Whistleblower Productions launches National Publicity Campaign for Lawless America…The Movie


Whistleblower Productions has launched a national publicity campaign for Lawless America…The Movie.

The first of many news releases was issued today.  Promotion will be sent regularly to a special media database of over 200,000 email addresses compiled by LawlessAmerica.com and many of the people who will be filmed for the movie.

The initial release does not mention the name of the movie in hopes of “tricking” the mainstream media into providing coverage based on some of the unique aspects of the movie…

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Lawless America…The Movie: Georgia State Senator Donzella James will investigate Judicial Corruption in Atlanta, Georgia


Lawless America…The Movie has begun filming.  Atlanta, Georgia is the first stop on the 50-state movie trip.

In Atlanta, Georgia State Senator Donzella James said she will investigate judicial corruption in Georgia.

William M. Windsor of www.LawlessAmerica.com interviewed Senator Donzella James at the Georgia State Capitol as part of the filming of the documentary.

Continue reading Lawless America…The Movie: Georgia State Senator Donzella James will investigate Judicial Corruption in Atlanta, Georgia

How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 5 — Document Everything — Take Notes — Put it in Writing


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

This is the fifth in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption.

Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption….

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 5 — Document Everything — Take Notes — Put it in Writing

How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 1 — Go in with Your Eyes Open


When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

This is the first in a series of articles that detail the things that I have done in fighting judicial corruption. 

Most of this applies to fighting any form of government corruption….

Continue reading How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption – Part 1 — Go in with Your Eyes Open

Is there More Government Corruption in the award of the Maid of the Mist Boat Contract in Niagara Falls?


The award of the Maid of the Mist boat ride contract this week was a major victory against government corruption.

While I remain deliriously happy that there is a new boat operator coming to Niagara Falls, I do need to keep you informed that there are problems.

It is beginning to smell like the process conducted after the corruption house cleaning was not fair and proper.  As I have said for years, the fundamental problem is dishonesty.  I challenge the Government of Ontario to prove that this latest process was an honest one.

Continue reading Is there More Government Corruption in the award of the Maid of the Mist Boat Contract in Niagara Falls?

Windsor WINS in Canada! Corruption Out and New Boat Ride Operator Named


At 4:00 pm on February 22, 2012, the winning bidder was announced in the competition to provide the Maid of the Mist boat service at Niagara Falls.  The new operator is Hornblower Cruises.

This is an extremely profitable contract.  The winning bidder will generate billions of dollars of revenues and hundreds of millions in profit with absolutely no competition.  The new operator will pay $413 million more than the old operator.  Hmmmm.

The boat rides have been provided for over 160 years, and I discovered that the process of excluding bidders was illegal and probably corrupt….

Continue reading Windsor WINS in Canada! Corruption Out and New Boat Ride Operator Named

It’s Time to Start Drinking the Kool-Aid


Okay folks, it’s time to start drinking the Kool-Aid.

Tens of thousands of you have emailed me personally.

Tens of thousands of you have registered online and signed up for the Facebook Cause “Support the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Honesty in Government.”

Thousands of you have watched the Lawless America Online TV Show.

I have connected with millions of you through Facebook and LinkedIn connections.

Talk will get us just so far.  It’s time for ACTION….

Continue reading It’s Time to Start Drinking the Kool-Aid

What is GRIP and Why is it Needed? GRIP Part 2


What is GRIP, and why is it needed?

GRIP is the Government Reform & Integrity Platform.   GRIP was created to obtain commitments from We the People that we insist on government officials who tell the truth and protection of the fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  GRIP asks every American to make a simple commitment to this cause, and GRIP seeks to get government officials to sign a Contract with the Citizens of the United States.

GRIP is needed because America is broken.  We have lost our most fundamental rights, and We the People are the only ones who can reclaim them.

Continue reading What is GRIP and Why is it Needed? GRIP Part 2

William M. Windsor explains WHY the Save Our Constitution Konvention is so important – January 15, 2012


SOCK – Save Our Constitution Konvention – How to Watch, Listen, or Participate


SOCK — Save Our Constitution Konvention — will be held THIS WEEK — Sunday, January 15, 2012 from 5- 7 pm Eastern Time.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to watch, listen, and/or participate..

For the best experience, register ahead of time.  It takes just a minute….

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