Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash Charges Plaintiff $6 Million as a Case Filing Fee


Atlanta Georgia federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash has charged a Plaintiff $6 Million Dollars as a court filing fee.  Every other plaintiff pays $350.

We’ll, to be precise, Judge Thomas W. Thrash charged only $5,950,000.

This is a corrupt act by Judge Thomas W. Thrash that joins the Judicial Corruption Hall of Shame with the  judge who filed a $67 million dollar lawsuit against a dry cleaners for misplacing a pair of pants….

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Impeach Federal Judge Lucy H. Koh


Judge Lucy H. Koh is a federal judge in California.

Tony Ciampi says Judge Lucy H. Koh is a liar who needs to be impeached.

Tony Ciampi has filed formal complaints against Judge Lucy H. Koh.

Read his letter, and check the evidence and filings on his website….

Continue reading Impeach Federal Judge Lucy H. Koh

Help get Child Beater Texas Judge William Adams Impeached


Aransas County Court at Law Judge William Adams brutally attacked his disabled daughter with belts for over eight minutes to punish her for downloading music and games from the internet. 

Unbelievably, Judge William Adams is a family court judge hearing family law, child abuse, and domesticc violence cases.

Please sign the petition to get this pathetic excuse of a man impeached….

Continue reading Help get Child Beater Texas Judge William Adams Impeached

Windsor files Criminal Complaint against Court Reporter Evelyn Parker and Fulton County Superior Court Judge Jerry W. Baxter


William M. Windsor has filed a criminal complaint against Court Reporter Evelyn Parker and Fulton County Superior Court Judge Jerry W. Baxter.

Windsor says “I believe I have caught Judge Jerry W. Baxter and his staff  red-handed altering the October 7, 2011 Hearing Transcript.”

Charges have been filed with the Judicial Council of Georgia, the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department, the Fulton County District Attorney, and the United States Attorney.

Continue reading Windsor files Criminal Complaint against Court Reporter Evelyn Parker and Fulton County Superior Court Judge Jerry W. Baxter

Why Judge Thomas W. Thrash Commits Crimes and How He Does It


Judge Thomas W. Thrash regularly commits crimes. 

I have just completed a 5-part article that details all of the crimes and corrupt practices of Judge Thomas W. Thrash in just one lawsuit.

Now I’m going to explain why Judge Thrash commits crimes and summarize the various techniques that he uses to commit crimes while hiding behind his black robe….

Continue reading Why Judge Thomas W. Thrash Commits Crimes and How He Does It

Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 4


This is Part 4 of an article that proves how federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash commits crimes while hiding behind his black robe and his mega-ugly scowl.

It can take a lot of work to understand how the judges commit crimes against pro se parties, but in this relatively simple case, all it takes is a little reading.

Please read along, and check the various court filings to understand the various crimes.  Then check what happened in your case(s)…

Continue reading Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 4

Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 5


This is Part 5 of a 5-part article that proves how federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash commits crimes while hiding behind his black robe and his mega-ugly scowl.

It can take a lot of work to understand how the judges commit crimes against pro se parties, but in this relatively simple case, all it takes is a little reading.

Please read along, and check the various court filings to understand the various crimes.  Then check what happened in your case(s) so you can identify crimes committed against you…

Continue reading Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 5

California Superior Court Judges Served with Demand to Disqualify All Judges


California Superior Court Judges have been served with a demand to disqualify all judges for conflicts with financial institutions.

On October 11, 2011, the Trustees of The People’s Republic Trust of the State of California, accompanied by the Trustees of the National Public Trust 1776, duly disqualified all of the judges of the state of California from hearing any cases involving banks, bank instruments and bank collections due to the corruption of The People’s public officers by banks in order to validate their fraud.

Continue reading California Superior Court Judges Served with Demand to Disqualify All Judges

Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 3


This is Part 3 of an article that proves how federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash commits crimes while hiding behind his black robe and his mega-ugly scowl.

It can take a lot of work to understand how the judges screw, glue, and tattoo pro se parties, but in this relatively simple case, all it takes is a little reading.

Please read along, and check the various court filings to understand the various crimes.  Then check what happened in your case(s)…

Continue reading Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 3

Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 1


Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash is a criminal.  Unfortunately, he continues to commit crimes while hiding behind his black robe and a mega-ugly scowl.

Judges commit crimes in a wide variety of ways.  They attempt to disguise their crimes by committing them while pretending to be doing their jobs.

It can take a lot of work to understand what they are doing, but in this relatively simple case, all it takes is a little reading….

Continue reading Anatomy of a Corrupt Lawsuit perpetrated by Federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash – Part 1