
Windsor to Test First Amendment Rights in Person at The Supreme Court



Next week, I will be testing the First Amendment right to free speech at The Clerk’s Office of The United States Supreme Court.

 I have written to the Clerk of the Court, William K. Suter, to request an appointment, but I will go regardless.

I will attempt to obtain evidence of illegal practices of the Clerk’s Office and the United States Supreme Court….

Missing Court Records 

The United Nations conference on judicial corruption worldwide says one of the cardinal signs of judicial corruption is missing court records.  See Strengthening Judicial Integrity Against Corruption – UN International Crime Prevention Center

Well, surprise, surprise, we have problems at The United States Supreme Court.  Statutes provide the essential elements form a valid court order, and I believe The Supreme Court has issued thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of invalid orders.  I know that, based upon the statutes, the so-called orders that have been issued in my cases at The Supreme Court include many invalid orders.  The so-called orders are nothing but two or three sentence letters, and they are not signed by anyone in authority.

So, to Washington, DC I go.  I will march right up to The Supreme Court, take my written request to the U.S. Marshals station in the little booth on the side street on the right side of SCOTUS.  The Marshal/Police will stamp my written request for valid court records “RECEIVED,” and I will then get an appointment 24-48 hours later that will allow me to enter the Office of the Clerk.

I am asking permission to inspect and to copy the records of my court actions that SCOTUS considers the valid records of the denial of my applications, motions, and petitions.

SCOTUS may deny access to the computerized records, but they have no right to deny me the records.  This is a right guaranteed by Article I of the Bill of Rights.

Others have made attempts to get records, and they have been denied.  I do not plan to be denied.  If I have to, I will go to a District Court (not a federal court), and seek a subpoena.  I need the records for a legal action that I will be filing, and it will be obstruction of justice to deny access.

 Several of us are systematically documenting the denial of access to court records.  Others have been sent on wild goose chases to the National Archives and the Library of Congress.  That is the equivalent of “go climb a tree,” and I won’t be doing any tree climbing.  I will stand their politely insisteing that my First Amendment rights are being violated, and I will demand the records.  I have the right to access to these records pursuant to Due Process rights as well.

I plan to return with some interesting photographs.  I will have a witness with me who will write down everything that happens.

If I manage to access the SCOTUS electronic court files, we will consider it an important event in civil rights as we believe no one has ever been able to obtain access to these public records. 

No attorney would dare do what I am doing, because he/she would be screwed professionally as a consequence.  I have no fear; the government just hates that when it happens.

This will be interesting.  Stay tuned for more details.

On the Radio This Week 

I will be on three radio shows on Tuesday.  One will be live at 10 pm, and the other two will be taped for future broadcast.  I’ll post the times and how you can listen as soon as I have the information.  One of the most important is on In Discussion with David Gibbons.  Mr. Gibbons interviews important people worldwide, so I am honored to be invited.

All of the Senators and Congressmen have now been sent a letter from me asking them to start impeachment proceedings and public hearings into federal judicial corruption.  I am yet to receive a response from anyone.


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