State of Texas denies Bill Windsor the right to an attorney as he faces criminal charges


The State of Texas is denying Bill Windsor the right to an attorney as he faces criminal charges.

The State of Texas is brazenly violating the United States Constitution and its own Constitution.

The right to appointment of counsel in a criminal matter is known to the average person on the street, but the State of Texas says that if it doesn’t want you to have an attorney, you won’t get one.

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Documentary filmmaker was targeted by the U.S. government, and she’s filed a lawsuit


Documentary filmmaker was targeted by the U.S. government, and she’s filed a lawsuit.

Filmmaker Laura Poitras, whose documentary about fugitive intelligence leaker Edward Snowden won an Oscar, is suing the US government to find out why she was repeatedly detained at immigration checkpoints….

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Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town


Missoula: Rape and the Justice System in a College Town.

A new book by Jon Krakauer.

What do the rapes have to do with the story of Bill Windsor’s rape by the Montana judicial system…

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A week ago, disappeared from the Internet.

Bill Windsor placed a phone call to (don’t use them), and he was advised that the websites had been removed after contact from “law enforcement.” is back after a week of being dark…

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Will You help Bill Windsor and Lawless America?

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Will you help Bill Windsor and Lawless America?

The Gestapo may be out trying to arrest Bill Windsor at this time.

If you would like to add your name to a list of folks who might be able to help in some way (no money), please email


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Surprise Surprise – Corrupt Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson is Hunting for Bill Windsor

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Surprise!  Surprise!  Corrupt Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson has scheduled a hearing at 1:30 pm tomorrow in Waxahachie, Texas WITHOUT notice to me.

I heard about it from someone who happened to see it on the docket.

I won’t be there….

Continue reading Surprise Surprise – Corrupt Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson is Hunting for Bill Windsor

Extradition Laws Violated in Texas – Open Letter to Ellis County District Attorney Patrick Wilson


This is an Open Letter to Ellis County Texas District Attorney Patrick Wilson (shown here).

Patrick Wilson, you know very well who I am.  I am a person that you have been responsible for illegally detaining, illegally incarcerating, illegally denying bond, illegally blocking release, lying about in Court, and failing to uphold your Oath of Office.

My name is William M. Windsor.  I have never been arrested, have never been charged with a crime, and had never been in jail prior to October 28, 2014.  But for 53 days, from October 28 to December 19, 2014, I was detained in the Ellis County Jail in Waxahachie, Texas as a political prisoner. 

Continue reading Extradition Laws Violated in Texas – Open Letter to Ellis County District Attorney Patrick Wilson

Windsor WINS in Canada! Corruption Out and New Boat Ride Operator Named


At 4:00 pm on February 22, 2012, the winning bidder was announced in the competition to provide the Maid of the Mist boat service at Niagara Falls.  The new operator is Hornblower Cruises.

This is an extremely profitable contract.  The winning bidder will generate billions of dollars of revenues and hundreds of millions in profit with absolutely no competition.  The new operator will pay $413 million more than the old operator.  Hmmmm.

The boat rides have been provided for over 160 years, and I discovered that the process of excluding bidders was illegal and probably corrupt….

Continue reading Windsor WINS in Canada! Corruption Out and New Boat Ride Operator Named

Today’s Corruption Headlines — April 22, 2011


Judicial corruption and government corruption are in the news daily across America.  Unfortunately, most corruption isn’t being reported.  Many judges and government officials are dishonest and hide their corrupt practices.  Here are some of the Corruption headlines for TODAY…


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