Judge Brooks Blitch – Convicted Felon



Former judge Brooks Blitch is now a convicted felon.

Brooks Blitch presided for nearly 28 years as one of rural Clinch County Georgia’s most powerful politicians.  

Then the senior judge was accused of repeatedly violating the law and judicial code of conduct as well as various ethical violations that dated back five years…

Continue reading Judge Brooks Blitch – Convicted Felon

Judge Mary Watersone admits telling a Witness to Lie in her Court


Former judge Mary Waterstone is standing trial for telling a witness to lie under oath in her court.

Mary Waterstone has admitted that she told the witness to lie.

Mary Waterstone was a judge in Michigan for 20 years.

Continue reading Judge Mary Watersone admits telling a Witness to Lie in her Court

Judge John Steensland charged with 60 Ethics Violations in Alabama



Retired District Court Judge John Steensland Jr. is set to stand trial after being accused of 60 separate violations of the Alabama Canon of Judicial Ethics by the Judicial Inquiry Commission.

The Judiciary Inquiry Commission has accused Steensland of cursing in court, ridiculing people who appeared before him, and placing a woman in jail even though she had no arrest warrant.

Steensland had sought a delay on grounds that the Judicial Inquiry Commission is reviewing additional complaints against him that could trigger more charges. 

The commission opposed a delay because more than 20 witnesses have been subpoenaed for next week’s trial.

Continue reading Judge John Steensland charged with 60 Ethics Violations in Alabama

Judge Brooks Blitch, III indicted on Sweeping Federal Corruption and Conspiracy Charges



Brooks Blitch III, a former judge who was one of Clinch County’s most powerful political figures, plead guilty in federal court in Macon, Georgia to a fraud charge, according to court documents.

Blitch stepped down as chief judge of the Alapaha Judicial Circuit in South Georgia in June 2008, a month before he was indicted on sweeping federal corruption and conspiracy charges.

He was accused of fixing cases and authorizing illegal payments to county officials.

At that time, the state Judicial Qualifications Commission had charged Blitch with 12 instances of misconduct.

Continue reading Judge Brooks Blitch, III indicted on Sweeping Federal Corruption and Conspiracy Charges

Rampant Judicial Corruption in Pennsylvania



There is quite a soap opera in Pennsylvania featuring corrupt judges and attorneys!

Money, money, money!

Prosecutors allege attorney Robert Powell paid Judge Michael T. Conahan and former Judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr. more than $700,000 for their role in sending juveniles to Powell’s for-profit detention centers.

Continue reading Rampant Judicial Corruption in Pennsylvania

Bad Judge: Judge Patricia Gardner with the the 17th Circuit Court, Family Court in Kent County, Grand Rapids, Michigan


Judge Patricia Gardner with the the 17th Circuit Court, Family Court in Kent County, Grand Rapids, Michigan is a bad judge.

How Does A Bad Judge Stay In Office?

Read this article by Deanna Kloostra, February 1,  2011….  

Continue reading Bad Judge: Judge Patricia Gardner with the the 17th Circuit Court, Family Court in Kent County, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Federal Judge Impeached…It’s a Start




It’s a start.

The U.S. Senate found Federal Judge G. Thomas Porteous of Louisiana guilty on four articles of impeachment on Wednesday, which will remove him from the federal bench.

He had been accused of accepting kick-backs and lying to the Senate and FBI.

The vote makes Porteous, 63, only the eighth federal judge in the nation’s history to be impeached and convicted.

Continue reading Federal Judge Impeached…It’s a Start

Atlanta Federal Judge Jack Camp Pleads Guilty and Resigns

jack-camp-judge-jack-camp-jack-t-camp-jr1Another of Atlanta’s “finest” federal judges, Jack Camp, pleaded guilty on November 19, 201 to two-drug related charges, including a felony count of giving his stripper girlfriend cocaine even though he knew she was a convicted felon.

U.S. Senior Judge Jack T. Camp pleaded guilty to the felony charge of aiding and abetting a felon’s possession of cocaine when he bought drugs for the stripper, who was secretly cooperating with authorities. He also pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors: possession of illegal drugs and illegally giving the stripper his government-issued laptop.

Continue reading Atlanta Federal Judge Jack Camp Pleads Guilty and Resigns

Atlanta Federal Judge Jack Camp Arrested

jack-camp-judge-jack-camp-jack-t-camp-jr1Another of Atlanta’s “finest” federal judges, Jack Camp, has been arrested. 

He was caught allegedly buying drugs for his stripper girlfriend.

All of ther federal judges recused themselves in Judge Camp’s case. 

So, the Chief Justice of The United States Supreme Court has named a judge from another circuit to handle the case.

Continue reading Atlanta Federal Judge Jack Camp Arrested

Violation #5 – Professional Misconduct of Attorneys – Counseled Client to Engage in Criminal Conduct

The following information is taken from a sworn affidavit that I filed with the courts as part of complaints about the professional misconduct of the attorneys involved:  The proof of this violation is found in the deposition testimony of Maid of the Mist’s managers who admitted that much of what was in the Verified Complaint drated by Marc W. Brown of Phillips Lytle was false and was not the personal knowledge of anyone, much less the President who signed the verification saying it was on his “personal knowledge.”  Exhibit 1 to Windsor Declaration #3 – Motion to Reopen the Case — Each of the false statements is listed with the proof that it is false shown beneath with citations to the record.

1.    On August 17, 2005, Time Slips show that Mr. Marc Brown (“Mr. Brown”) of Phillips Lytle became involved in this matter.  He asked Mr. Anderson what should be in Glynn’s affidavit for the lawsuit.  Mr. Brown then outlined the affidavit and drafted the affidavit. [Evans Docket #253-15, P 2.]  This establishes that both Mr. Brown and Mr. Anderson are guilty of preparing the false sworn affidavit.  Mr. Russ was also involved.  One of the most basic things that all attorneys must know is what “personal knowledge” means.  Very little of what Mr. Brown and Mr. Anderson drafted for Glynn was within his personal knowledge.  These attorneys knew he did not have the personal knowledge of the various false claims that they wrote for him.  Glynn, Schul, and Ruddy all testified that statements made by Glynn in this affidavit were false.

2.    VIOLATIONS BY HAWKINS & PARNELL — Violation of Rule 1.2(D) of the GCPC — A lawyer shall not counsel to engage in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent; shall not knowingly assist a client in such conduct; Conspiracy to Commit Fraud; Subornation of Perjury in violation of O.C.G.A. 16-10-72, USC 18 § 1622, O.C.G.A. 16-10-72, and O.C.G.A. 16-10-93; Obstruction Of Justice — influencing testimony in violation of 18 USC § 1512(b); Violation of Local Rule 83.1C — All lawyers practicing before this court shall be governed by and shall comply with the specific rules of practice adopted by this court and, unless otherwise provided, with the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct contained in the Rules and Regulations of the State Bar of Georgia and with the decisions of this court interpreting these rules and standards; Violation of Rule 8.4 of the GCPC — A lawyer shall not violate or attempt to violate the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another; shall not engage in professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.  (Proof is provided in the paragraph above and the exhibits cited therein, oral contract, Evans Docket #253-15, Evans Docket #90 and 132 — Ruddy Depo testimony, Evans Docket #159 — Glynn Depo testimony, Evans Docket #133 and 160 — Schul Depo testimony, Docket #377 — Exhibits 1 to 28 in Amended Dec #3 and all citations therein.)

3.    VIOLATIONS BY CARL HUGO ANDERSON — Violation of Rule 1.2(D) of the GCPC — A lawyer shall not counsel to engage in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent; shall not knowingly assist a client in such conduct; Conspiracy to Commit Fraud; Subornation of Perjury in violation of O.C.G.A. 16-10-72, USC 18 § 1622, O.C.G.A. 16-10-72, and O.C.G.A. 16-10-93; Obstruction Of Justice — influencing testimony in violation of 18 USC § 1512(b); Violation of Local Rule 83.1C — All lawyers practicing before this court shall be governed by and shall comply with the specific rules of practice adopted by this court and, unless otherwise provided, with the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct contained in the Rules and Regulations of the State Bar of Georgia and with the decisions of this court interpreting these rules and standards; Violation of Rule 8.4 of the GCPC — A lawyer shall not violate or attempt to violate the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another; shall not engage in professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.  (Proof is provided in the paragraph above and the exhibits cited therein, oral contract, Evans Docket #253-15, Evans Docket #90 and 132 — Ruddy Depo testimony, Evans Docket #159 — Glynn Depo testimony, Evans Docket #133 and 160 — Schul Depo testimony, Docket #377 — Exhibits 1 to 28 in Amended Dec #3 and all citations therein.)

4.    VIOLATIONS BY PHILLIPS LYTLE — Violation of Rule 1.2(D) of the GCPC — A lawyer shall not counsel to engage in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent; shall not knowingly assist a client in such conduct; Conspiracy to Commit Fraud; Subornation of Perjury in violation of O.C.G.A. 16-10-72, USC 18 § 1622, O.C.G.A. 16-10-72, and O.C.G.A. 16-10-93; Obstruction Of Justice — influencing testimony in violation of 18 USC § 1512(b); Violation of Local Rule 83.1C — All lawyers practicing before this court shall be governed by and shall comply with the specific rules of practice adopted by this court and, unless otherwise provided, with the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct contained in the Rules and Regulations of the State Bar of Georgia and with the decisions of this court interpreting these rules and standards; Violation of Rule 8.4 of the GCPC — A lawyer shall not violate or attempt to violate the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another; shall not engage in professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.  (Proof is provided in the paragraph above and the exhibits cited therein, oral contract, Evans Docket #253-15, Evans Docket #90 and 132 — Ruddy Depo testimony, Evans Docket #159 — Glynn Depo testimony, Evans Docket #133 and 160 — Schul Depo testimony, Docket #377 — Exhibits 1 to 28 in Amended Dec #3 and all citations therein.)

5.    VIOLATIONS BY MARC W. BROWN — Violation of Rule 1.2(D) of the GCPC — A lawyer shall not counsel to engage in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent; shall not knowingly assist a client in such conduct; Conspiracy to Commit Fraud; Subornation of Perjury in violation of O.C.G.A. 16-10-72, USC 18 § 1622, O.C.G.A. 16-10-72, and O.C.G.A. 16-10-93; Obstruction Of Justice — influencing testimony in violation of 18 USC § 1512(b); Violation of Local Rule 83.1C — All lawyers practicing before this court shall be governed by and shall comply with the specific rules of practice adopted by this court and, unless otherwise provided, with the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct contained in the Rules and Regulations of the State Bar of Georgia and with the decisions of this court interpreting these rules and standards; Violation of Rule 8.4 of the GCPC — A lawyer shall not violate or attempt to violate the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another; shall not engage in professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.  (Proof is provided in the paragraph above and the exhibits cited therein, oral contract, Evans Docket #253-15, Evans Docket #90 and 132 — Ruddy Depo testimony, Evans Docket #159 — Glynn Depo testimony, Evans Docket #133 and 160 — Schul Depo testimony, Docket #377 — Exhibits 1 to 28 in Amended Dec #3 and all citations therein.)

6.    VIOLATIONS BY ARTHUR P. RUSS — Violation of Rule 1.2(D) of the GCPC — A lawyer shall not counsel to engage in conduct that the lawyer knows is criminal or fraudulent; shall not knowingly assist a client in such conduct; Conspiracy to Commit Fraud; Subornation of Perjury in violation of O.C.G.A. 16-10-72, USC 18 § 1622, O.C.G.A. 16-10-72, and O.C.G.A. 16-10-93; Obstruction Of Justice — influencing testimony in violation of 18 USC § 1512(b); Violation of Local Rule 83.1C — All lawyers practicing before this court shall be governed by and shall comply with the specific rules of practice adopted by this court and, unless otherwise provided, with the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct contained in the Rules and Regulations of the State Bar of Georgia and with the decisions of this court interpreting these rules and standards; Violation of Rule 8.4 of the GCPC — A lawyer shall not violate or attempt to violate the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another; shall not engage in professional conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.  (Proof is provided in the paragraph above and the exhibits cited therein, oral contract, Evans Docket #253-15, Evans Docket #90 and 132 — Ruddy Depo testimony, Evans Docket #159 — Glynn Depo testimony, Evans Docket #133 and 160 — Schul Depo testimony, Docket #377 — Exhibits 1 to 28 in Amended Dec #3 and all citations therein.)


I have filed a Verified Complaint of Professional Misconduct against Carl Hugo Anderson, Hawkins Parnell Thackston Young, Sarah Bright, Brett Mendell, Phillips Lytle, Marc Brown, and Arthur P. Russ.  I have also filed a lawsuit against most of these attorneys for fraud upon the courts, RICO violations, and other violations in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia – Civil Action No. 1:09-CV-02027-WSD.  I am filing a complaint with the State Bar of Georgia and the New York State Bar Association.