On April 10, 2024, Bill Windsor was charged with crimes by Sage Dental in The Villages Florida.

On 4/10/2024, 75-year-old disabled veteran Bill Windsor hobbled into the offices of Sage Dental on Warm Springs Drive in The Villages Florida to deliver an envelope of medical records.
Bill Windsor had been emailing and calling Sage Dental for a month or so with every attempted contact ignored. No response to emails. No return calls to voicemail messages. No response to regular mail.
William Michael Windsor had been charged $226 by Sage Dental when they used a bogus code with Humana so Humana wouldn’t pay. All Bill Windsor wanted was a proper code so he would get a refund and so a cleaning was shown in 2023 as required by insurance companies. If you don’t get a cleaning annually, medicare supplement insurance plans will never again pay.

When Bill Windsor arrived, Sage Dental was empty.

Bill Windsor placed his delivery on the desk at the entrance and sat down next to a woman wearing an Angel baseball cap.

When a Sage Dental employee appeared all dressed in black, she ignored him and refused to accept the delivery. She said he could wait until 2:00 p.m. when the manager would return. She turned her back and walked away.

An extremely antagonistic Sage Dental employee dressed in blue appeared and asked Bill Windsor to leave. He explained that he is a patient and was there to deliver medical records. She said she was not authorized to receive deliveries. Next thing you know, she was calling the police. Bill Windsor Charged with Crimes by Sage Dental.

Bill Windsor believes the woman in blue is Office Manager Robin Wakelin. The woman in blue is a liar and appears to be a member of a Criminal Racketeering Enterprise.

Two Wildwood Police Officers appeared. They said they were there because of a complaint for trespassing and harassment. Bill Windsor Charged with Crimes by Sage Dental. The male officer asked the woman in blue what she wanted him to do. This appeared to Bill Windsor to be the next step before arrest.
Bill Windsor didn’t have a computer, so he was unaable to check the law. But, it is clear that he had not committed trespassing. https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2020/810.09
The statute says it is a misdemeanor if a person defies an order to leave, personally communicated to the offender by the owner of the premises or by an authorized person. Bill Windsor was not ordered to leave, and the woman in blue had told him she was not authorized.
It is also clear that he had not committed haraassment.
“Harass” means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose. Bill Windsor did nothing to emotionally distress the woman in blue or anyone else. His legitimate purpose was to deliver an envelope of records.
Bill Windsor did not disturb the peace. A woman seated across from him in the lobby said so.
Sage Dental office in The Villages Florida – do not ever go there. Bill Windsor will file a civil complaint against Sage Dental, the woman in black, the woman in blue, Dr. Angelica Mena, Kayla Tapper, Robin Wakelin, James Boardwine, and unnamed Doe Defendants. Bill Windsor believes this is organized crime.