Judge Orinda D. Evans is as Crooked as They Come



Judge..Orinda..D..Evans is as crooked as they come.

The latest from Judge..Orinda..D..Evans is an order dated November 22, 2010 in which she is claiming to have authority to stop me from filing a lawsuit against her.  Seeing her impeached will not come soon enough.

Continue reading Judge Orinda D. Evans is as Crooked as They Come

Judge Orinda D. Evans is as Crooked as They Come


Judge Orinda D. Evans is as crooked as they come.

The latest from Judge..Orinda..D..Evans is an order dated November 22, 2010 in which she is claiming to have authority to stop me from filing a lawsuit against her.  Seeing her impeached will not come soon enough.

Continue reading Judge Orinda D. Evans is as Crooked as They Come

Reports of Judicial Corruption from All Over the Country



I am getting reports of judicial corruption from all over the country. 

Please allow me to apologize to those of you who I have not yet been able to speak with. 

After the radio show last week, I have been inundated.


Continue reading Reports of Judicial Corruption from All Over the Country

Petition for Recusal of Judge Orinda D. Evans – U.S. Supreme Court


I have filed a Petition for Writ of Mandamus with The United States Supreme Court to have Judge Orinda D. Evans disqualified as a judge in any matter involving me..

Petition for Writ of Mandamus to Disqualify Judge..Orinda..D..Evans.

Continue reading Petition for Recusal of Judge Orinda D. Evans – U.S. Supreme Court

Petition for Recusal of Judge Orinda D. Evans – U.S. Supreme Court


I have filed a Petition for Writ of Mandamus with The United States Supreme Court to have Judge Orinda D. Evans disqualified as a judge in any matter involving me..

Petition for Writ of Mandamus to Disqualify Judge..Orinda..D..Evans

Continue reading Petition for Recusal of Judge Orinda D. Evans – U.S. Supreme Court