The first Government Corruption Crisis Conference was held Sunday February 27, 2011 from 5 to 7 pm EST.
I thought it went “okay.” I was very pleased with the online participation — close to 700 people registered and were logged in and online.
We must deal with all the dishonest people in our government. Please plan to join us Sundays from 5 to 7 pm to learn what we are doing and how you can help ….
There were some technical challenges. 🙂 I couldn’t hear people at first, and there are some limitations with the Shovio technology. Shovio can make some improvements. Some couldn’t hear, but that appears to be a problem with their individual computer set-ups, so those who had no problems need to help those with problems. Here is Shovio’s response to my issues:
1. The chat window is too small. “We have a chat popup window, which opens in a separate, taller window just for viewing the chat; we will add this for you.”
2. It would be nice to be able to print out all of the chat. “We have added the ability for shocasters to print out the chat and questions from their last show.” Here is the Government Corruption Crisis Conference Chat from February 27, 2011.
3. The windows that I had for inserting photos are tiny. “Over the past couple of months we have been redesigning the broadcaster platform to make it taller, which will allow us to increase the size of the picture, clips and questions lists – hopefully this will help.”
4. I was unable to hear. This made it impossible for me to adjust volume levels, and I never knew what was being heard. In radio and TV, you always hear whatever is being broadcast on your headset. “Most of our shocasters don’t want to hear themselves back in their headsets as they are not used to this, although I know that in TV/Radio stations this is the norm. We are going to add a button on the broadcaster platform to turn this on and off.”
5. My first videon froze, so I had to end it prematurely. “Not sure what could have happened, we will take a look.”
So, future shows will definitely be improved!
One of our challenges is that everyone has their own agenda, and I couldn’t keep callers focused on how we can move forward and address the core problem. I probably should have cut people off…but I hate to be rude.
I feel like I have proposed a plan that will help EVERYONE achieve their goals and objectives. We need to get the key websites, bloggers, and really concerned people onboard. I have set up an Online Project Management System that we can use to move forward and accomplish things. You will be able to email me at and request a login and password if you want to participate. Goals, objectives, strategies, and tasks will be entered, and you will be able to take on a task individually or as part of a group. Six people are currently evaluating the system for us, and I really like what it can do.
Everyone agreed that a county-level focus is needed. I agree, but we have to start with states. We need one person to be responsible for each state. Each “State Chairman” will coordinate activities in his or her state and will ultimately be responsible for finding someone in every county to be County Chairmen. I believe David Schied has already committed for Michigan. Only 49 states to go….
We need one forum that we all frequent. Until someone comes up with a recommendation, I encourage you to use the forum. It is possible that our Online Project Management System may serve this purpose. I’ll let you know.
Next Sunday night, I would like to have Atlanta and Georgia area guests on the show. I’ll announce where we will be. So if you would like to join us “in the studio” or on camera, please let me know.
We have the most serious crisis that our country has ever faced, and if we don’t rally together to do something about it, the “world of hurt” we are in will only get worse.
Here are the first 20 minutes of the Conference:
William M. Windsor