First Candidate Commits to Sign Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States



Reuben Torres, Board of Freeholders candidate for Essex County New Jersey, is the first candidate for elected office in the United States to execute an Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States.

One aspect of our proposed plan for dealing with government and judicial corruption is to ask all elected and appointed government officials and all political candidates to sign an Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States of America. 

Reuben made the commitment on a radio broadcast on March 3, 2011.  He was the first candidate ever asked to sign, and he did! 

Let’s hope Reuben Torres becomes the answer to a trivia question in years to come.

Continue reading First Candidate Commits to Sign Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States

HELP FIGHT Dishonesty in Government

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We need YOUR HELP!  I have announced a plan for ding with government and judicial corruption, and the plan is being implemented NOW.

It’s a simple plan that I believe can be pursued to bring honesty back to our governmentand a restoration of our rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Please take a few minutes to see how you can help ….

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Search for One Honest Government Official hits the Streets of Washington, DC Today

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A group of concerned citizens are searching for one honest government official….

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Search for One Honest Government Official FAILS in Washington, DC

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A group of concerned citizens searched for one honest government official in Washington, DC, but they found there were none…. 

They weren’t able to find one through regular channels, so they purchased a mobile billboard that drove throughout Washington, DC on March 1, 2011 advertising for one honest government official to call.

Continue reading Search for One Honest Government Official FAILS in Washington, DC

Government Corruption Crisis Conference Report — Next Steps


The first Government Corruption Crisis Conference was held Sunday February 27, 2011 from 5 to 7 pm EST.
I thought it went “okay.”  I was very pleased with the online participation — close to 700 people registered and were logged in and online.
We must deal with all the dishonest people in our government.  Please plan to join us Sundays from 5 to 7 pm to learn what we are doing and how you can help …. 

Continue reading Government Corruption Crisis Conference Report — Next Steps

Elected and Appointed Government Employees asked to Sign Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States



One aspect of my proposed plan for dealing with government and judicial corruption is to ask all elected and appointed government officials and all political candidates to sign an Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States of America. 

Make this simple commitment; sign the contract; and our alliance members will support you.  Refuse to sign, and we will do everything in our power to see that you do not serve in a government position.

No decent, honest government official should refuse to sign ….

Continue reading Elected and Appointed Government Employees asked to Sign Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States

Email from 13-Year-Old Suzannah and Hannah



I received an email from 13-year-old Suzannah and Hannah.  The girls read an article online about my actions with The Supreme Court. 

They are concerned about their future. 

Read what they have written….

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Government Corruption: I Have a Plan



I have a plan for dealing with government and judicial corruption. Please be at your computer from 5 to 7 pm on Sunday, February 27 for the Government Corruption Crisis Conference.

Please consider some of what will be discussed, and take just a few minutes to see how you can help ….

Continue reading Government Corruption: I Have a Plan

Government Corruption Channel Established on YouTube


The Government Corruption Channel has been launched on YouTube.

You are invited to provide a video of not more than 3 minutes to tell your story of Government Dishonesty and Corruption.  Complete details are provided here ….


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Windsor produces a Series of Judicial Corruption Videos



William M. Windsor is producing a series of videos on judicial corruption.

Two vidoes have been produced so far.

These initial videos document the extent of the corruption from Windsor’s personal experience ….


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