Right to Appeal Voided in Corrupt Federal Courts in Georgia


82-year-old federal Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat has announced that the right to file an appeal no longer exists in federal courts.

At least it doesn’t exist if your name is Windsor.

In a shocking order, Judge Tjoflat and his running buddies, Judge Ed Carnes, and Judge William H. Pryor, have denied my wife’s right to appeal….


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Pro Se Help — Put a Verification on Everything


Pro Se Help — Put a Verification on Everything.

As a pro se party, the cards are totally stacked against you.

You probably don’t have a chance in the world of being successful in your litigation, but the more tricks you know, the better your odds will be….

Continue reading Pro Se Help — Put a Verification on Everything

Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash Charges Plaintiff $6 Million as a Case Filing Fee


Atlanta Georgia federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash has charged a Plaintiff $6 Million Dollars as a court filing fee.  Every other plaintiff pays $350.

We’ll, to be precise, Judge Thomas W. Thrash charged only $5,950,000.

This is a corrupt act by Judge Thomas W. Thrash that joins the Judicial Corruption Hall of Shame with the  judge who filed a $67 million dollar lawsuit against a dry cleaners for misplacing a pair of pants….

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Why Judge Thomas W. Thrash Commits Crimes and How He Does It


Judge Thomas W. Thrash regularly commits crimes. 

I have just completed a 5-part article that details all of the crimes and corrupt practices of Judge Thomas W. Thrash in just one lawsuit.

Now I’m going to explain why Judge Thrash commits crimes and summarize the various techniques that he uses to commit crimes while hiding behind his black robe….

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Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 4


This is Part 4 of an article that proves how federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash commits crimes while hiding behind his black robe and his mega-ugly scowl.

It can take a lot of work to understand how the judges commit crimes against pro se parties, but in this relatively simple case, all it takes is a little reading.

Please read along, and check the various court filings to understand the various crimes.  Then check what happened in your case(s)…

Continue reading Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 4

Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 5


This is Part 5 of a 5-part article that proves how federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash commits crimes while hiding behind his black robe and his mega-ugly scowl.

It can take a lot of work to understand how the judges commit crimes against pro se parties, but in this relatively simple case, all it takes is a little reading.

Please read along, and check the various court filings to understand the various crimes.  Then check what happened in your case(s) so you can identify crimes committed against you…

Continue reading Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 5

Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 3


This is Part 3 of an article that proves how federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash commits crimes while hiding behind his black robe and his mega-ugly scowl.

It can take a lot of work to understand how the judges screw, glue, and tattoo pro se parties, but in this relatively simple case, all it takes is a little reading.

Please read along, and check the various court filings to understand the various crimes.  Then check what happened in your case(s)…

Continue reading Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 3

Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 1


Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash is a criminal.  Unfortunately, he continues to commit crimes while hiding behind his black robe and a mega-ugly scowl.

Judges commit crimes in a wide variety of ways.  They attempt to disguise their crimes by committing them while pretending to be doing their jobs.

It can take a lot of work to understand what they are doing, but in this relatively simple case, all it takes is a little reading….

Continue reading Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 1

Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 2


This is Part 2 of an article that proves how federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash commits crimes while hiding behind his black robe and his mega-ugly scowl.

It can take a lot of work to understand how the judges screw, glue, and tattoo pro se parties, but in this relatively simple case, all it takes is a little reading.

Please read along, and check the various court filings to understand the various crimes.  Then check what happened in your case(s)…

Continue reading Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 2

Corrupt Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash dismisses Windsor Declaratory Judgment Action


Judge Thomas W. Thrash has dismissed William M. Windsor’s Declaratory Judgment Action that asked a Georgia state court to clarify what the state’s power of attorney statute means.

Judge Thrash, perhaps the biggest criminal in the ranks of the many corrupt federal judges in Georgia, dismissed the case while committing crimes left and right, violating numerous rules of civil procedure, ignoring the Code of Judicial Conduct, and obliterating Windsor’s alleged rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights….

Continue reading Corrupt Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash dismisses Windsor Declaratory Judgment Action