Fraudulent Felony Indictments Discovered in Texas – Part 1

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I’ve discovered massive wrongdoing in Texas with fraudulent felony indictments issued on a regular basis.  I’m William M. Windsor.  I’m not an attorney.  I cannot give legal advice, but I do share my experience representing myself as a pro se party, and I’m investigating unthinkable fraud and wrongdoing in Texas for magazine articles and a documentary film.  Check your county and state!

Continue reading Fraudulent Felony Indictments Discovered in Texas – Part 1

Bill Windsor of Lawless America is once again victimized by Cyberstalker

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America is once again being victimized by a cyberstalker.

After enduring the largest case of defamation in U.S. History and years of being stalked, a stalker is at it again.

Online postings, mail, emails, contact with family, threats, and physical stalking are all taking place.  Guns are involved.

Continue reading Bill Windsor of Lawless America is once again victimized by Cyberstalker