Bill Windsor of Lawless America is once again victimized by Cyberstalker

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America is once again being victimized by a cyberstalker.

After enduring the largest case of defamation in U.S. History and years of being stalked, a stalker is at it again.

Online postings, mail, emails, contact with family, threats, and physical stalking are all taking place.  Guns are involved.

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Additional evidence obtained to prove Sean Boushie was on a government payroll while cyberstalking Bill Windsor


Additional evidence has just been obtained to prove that Sean Boushie was on a government payroll while cyberstalking Bill Windsor.

Evidence just obtained for the year 2012 shows that Sean Boushie sent seven emails to Bill Windsor from University of Montana computers on four different days in 2012… 

Continue reading Additional evidence obtained to prove Sean Boushie was on a government payroll while cyberstalking Bill Windsor