing a lawsuit against her.  Seeing her impeached will not come soon enough.

Continue reading Judge Orinda D. Evans is as Crooked as They Come

Proof of the False Sworn Pleadings Filed Against Me by Maid of the Mist

My saga began on August 25, 2005 when Christopher Glynn, President of Maid of the Mist in Niagara Falls, signed an affidavit that consisted of 50 paragraphs  46 of those SWORN statements were false.  I have proven them false with Glynn’s subsequent testimony and the testimony of his fellow managers, Timothy P. Ruddy and Robert J. Schul.

Here is the documentation filed with the Court that references various depositions and other evidence that is on the record that proves the false sworn complaint.

Judge Evans never discussed this.  Refused to consider it.  She refused over 30 attempts on my part to get a hearing or a conference to discuss it.  When it was raised in her presence, she said she wasn’t gpoing to discuss it.  So, she allowed massive perjury.

I began trying to reopen this case in 2009, and Judge Evans has continued to lie about everything.  Maid of the Mist has never filed an affidavit even attempting to dispute any of my sworn statements.

This is a case in which the Plaintiffs, Maid of the Mist, their attorneys, and the federal judges have all committed a significant number of criminal offenses.  And there isn’t a government authority that will do a thing about it.

Judge Evans granted a summary judgment as if the complaint was valid.  She did so for corrupt reasons.  Her order is simply fantasy, and the record of the court proves it.  Here is documentation of her Summary Judgment Order.


I received an email this week warning me that there could be consequences for trying to disclose the corruption in our legal system.  Not your everyday email.

My family fears for our safety.  After all, I am trying to expose corruption at high levels within our government.  A lot of people could spend a lot of time in prison.  The concern is that one or more of the guilty people might decide that the easiest thing to do is get rid of me.

Hey, this stuff doesn’t happen just in John Grisham novels.

Where is the Media Coverage? Nowhere!


Last week, I sent an email with information about this corruption to every major newspaper in the country, the television and radio networks, the local Atlanta media, major online media, and assorted others.  Hundreds of emails.

Guess how many responded.

Not a single solitary one.

Continue reading Where is the Media Coverage? Nowhere!

Screwed, Glued, & Tattooed … INjustice in America

Screwed, Glued, and Tattooed…INjustice in America

I’ve been screwed, glued, and tattooed in federal courts in Atlanta, Georgia and in courts in Georgia, Montana, Idaho, California, Kansas, Florida, and Texas. 

This website includes my story in hopes that someone somewhere will take action to stop this. 

There is nothing funny at all about this, but this was the only photo I could find that looked like a screwed, glued, tattooed person.

Continue reading Screwed, Glued, & Tattooed … INjustice in America

Unethical Attorney Scheme to Lie and Cheat to Win a Lawsuit

I have stated in my filings with the courts that I felt Maid of the Mist’s attorneys, Carl Hugo Anderson of Hawkins Parnell Thackson Young and Marc Brown of Phillips Lytle, devised an unconscionable scheme to win the lawsuit.

I filed the following.  If you are facing a dishonest attorney (which is always a high possibility), see if some of these techniques seem familiar:

1.               The scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys will be a factor in fraud on the court, so I believe it will be helpful to understand what I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was in Civil Action No. 1:06-CV-0714-ODE.  These paragraphs, 13 to 39, represent my opinions, based upon information and belief, but as you read the chronology, I believe you will see what happened and will agree with my opinion.

2.               I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Have Maid’s Buffalo New York attorney, Mr. Brown of Phillips Lytle, draft a scary lawsuit that included criminal accusations of theft and bribery by Alcatraz, even though they knew the complaint was false.

3.               I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Continue with the lies that Maid began making in June 2005, and expand on these lies, and create more lies.  Create a Verified Complaint that was one lie after another.

4.               I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Raise so many different issues that Alcatraz and I would have to respond to all types of different things thus diluting their ability to effectively respond on motions due to page limits.  Do not identify a cause of action so Alcatraz and I would have to guess and respond to all types of different things thus diluting our ability to effectively respond on motions due to page limits.

5.               I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Name me personally to put legal pressure on me to want to avoid a lawsuit where I could be held personally responsible and so that Alcatraz and I would have twice as much legal expense.

6.               I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Use the lies in the complaint to try to scare Alcatraz and me into settling the lawsuit in September 2005 and agreeing to an injunction.

7.               I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Use the lies in the Verified Complaint to paint such a negative picture of Alcatraz and me that the judge would quickly and easily grant a Temporary Restraining Order.

8.               I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Get a quick settlement as that would be the best solution to all the slander by Maid’s employees; it would end Maid’s breach of contract problem with the Niagara Parks Commission (“NPC”) and New York State Parks (“OPRHP”); and it would cover up all the lies and perjury; and Maid would not have to explain why Maid and its attorneys refused to speak to Alcatraz.

9.               I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Get an attorney in Atlanta who wasn’t familiar with the client or the case to sign the bogus pleadings.

10.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Recruit mean, nasty customer Judith L. Berry (“Berry”) as part of the conspiracy.  Get her to lie and distort the truth so information from her could be used in the Verified Complaint.

11.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Get the commitment of key Maid employees to continue to participate in this conspiracy to commit fraud, especially Christopher Glynn (“Glynn”), Timothy P. Ruddy (“Ruddy”), and Robert J. Schul (“Schul”).

12.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  “Modify” some documents to go with the Verified Complaint in an attempt to manufacture documents that would support the lies.

13.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Call Alcatraz and me as soon as we had a few days to review the Verified Complaint, and try to get us to settle.

14.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  When Alcatraz and I refused to settle because the Verified Complaint was one false sworn statement after another, the scheme had to become lie again and again and again.  That was the best way to try to keep Glynn from being found guilty of perjury.

15.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Refund the prepayments of over $10,000 that Alcatraz had made so retention of that money would not become a counterclaim and do it would eliminate that money as a set-off against any damages.

16.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Have as much ex parte communication as possible with the Judge and the Judge’s staff.

17.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Make discovery abuse even more important because Glynn had lied too much.

18.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Give Alcatraz and me as little information as possible, stall, delay, and abuse discovery to gain an advantage over Alcatraz and me.

19.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Provide essentially no information in Interrogatory responses.

20.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Produce only a few documents that Alcatraz and I didn’t already have when required to produce documnets.

21.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Sandbag on documents and witnesses on the Joint Preliminary Report and Discovery Schedule.

22.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Delay producing anyone for a 30(b)(6) deposition for as long as possible.

23.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Stall on producing additional documents and stall on producing witnesses for depositions while claiming to cooperate with the Defendants in scheduling all needed witnesses.

24.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Pretend that witnesses will be produced, and then refuse to produce the Canadian witnesses when Alcatraz and I would no longer have the time to go through the Hague Convention to arrange their depositions.

25.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Decide which documents to never produce that would hurt Maid’s position, and decide which documents that would help Maid’s position to conceal until it was too late for Alcatraz and me to do much with it.

26.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Hold some documents back until the last week of discovery so Alcatraz and I would not have the information when they were completing their depositions.

27.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  Lie.  For example, when some documents appeared in a deposition of a non-party witness in January 2007, Mr. Anderson claimed he had already provided those documents.  That was, of course, false.

28.            I believe the unconscionable scheme of Maid and Maid’s Attorneys was:  In summary judgment filings, use affidavits for many witnesses not on Maid’s witness list, and use many documents that were held back until December 5, 2006.  In fact, most of the documents attached to these affidavits were documents that should have been produced in December 2005 but were concealed from Alcatraz and me until 25 days before discovery closed in 2006.