Georgia Federal Judge Charles A. Pannell, Jr. charged with Corruption

pannell charles-a-judge

Atlanta, Georgia federal Judge Charles A. Pannell, Jr. is charged with corruption.

My name is Shellie Youhoing-Nanan, and this is my story…

I stated in my previous article here on that I will be publishing an article exposing Federal Court Judge, Judge Charles A Pannell, Jr, as I did to Superior Court Judge Constance C. Russell and other corrupt judges who do not abide by our laws and Constitution, giving aid to the enemies and waring against the Constitution of the United States….

Continue reading Georgia Federal Judge Charles A. Pannell, Jr. charged with Corruption

Impeach Alabama Judge J. David Jordan


This is the story of a Dad, Michael Caraway.  Mr. Caraway’s experience is one of the reasons why Alabama Judge J. David Jordan (shown here) should be impeached.

Michael Caraway and his wife divorced in 2004.  Mr. Caraway was at that time a nine-year veteran of the Alabama Department of Corrections as a Corrections Officer.

Mr. Caraway reports that his ex-wife is a drug addict — a crackhead….

Continue reading Impeach Alabama Judge J. David Jordan

Judge William S. Duffey charged with Corruption by Georgia woman who represented herself in Court


The whole 11th Circuit in Atlanta, Georgia needs the Justice Department to come in and clean house and get rid of all those corrupt judges so that judges who “want” to uphold the law can do their jobs without fear of backlash from the corrupt judges who have a lot of bias against protected classes of people.

Corrupt judges like Judge William S. Duffey, Jr. and Judge Susan H. Black, who with others have abused power are the reason no one trust the courts anymore in Atlanta, Georgia.

Continue reading Judge William S. Duffey charged with Corruption by Georgia woman who represented herself in Court

Judge Susan H. Black charged with Corruption by Georgia woman who represented herself in Court


The whole 11th Circuit in Atlanta, Georgia needs the Justice Department to come in and clean house and get rid of all those corrupt judges so that judges who “want” to uphold the law can do their jobs without fear of backlash from the corrupt judges who have a lot of bias against protected classes of people.

Corrupt judges like Judge William S. Duffey, Jr. and Judge Susan H. Black, who with others have abused power are the reason no one trust the courts anymore in Atlanta, Georgia.

Continue reading Judge Susan H. Black charged with Corruption by Georgia woman who represented herself in Court

Idaho Magistrate Judge Eugene A. Marano charged with Corruption

Another corrupt Judge is Magistrate Judge Eugene A. Marano.  It’s well known that he favors a certain law firm in town, particularly a certain female attorney. 

No matter how poorly written the motion, he grants it.

Anyone opposing her is not allowed to present evidence, is continually interrupted, and is admonished by this so-called judge.

Continue reading Idaho Magistrate Judge Eugene A. Marano charged with Corruption

Judge David P. Darden is charged with Corruption in Cobb County Georgia


I charge Judge David P. Darden, judge of the State Court of Cobb County Georgia, with corruption.

Judge David P. Darden was the presiding judge in my lawsuit with State Farm Insurance Company.

This is one of the most corrupt state court judges in Georgia’s history, if not the history of the United States.  My name is Shellie Youhoing-Nanan, and this is my story….

Continue reading Judge David P. Darden is charged with Corruption in Cobb County Georgia

Texas Judge Charles Sandoval, Judge Weldon Copeland, Judge William Roberts, and Judge Nathan E. White charged with Fraud, Extortion, and Corruption Destroying Lives of a Woman and her Child


Texas Judge Charles Sandoval, Judge Weldon Copeland, Judge William Roberts, and Judge Nathan E. White charged with fraud, extortion, and more…destroying lives of a woman and her child.

Denise Loughlin has been pitted against her wealthy ex-husband doctor.

This is the shocking story of Denise Loughlin….

Continue reading Texas Judge Charles Sandoval, Judge Weldon Copeland, Judge William Roberts, and Judge Nathan E. White charged with Fraud, Extortion, and Corruption Destroying Lives of a Woman and her Child

Georgia Judge Gail S. Tusan charged with Unfair, Improper, and Prejudicial Treatment of Pro Se Litigants — Sign this Petition


Georgia Judge Gail S. Tusan charged with Unfair, Improper, and Prejudicial treatment of Pro Se Litigants — Sign this Petition

GEORGIA — the birthplace of the civil rights movement and home of justice advocates as historically important as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and as politically significant as Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter — was budgeted to spend nearly $154 MILLION DOLLARS on its legal system in 2011.

Where does that money come from? Georgia’s TAXPAYERS, OF COURSE, and what they want for their money is a system of courts that treat each and every litigant with fairness, justice, equality, and respect — whether he or she has a lawyer or not!

Continue reading Georgia Judge Gail S. Tusan charged with Unfair, Improper, and Prejudicial Treatment of Pro Se Litigants — Sign this Petition

Texas Judge Polly Jackson Spencer accused of Judicial Misconduct


Jay Kofler is a Dad.  He has been deprived of his Constitutional right to raise his child.

Judge Polly Jackson Spencer appears to be out to get Jay Kofler.

Here is a letter that Jay Kofler has sent to Judge Polly Jackson Spencer….

Continue reading Texas Judge Polly Jackson Spencer accused of Judicial Misconduct

Impeach Federal Judge Lucy H. Koh


Judge Lucy H. Koh is a federal judge in California.

Tony Ciampi says Judge Lucy H. Koh is a liar who needs to be impeached.

Tony Ciampi has filed formal complaints against Judge Lucy H. Koh.

Read his letter, and check the evidence and filings on his website….

Continue reading Impeach Federal Judge Lucy H. Koh