Expert says Fraud in U.S. Supreme Court Records received by William M. Windsor from the Office of Clerk Suter



Were the petition and application of William M. Windsor reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court? 

There is no way to tell!!!  No valid judicial records have been discovered so far and in the most recent response from the office of Clerk Suter, false and deliberately misleading records have been produced by the Supreme Court of the United States.

Records received by William M. Windsor from the office of Supreme Court Clerk William K. Suter have led to the posting of an opinion of fraud by the office of Clerk Suter of the U.S. Supreme Court…. 

Los Angeles, February 10 –  Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert (NGO), has recently filed a request with the U.S. Congress for impeachment of Clerk Suter of the U.S. Supreme Court, for Deprivation of Rights:  

  • Denying petitioners and applicants the Due Process right of notice and service of orders of the Court, and
  • Denying the People access to the judicial records of the court. [[i]]

Human Rights Alert further noted, that the U.S. Supreme Court, where valid judicial records in numerous cases are nowhere to be found, today fails to meet fundamental standards of an honest tribunal. [[ii]]

Now, additional records, received by petitioner William M. Windsor from the office of Clerk Suter, led to the posting of opinion of fraud by the office of Clerk Suter of the U.S. Supreme Court. [[iii]]

Windsor has been trying for sometime to discover, whether petitions and applications, which he filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in effort to protect his rights, were at all reviewed by the Court:

  • The online dockets of the Supreme Court of the United States note denial of Windsor’s petition and application on January 18, 2011.  However, Windsor has not been duly served by Clerk Suter with the order of denial.
  • Consequently, Windsor has unsuccessfully attempted to discover valid judicial records of the presumed January 18, 2011, review and denial of his petition and application. [[iv]]
  • On January 18-21, 2011, Mr George McDermott of Maryland, unrelated to the case, attempted to access the paper and electronic files and judicial records of the U.S. Supreme Court, pertaining to Mr Windsor and others.  The office of Clerk Suter denied access to the records. [[v]]
  • Later, as further effort to discover whether his case was at all reviewed by the Supreme Court, Windsor filed a Motion for an Order by the Court on Clerk William S. Suter for Service of Valid Evidence of Denial.  On February 8, 2011, the Motion was stamped “Received” by the office of the Clerk of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Now, Windsor received a response from the office of Clerk Suter on his February 8, 2011 Motion:

  • A February 8, 2011 letter was issued on behalf of Clerk William Suter, signed by Ms Cynthia Rapp, with no notation of her authority.
  • The enclosure to the February 8, 2011 Ms Rapp letter includes a copy of a record, which is an unsigned January 18, 2011 Order, denying Windsor’s Petition (10-690). Unsigned judicial records are invalid ones.
  • The copy of the unsigned January 18, 2011 unsigned Order was further stamped “True Copy,” but the signature on the “True Copy” stamp was an invalid signature as well.

Based on such records, Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rights Alert, has issued a statement:

In the February 8, 2011 letter, invalid records are provided to William M. Windsor on behalf of Clerk William Suter of the US Supreme Court. Moreover, the February 8, 2010 letter, signed by Ms Cynthia Rapp, demonstrates ongoing efforts to mislead Mr Windsor that he has been served with valid records pertaining to the denial of his petition and application (10-690 and 10-A690) by the Supreme Court of the United States.

In addition, Dr. Zernik, PhD, has opined that conduct of the office of Clerk William Suter in this case amounts to Fraud.

Dr. Zernik has accumulated substantial experience in examining records of the U.S. and state courts, of U.S. prisons, as well as U.S. banking records.  His opinions regarding such records were often supported by leading experts in related fields. [[vi]]  His reviews regarding computerized court and prison records in the United States were published in international, peer-reviewed computer science journal. [[vii], [viii]]  Report authored by Dr. Zernik on behalf of Human Rights Alert (NGO), was incorporated into official United Nations report with reference to “Corruption of the courts and the legal profession” in California. [[ix]]


[i] 11-01-25 Request for Impeachment of US Supreme Court Clerk William Suter
[ii] 11-02-08 Where Are the Missing Records of the Supreme Court of the United States?
[iii] 11-02-10 Windsor v Maid of the Mist Corporation (10-690 and 10-A690) – Fraud opined in U.S. Supreme Court records, received by Mr Windsor from office of Clerk Suter
[iv] 11-01-28 Press Release: Windsor v Maid of the Mist (10-A690) in the U.S. Supreme Court – Alleged “Shell Game Fraud”
[v] 11-01-22 Declaration of George McDermott in re: Attempt to Access U.S. Supreme Court Paper and Electronic Records to Inspect and to Copy
[vi] 11-01-06 Joseph Zernik, PhD, Biographical Sketch
[vii] 10-08-18 Zernik, J: Data Mining as a Civic Duty “Online Public Prisoners” Registration Systems, International Journal on Social Media: Monitoring, Measurement, Mining 1: 84-96 (2010)
[viii] 10-08-18 Zernik, J: Data Mining of Online Judicial Records of the Networked U.S. Federal Courts, International Journal on Social Media: Monitoring, Measurement, Mining, 1:69-83 (2010)
[ix] 10-04-19 Human Rights Alert (NG0) submission to the  United Nations Human Rights Council  for the 2010 Review (UPR) of Human Rights in the United States as incorporated into the UPR staff report:

Obstruction of Justice at The Supreme Court



The Clerk’s Office of The United States Supreme Court is committing obstruction of justice and violating Constitutional and legal rights.

 I have written to the Clerk of the Court, William K. Suter, to request an appointment. 

I have called asking to speak to him, but they refuse to put my calls through to him or his assistant or anyone else.

I am now collecting evidence of illegal practices of the Clerk’s Office and the United States Supreme Court….

Continue reading Obstruction of Justice at The Supreme Court

Who is this Man…and Why is he Smiling?



Who is this man, and why is he smiling?

This is my congressman, Congressman Tom Price.

I believe he is smiling because he is happy ignoring his constituents and the problems that we face in America.

I have asked Congress to impeach 27 federal judges, and Mr. Price replied that he is prohibited from becoming involved in matters dealing with the justice system….

Continue reading Who is this Man…and Why is he Smiling?

Congress asked to Impeach 27 Federal Judges for Corruption

district-of-columbia-washington-capitol-800000-washington dc 068-300w


Congress has been asked to conduct public hearings and impeach 27 federal judges.

Last year, I wrote to every member of the House and Senate judiciary committees.  I asked them to take action against corrupt federal judges.  Only Senator Arlen Specter responded.  He referred me to my Senator, and Senator Saxby Chambliss said he couldn’t get involved.  Not a single solitary person anywhere in the federal government has responded or done a thing about this.

Well I have now written to EVERY member of the House and Senate.

I have asked Congress to impeach 14 federal judges in Atlanta, four in Washington DC, and the nine justices of the United States Supreme Court….



Continue reading Congress asked to Impeach 27 Federal Judges for Corruption

How can America be so Corrupt?



How can America be so corrupt?

I thought America was a “free country” with the “greatest legal system in the world” – so how can you say it is corrupt?

Consider this just received from Mark Garner …

Continue reading How can America be so Corrupt?

Windsor to Test First Amendment Rights in Person at The Supreme Court



Next week, I will be testing the First Amendment right to free speech at The Clerk’s Office of The United States Supreme Court.

 I have written to the Clerk of the Court, William K. Suter, to request an appointment, but I will go regardless.

I will attempt to obtain evidence of illegal practices of the Clerk’s Office and the United States Supreme Court….

Continue reading Windsor to Test First Amendment Rights in Person at The Supreme Court

How can you tell if William M. Windsor is telling the Truth?

How can you tell if I am telling the truth?

It really upsets me when I read on various forums that I’m a nut, none of this is true, our judiciary isn’t corrupt, The Supreme Court did no such thing.

But, it is the natural reaction for many to doubt what they read and hear.  There is so much dishonesty that it is hard for me to blame folks.

Well, I am telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and I will prove it to anyone at any time….

If you have any doubt that what I am saying is true, please post a comment here or email me at

I have had my Constitutional rights violated so much by our federal courts that it takes hundreds of pages just to list the violations.

Proof Made Easy

Let me ask you some questions:

If you were involved in a lawsuit where the opposing party completely made up the lawsuit — nothing at all was true — and you obtained sworn testimony from three senior managers with the opposing party who stated under oath that the claims in the lawsuit were not true, would your Constitutional rights be violated if the judge refused to consider the properly filed evidence?

If you appealed your case to the Court of Appeals and explained that the district court judge responded on the record “I’m not going to consider that” when you said you had documented over 400 counts of perjury by the opposing party, would your Constitutional rights be violated if the appellate judges ignored this and declared your appeal was frivolous?

If you appealed your case to The United States Supreme Court based upon massive violations of your Constitutional rights, and The Supreme Court said the case was not worthy of their consideration, would your Constitutional rights be violated?

Well, all of that happened to me, and a lot more.  It’s just this simple: Undeniable, uncontroverted proof of over 2,000 counts of perjury were presented to Federal Judges Orinda D. Evans, William S. Duffey, and Julie E. Carnes in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, and they refused to allow it to be discussed or considered.  Then every judge with the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit and the United States Supreme Court did as well.  Judge Richard J. Leon in the United States District Court for the DC Circuit refused to consider it, as did Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg, Judge Janice Rogers Brown, and Judge David S. Tatel with the United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit.  If this isn’t a denial of due process, fundamental fairness, and justice, then I’m a liar.


Laundry List of Some of the Constitutional Violations

I have incurred a fortune in legal fees and court costs and have never been granted a hearing.  I have asked for hearings repeatedly over the years, and never once did any judge allow my case to be discussed in a courtroom.

There are specific motions that require a right to be heard at a hearing before the judge, and I was even denied these rights.

Judge Orinda D. Evans gave the opposing party a summary judgment when the central issue in the case was a disputed fact, and summary judgments are not allowed in such cases.

The judges have ignored the law and the rules. 

In all of the substantive orders in my court actions, the controlling statutes and case law precedents were never honored.

In over a dozen orders from the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit involving my appeals, the judges never once discussed the facts or the law that I presented.

The fundamental right to have the Court accept my sworn affidavits as true has been violated.  I have sworn to EVERYTHING that I have ever said under oath under penalty of perjury before a notary.  My sworn affidavits have been ignored.  This is made even worse because my affidavits have not been controverted in any manner.

There are two documents on file under seal in the federal courthouse in Atlanta, Georgia.  These documents will prove the fraud upon the courts and the obstruction of justice by Judge Orinda D. Evans, but 22 federal judges, including the nine justices of The United States Supreme Court, have refused to take two minutes to inspect these documents to see the proof.

Judges are allegedly required to be impartial.  In my dealings, there has never been one iota of impartiality.

The rights of confrontation and cross-examination are basic.   In my lawsuits, I have reported massive perjury, yet I was denied the right to examine the perjurors.

Decisions are supposed to be based upon the evidence presented.  But the judges ignored the facts and the law and even invented their own facts.  The court records prove this.

Judge Evans did not allow me the most basic discovery.  I was never even given the names and contact information for potential witnesses employed by the opposing party. 

Judge Evans denied me the ability to take deposition testimony of any of the people directly involved with customers or any customers. 

You allegedly have the right to subpoena witnesses and any documents or other evidence that may support your position or contradict evidence presented against you, but Judge Evans denied me the ability to subpoena witnesses and obtain documents. 

You allegedly have the right to protections expressly created in statute and case law precedent, but in my actions, statutes have been violated and overwhelming case law has been ignored.

You have the right to equal protection of the law regardless of race, creed, color, religion, ethnic origin, age, handicaps, or sex.  You have the statutory right to represent yourself in court, but all of the judges have denied equal protection to me and probably all pro se parties.

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right of trial by jury, which protects the right of the accused to be judged by ordinary people in the community rather than by the judge presiding over the case.  But I was denied a trial by jury. 

In a hearing that was granted to the opposing party, I was denied the right to call witnesses.  I was denied the right to cross-examine witnesses.  I was denied the right to admit proof into evidence. 

An inherent right is the honesty of the judge.  In my dealings with the courts, there has been massive dishonesty, but no one will do anything about it.

Judges are alegedly required to honor the canons of the Code of Judicial Procedure, but all of the judges involved have repeatedly violated the canons and their oaths, and no one will do anything about it.

Inherent in due process is the expectation that the judge will not violate criminal statutes.  In my dealings with the federal courts, the judges have intentionally violated over a dozen federal criminal statutes.


So, ladies and gentlemen, I have the proof of all of the above.  It is all filed in various court records.  So, please stop anyone out there from trying to claim that this isn’t real.  The United States Supreme Court was presented with all of the proof, and they refused to tell the federal judges that they cannot violate the Constitution.  That was a simple request that honest judges would have had no difficulty ordering…but they refused to do so.  They refused to say that federal judges must honor the Constitution.

As I have been saying for months, this should not even be about me.  This corruption is everywhere.  Our country has a crisis that I believe is the most significant we have ever faced.

I’m a retired grandpa who has never taken up any cause with a state or our federal government.  I just happen to be a far more intelligent person than your average pro se party.  People like me usually have attorneys.  Judges avoid having their corruption publicized because attorneys cannot risk their careers and most pro se parties either would never do what I have done or don’t know how.  All of these federal judges hate, loathe, and despise me because I am about as intelligent as they are, much more creative, and not afraid at all.  I am their worst nightmare, and I am committed to fight this until it is fixed or until I die, whichever comes first.  For now, I am betting on death, but fighting with a never-say-die attitude.

William M. Windsor


Judicial Reform in Minnesota



Corruption in Minnesota is very much alive.

I am getting reports of judicial corruption from all over the country. 

Please check out this Minnesota Judicial Corruption Video that I just received.


Continue reading Judicial Reform in Minnesota

Orly Taitz – The Queen of the Birthers


One of my hundreds of phone calls from the last three weeks was from Orly Taitz.

 I was finally able to return her call today, and we had a great chat.

If you don’t know the name “Orly Taitz,” you will know about the efforts of the birthers with President Obama’s birth status.

Orly wants to team up with us in the battle against governmental corruption….



Continue reading Orly Taitz – The Queen of the Birthers

Honest Government Officials and Candidates


 One aspect of our proposed plan for dealing with government and judicial corruption is to ask all elected and appointed government officials and all political candidates to sign an Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States of America.

This page will list all government officials who sign the Honesty Contract.   

Continue reading Honest Government Officials and Candidates