Windsor to Test First Amendment Rights in Person at The Supreme Court



Next week, I will be testing the First Amendment right to free speech at The Clerk’s Office of The United States Supreme Court.

 I have written to the Clerk of the Court, William K. Suter, to request an appointment, but I will go regardless.

I will attempt to obtain evidence of illegal practices of the Clerk’s Office and the United States Supreme Court….

Continue reading Windsor to Test First Amendment Rights in Person at The Supreme Court

Judicial Reform in Minnesota



Corruption in Minnesota is very much alive.

I am getting reports of judicial corruption from all over the country. 

Please check out this Minnesota Judicial Corruption Video that I just received.


Continue reading Judicial Reform in Minnesota

Orly Taitz – The Queen of the Birthers


One of my hundreds of phone calls from the last three weeks was from Orly Taitz.

 I was finally able to return her call today, and we had a great chat.

If you don’t know the name “Orly Taitz,” you will know about the efforts of the birthers with President Obama’s birth status.

Orly wants to team up with us in the battle against governmental corruption….



Continue reading Orly Taitz – The Queen of the Birthers

Attacking the Supreme Court



I am not going to sit idly and allow the United States Supreme Court to invalidate the Constitution of the United States.  The printer is now printing three Petitions for Rehearing that I will file by the end of the week.

Our federal court system is corrupt from the bottom to the top.  I will exclude Sonia Sotomayor from the list for the moment, because I have reason to suspect that she would have done the right thing, but six justices is all it takes, and she was outvoted.

I will be on many radio shows in the next few weeks.  I’ll post the stations that I will be on when they give me all the information.



Continue reading Attacking the Supreme Court

Supreme Court Landmark Decision means Constitution is Void


The United States Supreme Court issued a landmark decision on the validity of the Constitution of the United States on January 18, 2011.

I have been ill since mid-December, and I had my fourth eye surgery on Monday.  I am sorry that I have not updated the site for a month or so.  As soon as I can see again, I will write a daily blog.

This news has gotten a lot of coverage online.  It is amazing to me the people who don’t have a clue what they are talking about who say this is bogus and a hoax. 

Heaven help us!

The most important facts for everyone to know at this point are that our federal court system is corrupt from the bottom to the top.  I will exclude Sonia Sotomayor from the list for the moment, because I have reason to suspect that she would have done the right thing, but six justices is all it takes, and she was outvoted.

I will be on many radio shows in the next few weeks.  I’ll post the stations that I will be on when they give me all the information.

Continue reading Supreme Court Landmark Decision means Constitution is Void

William M. Windsor recovers from Eye Surgery — Ready to Renew Fight against Government Corruption


I have been ill since mid-December, and I had my fourth eye surgery on January 17.  I am pleased to report that I can see again.  I am no longer wearing a metal cage over my eye, so I can use my reading glasses once more.  I will write a daily blog from now on.

The news of my Supreme Court ruling against the Constitution has gotten a lot of coverage online.  Unfortunately, little or no mainstream media coverage

I will be on many radio shows in the next few weeks.  I’ll post the stations that I will be on when they give me all the information.

A lot is happening, so please read on….



Continue reading William M. Windsor recovers from Eye Surgery — Ready to Renew Fight against Government Corruption

42 U.S.C. 1983 allows You to sue for Violation of Your Rights


I came across this information online while doing some research.

There is a lot of excellent information about 42 U.S.C. 1983.

I copied it from

Continue reading 42 U.S.C. 1983 allows You to sue for Violation of Your Rights

Windsor files Petition for Rehearing with U.S. Supreme Court

On November 29, 2010, The United States Supreme Court denied a Petition for Writ of Certiorari filed by me.  It was a one-word ruling: DENIED.

The justices of our Supreme Court were told that the federal judges in Atlanta are corrupt and are violating the Constitution.  Nothing was filed against me, so my Petition was uncontroverted, uncontested.

On December 6, 2010, I sent a Petition for Rehearing to The Supreme Court, and I gave them notice of potential criminal action against them.

Continue reading Windsor files Petition for Rehearing with U.S. Supreme Court

Judge Orinda D. Evans is as Crooked as They Come


Judge Orinda D. Evans is as crooked as they come.

The latest from Judge..Orinda..D..Evans is an order dated November 22, 2010 in which she is claiming to have authority to stop me from filing a lawsuit against her.  Seeing her impeached will not come soon enough.

Continue reading Judge Orinda D. Evans is as Crooked as They Come

Supreme Court says Judicial Corruption is not Worthy




The United States Supreme Court will soon issue a landmark decision on the validity of the Constitution of the United States, and on November 29, the justices signaled how they will likely vote.

I would have been surprised if they had granted this, but this is very discouraging.  I would think that if honest judges were told that the federal judges in Atlanta are corrupt and are violating the Constitution, they would act.  We’ll see what happens on the vital petitions for writs of mandamus, but I now suspect they will essentially void big hunks of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Continue reading Supreme Court says Judicial Corruption is not Worthy