Please sign this document to commit to get 40 signatures to get Bill Windsor’s name on the ballot for for Judge


William M. Windsor has been nominated as candidate for Chief Magistrate of Cobb County Georgia.

The election is in November, and I need almost 20,000 signatures by noon on July 23, 2012 to get my name on the ballot.

Please sign this document to commit to get 40 signatures.

Continue reading Please sign this document to commit to get 40 signatures to get Bill Windsor’s name on the ballot for for Judge

William M. Windsor nominated as candidate for Chief Magistrate Judge of Cobb County Georgia


William M. Windsor has been nominated as candidate for Chief Magistrate of Cobb County Georgia.

“This is an extremely powerful position, so I am delighted to be nominated.  I will use this nomination in an effort to educate hundreds of thousands about judicial corruption, attorney misconduct, and government corruption.”

The election is in November, and I need almost 20,000 signatures to get my name on the ballot….

Continue reading William M. Windsor nominated as candidate for Chief Magistrate Judge of Cobb County Georgia

Help Bill Windsor get 20,000 Signatures as Candidate for Judge — Here is the Petition Form


William M. Windsor has been nominated as candidate for Chief Magistrate of Cobb County Georgia.

The election is in November, and I need almost 20,000 signatures by noon on July 23, 2012 to get my name on the ballot….

Continue reading Help Bill Windsor get 20,000 Signatures as Candidate for Judge — Here is the Petition Form

Networking is ESSENTIAL to Winning the Battle against Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption — READ THIS!!!!

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Networking is ESSENTIAL to winning the battle against judicial corruption and government corruption!

We have a plan and a system that will be successful against corruption.  It’s a proven plan.  It doesn’t cost a cent.

All we need is for YOU to do one simple thing: send one email to me.  That’s it….

Continue reading Networking is ESSENTIAL to Winning the Battle against Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption — READ THIS!!!!

It’s Time for all Victims of Government Corruption to become The Squeaky Wheel


You know what they say…it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.

Well, it’s time for all victims of government corruption to become The Squeaky Wheel.

Our message is being heard by the bad guys, and that’s a good thing.  We simply need more of everything, but be warned, these government crooks can play as dirty as it gets….

Continue reading It’s Time for all Victims of Government Corruption to become The Squeaky Wheel

Victories in Battle against Judicial Corruption, Government Corruption, Legal Corruption, and Law Enforcement Corruption


I am very pleased to report that we are scoring some victories in the battle against Judicial Corruption, Government Corruption, Legal Corruption, and Law Enforcement Corruption.

In one case, hundreds of followers of Lawless America answered the call to sign a petition asking that Judge Gail S. Tusan recuse herself.

And SHE DID!  Ed Dort thanks GRIP and each and every one of you for your help.

Continue reading Victories in Battle against Judicial Corruption, Government Corruption, Legal Corruption, and Law Enforcement Corruption

What in the world will it take to get Americans to realize that we have lost Our Fundamental Rights


What in the world will it take to get Americans to realize that we have lost our fundamental rights?

Maybe I will drive to all 50 state capitals in an antique hearse with signs on the side and back that say “America is Dead.”

And film a documentary with people telling their stories of government corruption and judicial corruption…at least one from each state….

Continue reading What in the world will it take to get Americans to realize that we have lost Our Fundamental Rights

Google Judge David P. Darden Right Now, and see what WE can all do to Fight Corruption


Google Judge David P. Darden Right Now, and see what WE can all do to fight corruption.

I published an article about Judge David P. Darden on January 30, 2012.  It is now January 31, 2012.

And Google lists the article as the #4 search result of 25,700 results for “Judge David P. Darden.”

Continue reading Google Judge David P. Darden Right Now, and see what WE can all do to Fight Corruption

Failure is NOT an Option – Lawless America News Report from January 29, 2012


Failure is NOT an option.  Those were Roxanne’s words at the end of tonight’s Lawless America Online TV Show.

And she is right on the money! 

Ladies and gentlemen, we cannot lose this battle.  We’re talking about our country here…and the future for our children and grandchildren.

Continue reading Failure is NOT an Option – Lawless America News Report from January 29, 2012

Picketing began at Fulton County Georgia Courthouse on Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Picketing began at Fulton County Georgia Courthouse on Tuesday, January 31, 2012.

The Georgia members of GRIP — Government Reform & Integrity Platform — position themselves outside each entrance to the courthouse collecting signatures.

The results of this effort will be evaluated to determine if the GRIP Steering Committee wants to propose weekly protests and petitioning at courts nationwide….

Continue reading Picketing began at Fulton County Georgia Courthouse on Tuesday, January 31, 2012