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The Government Corruption Channel has been launched on YouTube.
You are invited to provide a video of not more than 3 minutes to tell your story of Government Dishonesty and Corruption. Complete details are provided here ….
Our country is in crisis. Our elected government officials (all parties) are not honest…or are outright dishonest. There is massive corruption in the federal judiciary. As one person put it, “there are over 500 government agencies, so there are probably over 500 flavors of government corruption.”
One of the problems is that the average American doesn’t have a clue about the degree of corruption that exists in our government. We must inform them.
Attention spans are short, so we will inform our fellow Americans with short videos (no longer than three minutes). Our goal is to be able to direct our fellow Americans to the Government Corruption Channel to see and hear normal Americans explaining what they have experienced. We have doctors, lawyers, teachers, retired military officers, corporate CEO’s, housewives, bankers, plumbers, and more. The wide variety of people and the many examples of corruption should enable others to eliminate any doubt about how serious government corruption is.
If you are a victim of government corruption, or if you are fanmiliar with specific cases of government corruption, please record a video that concisely explains the corruption. Videos must be no longer than three minutes. If you have a webcam, an iPhone, or a video camera, all you have to do is outline what you are going to say and then turn on the camera. Then upload it to your YouTube page. If you do not yet have a YouTube page, it is free and it takes just a few minutes. Go to YouTube, and click on “Create an Account” in the upper right corner of the screen. Then just follow the simple directions on dragging and dropping your video to upload it to YouTube. Then email me with the link to your video, and I will add it to the Government Corruption Channel.
If you don’t have a video camera, there are several options. Borrow one from a friend or relative. Go to Kinko’s. Ask who would let you borrow one for three minutes. Or buy one; they’re cheap. Go to BestBuy.com — this is a link to the cheapest. The $15.99 camera will do okay, but if you can afford it, buy an HD camera. You can’t go wrong with Logitech.
If none of those options work, I will loan you a webcam. Send me an email with an outline of what youtr three minutes will include. If it is the type of story that we need, I will ship a webcam to you. Then I will have you mail it to the next person on the list.
Yet another option is for me to do an interview with you over them phone. I can then add a slide show of photographs and images to play while people hear you tell your story. Please email me if you would like to do this, and send my your Skype Name if you are a Skype user. A similar option is for you to make an audio recording; then email the mp3 file to me. I will turn it into a video.
I plan to record some initial videos tomorrow to get the Channel started.
You can alos help by subscribing to the Channel and/or becoming a Friend of the Channel — Government Corruption Channel on YouTube.
William M. Windsor