
Corrupt Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash dismisses Windsor Declaratory Judgment Action


Judge Thomas W. Thrash has dismissed William M. Windsor’s Declaratory Judgment Action that asked a Georgia state court to clarify what the state’s power of attorney statute means.

Judge Thrash, perhaps the biggest criminal in the ranks of the many corrupt federal judges in Georgia, dismissed the case while committing crimes left and right, violating numerous rules of civil procedure, ignoring the Code of Judicial Conduct, and obliterating Windsor’s alleged rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights….

Judge Thrash’s order claims to be dated October 28, 2011, but it was not docketed until October 31, 2011 (which is the effective date). 

On October 17, 2011, Judge Thrash issued an Order to Show Cause directing Windsor to respond in 14 days explaining why the case should not be dismissed.

On October 31, 2011, Windsor filed his Response to the Order to Show Cause, but it was never docketed or processed.  A courier hand-delivered the Response to the Order to Show Cause with a cover letter.  Ms. Gutting, a Deputy Clerk in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, signed a receipt proving delivery.  (Delivery constitutes filing.) 

On October 31, 2011, the Clerk of the Court entered an order dismissing the case, and the Clerk entered a judgment.  The Docket on November 1, 2011 does not show any of Windsor’s filings or the filings of process servers on October 31.

In this order docketed on October 31, 2011, Judge Thrash ordered that Windsor not be allowed to file any attachments with his Notice of Appeal.  This was done to block Windsor from attaching all of the filings that Judge Thrash destroyed or otherwise concealed.  These include Windsor’s Response to the Order to Show Cause, the Notice of Filing of the Response to the Order to Show Cause, Affidavits of Service on three of the Defendants who had evaded service, the sworn Affidavit of the Process Server, and more.

Judge Thomas W. Thrash may be the biggest criminal in the ranks of the corrupt federal judges in Georgia.  He has committed an amazing number of felonies in just a few short months.  He has committed TREASON, and he should be punished accordingly.

I filed a Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge Thomas W. Thrash on August 1, 2011.  That was 93 days ago.  There has been no response from the corrupt judges at the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

Among the highlights of the intentional wrongdoing in this action are the following:

Judge Thomas W. Thrash never had any jurisdiction in this case.  It is a declaratory judgment action based upon Georgia law, and there was no basis for removal to federal court.  The removal was the corrupt act of U.S. Attorney Sally Quillian Yates and Assistant U.S. Attorney Christopher Huber.  Judge Thomas W. Thrash never ruled on whether he had jurisdiction, and he destroyed or otherwise concealed Windsor’s Motion for Remand.

Judge Thomas W. Thrash issued an injunction against Windsor without giving him the right to be heard.

Judge Thomas W. Thrash ignored Windsor’s motions for recusal.  Among other reasons, Judge Thrash is a defendant in two Windsor lawsuits that charge Judge Thrash with criminal racketeering.

Judge Thomas W. Thrash destroyed or otherwise concealed a number oif Windsor’s filings.

Judge Thomas W. Thrash never issued an order based upon the facts or the law.

All of this was done for the sole purpose of committing the crimes of Obstruction of Justice and RICO — Criminal Racketeering.

This simple declaratory judgment action presents a good example of how the corruption works with Judge Thomas W. Thrash and the other federal judges in Georgia.  So, I am going to prepare an Anatomy of a Lawsuit to show every single thing that took place in Civil Action 1:11-CV-01922-TWT in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.  I’ll link all the proof and explain just what was done and the corrupt reasons for so doing.

These criminals are so confident that no one will ever hold them accountable that they commit these felonies in broad daylight in public records without fear.

In my opinion, anyone who feels they were taken advantage of in a federal court action probably was.  What’s sad is that tens of thousands of people, perhaps millions, have been victims of judicial corruption, and they probably don’t even know it.  American has been broken by crooks such as Judge Thomas W. Thrash.

William M. Windsor

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