
How Many U.S. Marshals will be waiting for William M. Windsor at Occupy the Courts?


How many armed U.S. Marshals will be waiting for William M. Windsor at Occupy the Courts on Friday, January 20, 2012?

Please plan to participate in Occupy the Courts tomorrow at your federal courthouse.  Let’s send a message that the battle for the hearts and minds has begun.

Whenever I arrive at the federal courthouse in Atlanta, I am “greeted” by armed guards….

Continue reading How Many U.S. Marshals will be waiting for William M. Windsor at Occupy the Courts?

Support Florida Legislation designed to Make Judges Accountable


End the judicial oligarchy in Florida.

Give your full support to Senate Bill 1524 for reining in judicial abuses.

This article just in from Bob Hurt….

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HELP Our Friends by Signing Petitions


SIGN a petiiton to help our friends with their causes.

One of the regulars who visits here and participates in the Sunday shows suggested that set up a spot for petitions so folks can post links to their petitions.

Well, here’s a start.

Please click on “Read the Full Story,” and you will access a page that lists various petitions.  Please sign all that you can to support our friends….

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It’s Time to Kick It into HIGH Gear! The Real Battle against Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption begins NOW!


It’s time to kick It into HIGH gear!  The real battle against judicial corruption and government corruption begins NOW!

In case you don’t know, I have committed to spend the rest of my life battling judicial corruption and government corruption.

I have been battling my personal fight since I realized some judges were corrupt in 2007.  And in the fall of 2010, I started battling on the Internet to try to connect and rally others….

Continue reading It’s Time to Kick It into HIGH Gear! The Real Battle against Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption begins NOW!

SOCK – Save Our Constitution Konvention – brings Many Pledges to Join Coalition to fight Government Corruption


SOCK – The Save Our Constitution Konvention – resulted in many pledges to join the coalition to fight government corruption.

The Konvention was watched by many hundreds of people from all across the country.

The event was not without its challenges, but progress was made….

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Texas Judge Charles Sandoval, Judge Weldon Copeland, Judge William Roberts, and Judge Nathan E. White charged with Fraud, Extortion, and Corruption Destroying Lives of a Woman and her Child


Texas Judge Charles Sandoval, Judge Weldon Copeland, Judge William Roberts, and Judge Nathan E. White charged with fraud, extortion, and more…destroying lives of a woman and her child.

Denise Loughlin has been pitted against her wealthy ex-husband doctor.

This is the shocking story of Denise Loughlin….

Continue reading Texas Judge Charles Sandoval, Judge Weldon Copeland, Judge William Roberts, and Judge Nathan E. White charged with Fraud, Extortion, and Corruption Destroying Lives of a Woman and her Child

Georgia Judge Gail S. Tusan charged with Unfair, Improper, and Prejudicial Treatment of Pro Se Litigants — Sign this Petition


Georgia Judge Gail S. Tusan charged with Unfair, Improper, and Prejudicial treatment of Pro Se Litigants — Sign this Petition

GEORGIA — the birthplace of the civil rights movement and home of justice advocates as historically important as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and as politically significant as Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter — was budgeted to spend nearly $154 MILLION DOLLARS on its legal system in 2011.

Where does that money come from? Georgia’s TAXPAYERS, OF COURSE, and what they want for their money is a system of courts that treat each and every litigant with fairness, justice, equality, and respect — whether he or she has a lawyer or not!

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William M. Windsor explains WHY the Save Our Constitution Konvention is so important – January 15, 2012

SOCK – Save Our Constitution Konvention – How to Watch, Listen, or Participate


SOCK — Save Our Constitution Konvention — will be held THIS WEEK — Sunday, January 15, 2012 from 5- 7 pm Eastern Time.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to watch, listen, and/or participate..

For the best experience, register ahead of time.  It takes just a minute….

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There is a State of Emergency in America…but Most Americans don’t have a Clue


The American Revolutionary War was the result of a political revolution. Colonists galvanized around the position that the Stamp Act of 1765, imposed by Parliament of Great Britain, was unconstitutional.  The British Parliament insisted it had the right to tax colonists.  The colonists claimed that taxation without representation was illegal. This led to the Boston Tea Party and the Revolutionary War.  

The issues that motivated the colonists in America to revolt were NOTHING compared to the issues that all Americans face today.  The problem is that few Americans realize what has happened.  There is a tremendous need to educate our friends, neighbors, and enemies.

Continue reading There is a State of Emergency in America…but Most Americans don’t have a Clue