Bill Windsor’s Decision on Proposed Plea Bargain in Criminal Case against him in Missoula County Montana


Bill Windsors decision on proposed plea bargain in criminal case against him in Missoula County Montana is hereby delivered to Prosecuting Attorney Jennifer Clark

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Bill Windsor files Motion to Dismiss Montana Case for Lack of Jurisdiction


Bill Windsor has filed a Motion to Dismiss the Montana criminal charges against him for lack of jurisdiction.

There are many reasons why the charges are improper, such as Bill Windsor has never committed a crime, but one of the more outrageous things about this case is that Bill Windsor was charged with committing crimes in Montana when he was in Texas.

The law on jurisdiction is quite clear.  Montana courts do not have jurisdiction (and there were no crimes).

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Prosecutor Jennifer Clark proposes settlement of case against William M. Windsor in Missoula County Montana


Prosecutor Jennifer Clark proposes settlement of case against William M. Windsor in Missoula County Montana.

Bill Windsor has been charged with the heinous crimes of Tweeting, Emailing, Publishing, and Producing a Movie.

So, what do you think?  If YOU were Bill Windsor, what would you do…

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Bill Windsor sometimes feels as bad as this man looks as he waits to stand trial for Tweeting


Bill Windsor sometimes feels as bad as this man looks as he waits to stand trial for Tweeting.

William M. Windsor hopes you or your contacts might attend his trial…

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60-30 Day for Bill Windsor as he prepares to stand trial for Tweeting

60 30-200w 

It’s 60-30 Day for Bill Windsor as he prepares to stand trial for allegedly Tweeting the name of the man who attempted to murder him, “Sean Boushie.”

60 days until the trial begins and 30 days untl the Pre-Trial Conference…

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Bill Windsor has arranged for people to take over his duties should he be sent to prison


Bill Windsor has made the necessary arrangements for and the Facebook pages to continue should he be spending the rest of his life in prison.

The woman chosen to take over is even more aggressive than William M. Windsor

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Is Bill Windsor of Lawless America embarrassed he was in jail? Hell No!


Is Bill Windsor of Lawless America embarrassed he was in jail? 

Hell No!

Bill Windsor has never committed a crime in his life, so jail was

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June 22, 2015 was to be Day 1 of Bill Windsor’s Tweet-Gate Trial in Missoula Montana


June 22, 2015 was to be Day 1 of Bill Windsor’s Tweet-Gate Trial in Missoula Montana.

Bill Windsor would be one nervous guy about now with the trial scheduled to start in less than 8 hours….

Continue reading June 22, 2015 was to be Day 1 of Bill Windsor’s Tweet-Gate Trial in Missoula Montana

Bill Windsor asks federal courts for a fair trial and an impartial judge


Bill Windsor asks federal courts for a fair trial and an impartial judge.

The Montana Supreme Court has ignored the facts and the law to assure Bill Windsor of the most Kangaroo Court possible.

So, William M. Windsor is appealing to the federal courts.

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