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Judge Lucy H. Koh is a federal judge in California.
Tony Ciampi says Judge Lucy H. Koh is a liar who needs to be impeached.
Tony Ciampi has filed formal complaints against Judge Lucy H. Koh.
Read his letter, and check the evidence and filings on his website….
Here is Tony Ciampi’s letter to Senator Diane Feinstein and Representative Anna Eshoo:
Dear Senator Dianne Feinstein and Representative Anna Eshoo,
Special attention to Senator Sessions since you grilled Judge Koh during her confirmation hearings in which she stated to what you wanted to hear just so she would be confirmed as a Judge and then turned around and contradicted everything which she stated to you once she is on the bench and I am not the only one.
I have made a very detailed complaint against U.S. Federal Judge Lucy H. Koh. Judge Lucy H. Koh has committed numerous violations of the law and ethical conduct. You have the responsibility to impeach Judge Lucy H. Koh, to try Judge Lucy H. Koh and remove Judge Lucy H. Koh from the bench.
It’s not just a responsibility; it is your duty to do so. I informed you of Judge Lucy H. Koh’s violations in July 2011 and actually prior to July 2011 of the violations of the law and ethical conduct, yet you have not responded to me as to what actions you are going to take. It is now November 14, 2011. As my representatives in government, I expect some kind of response to my complaint concerning Judge Lucy H. Koh by November 18, 2011. If I do not hear from you by November 18, 2011, I will assume that you are conspiring with Judge Lucy H. Koh to conceal the crimes of the Palo Police Department and Taser International and Kustom Signals Inc.
Given that Judge Lucy H. Koh previously worked for the Department of Justice, you can expect that they are covering up her crimes as well as attempting to entrap me of crime. In fact, Palo Alto Police Officer Louis Parham has already attempted to do this. Palo Alto’s IPA Michael Gennaco also a former employee of the DOJ and co-co-worker with Judge Lucy H. Koh has made certain that this will happen as I have also caught him falsifying evidence, his reports regarding the incident.
Given this, you can expect the entire Justice System is a fraud covering up the crimes of law enforcement from Officer Burger who shot me in the face with his Taser gun while my hands were in the air to Palo Alto Police Chief Dennis Burns who is a known liar verified by Santa Clara County DDA Peter Watit, to Santa Clara DA’s Delores Carr and Jeff Rosen, to current Governor and former California Attorney General Jerry Brown and current California Attorney General Kamala Harris all the way up to U.S Attorney General Eric Holder appointed by President Barack Obama. Our current President in which Federal Judge Lucy H. Koh’s Husband Mariano-Florentino Cuellar was on special leave from Stanford University serving as Special Assistant to President Obama for Justice and the Regulatory Policy at the White House. Judge Lucy H. Koh’s husband, Mr. Florentino, led the Domestic Policy on Council’s work on criminal justice and drug policy, public health and food safety and civil rights and rural and agriculture policy among other issues. During the time period in which Mr. Florentino worked at the Whitehouse, President Barack Obama appointed Judge Lucy H. Koh, Mr. Florentino’s wife, to the bench.
I had a Judge presiding over my case for a year, Judge Fogel, and then at the authority of Judge James Ware, the Chief District Judge, and others, Judge Lucy H. Koh was assigned to my case. Judge Ware used to work for a Palo Law Firm in which former Palo Alto City Mayor Larry Klein who is currently a City Council Member. I do not have any direct evidence that Judge Ware has concealed the crimes of the Palo Alto Police, but this email has been copied to him so he now knows that Judge Lucy H. Koh had definitely concealed the crimes of the Palo Police and Asst. City Attorney Don Larkin. It remains to be seen what action he decides to take.
Please respond to this inquiry by November 18, 2011. Much of the evidence that supports my allegations can be found at http://injusticesystem.weebly.com.
As soon as I know you will take my request for action seriously; I can provide you with more evidence. All you truly need to know is that Taser International Director of Technical Services Andrew Hinz has ADMITTED TO DESTROYING THE CAMERAS THAT RECORDED THE INCIDENT IN WHICH A POLICE OFFICER SHOT ME IN THE FACE WITH A TASER GUN WITHOUT WARNING WHILE I WAS NOT RESISTING OR FLEEING AND WHILE MY HANDS WERE IN THE AIR NEXT TO MY HEAD. THIS COULD BE CONSIDERED A THREAT TO OUR SAFETY AND FREEDOMS AS TASER INTERNATIONAL WANTS TO STORE LAW ENFORCEMENT VIDEOS FROM AROUND THE COUNTRY AT THEIR CITE WWW.EVIDENCE.COM Palo alto Police Officer Ken Kratt verified TO ME THAT OFFICER BURGER WAS AN “ASSHOLE” FOR SHOOTING ME IN THE FACE, 14 hours after the incident happened. It appears that Officer Kratt has been coerced by Police Chief Dennis Burns and others to conceal this fact.
Officer Burger, the officer who shot me in the face, admits that four taser probes were fired from two separate firings during the incident, yet only one firing is captured on the video recordings and the taser guns’ recording devices.
The officer who shot me contradicts the recording devices.
See attachments as to how Judge Lucy H. Koh lied in her ruling and concealed evidence in violations of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
I caught Attorney Steven Sherman submitting falsified Taser gun activation not once but twice to Judge Lucy H. Koh and the Court. The second time to cover up the first time, yet Judge Lucy H. Koh has refused to acknowledge this fact and hold Attorney Steven Sherman accountable.
Joseph (Tony) Ciampi
P.O. Box 1681
Palo Alto, CA 94302
I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose corruption in government, law enforcement, and the judiciary. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite of my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.
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