
Bill Windsor is celebrating significant discoveries in corruption directed to him


Bill Windsor is celebrating significant discoveries in corruption directed to him.

This is not Bill Windsor.  This is Texas attorney John K. Vaughan.

Here’s a general update for 7/15 2015…

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Documentary filmmaker was targeted by the U.S. government, and she’s filed a lawsuit


Documentary filmmaker was targeted by the U.S. government, and she’s filed a lawsuit.

Filmmaker Laura Poitras, whose documentary about fugitive intelligence leaker Edward Snowden won an Oscar, is suing the US government to find out why she was repeatedly detained at immigration checkpoints….

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Cyberstalkers are obsessed, unstable, or otherwise mentally ill


Cyberstalkers are obsessed, unstable, or otherwise mentally ill.  Bill Windsor’s cyberstalkers can certainly be described this way.

Bill Windsor is the victim of the largest case of defamation in U.S. history, and this has been done by cyberstalkers.

Doctors and therapists say cyberstalkers are generally…

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Additional evidence obtained to prove Sean Boushie was on a government payroll while cyberstalking Bill Windsor


Additional evidence has just been obtained to prove that Sean Boushie was on a government payroll while cyberstalking Bill Windsor.

Evidence just obtained for the year 2012 shows that Sean Boushie sent seven emails to Bill Windsor from University of Montana computers on four different days in 2012… 

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Lawless America welcomes the comments of polite folks who aren’t cyberstalkers


Lawless America welcomes the comments of polite folks who aren’t cyberstalkers.

We used to get a lot of comments on articles, and I just figured the comments function became corrupted after one of out several website hacks.

Ooops.  It seems comments require administrator approval…

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Meet the People of Lawless America


See photos of Bill Windsor and Friends from Lawless America.

Bill Windsor has plowed through over 10,000 photos to find hundreds of photos where his photo was taken with someone who came to a film session.
Lawless America is a documentary film about government corruption, judicial corruption, and law enforcement corruption.

These are some of the over 10,000 photos taken during the filming.

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New criminal charge filed against Allie Overstreet aka Lori Overstreet


New criminal charge filed against Allie Overstreet aka Lori Overstreet.

Allie Overstreet aka Lori Overstreet of Higginsville Missouri has been charged with filing a third false police report.

Allie Overstreet aka Lori Overstreet participated in getting bogus criminal charges filed against Bill Windsor

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