Reach a Federal Grand Jury: Prepare YOUR Complaint for the local U.S. Attorney NOW!


Most of us get so bogged down in our own issues that we are not aware of the various ways that we can fight judicial corruption and government corruption.

Case in point: David Schied just emailed a group of us to discuss 18 U.S.C. 3332.  It deals with federal grand juries.

I was unaware of the statute, and it APPEARS to give all of us the way to reach a federal grand jury in our state.

I believe every victim should do this.  I plan to pursue it this week…. 


Continue reading Reach a Federal Grand Jury: Prepare YOUR Complaint for the local U.S. Attorney NOW!

Grand Juries are an Important Way to Battle Government Corruption


Grand juries should be the answer to many of our problems with government corruption.  I began writing about this a month ago.

Article of Amendment V of the Bill of Rights gives grand juries the power of Presentment.  In a Presentment, the grand jury independently brings charges, usually against corrupt government officials. 

Continue reading Grand Juries are an Important Way to Battle Government Corruption

Ideas for State Legislation to deal with Judicial and Government Dishonesty and Corruption


America, we have a lot of problems.

Our best hope of fixing some of our problems now is at the state level.  So, we are drafting proposed state legislation to deal with dishonesty and corruption with judges and other government officials.

Please review the points that have been submitted thus far, and add your comments to the article below….

Continue reading Ideas for State Legislation to deal with Judicial and Government Dishonesty and Corruption

Grand Juries should be the Answer to Corruption — State Representative Harry Geisinger meets with Bill Windsor



Article of Amendment V of the Bill of Rights gives grand juries the power of Presentment.  In a Presentment, the grand jury independently brings charges, usually against corrupt government officials.

Bill Windsor spent the afternoon of March 28, 2011 at the Fulton County Courthouse trying to get the Fulton County Georgia Grand Jury to consider criminal charges against 14 Atlanta federal judges.

The Grand Jury has been presented with the facts regarding judicial corruption and criminal acts by federal judges with the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia and the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.

Now the effort is to get the necessary elected official to sign the petition.  That meeting is tomorrow…

Continue reading Grand Juries should be the Answer to Corruption — State Representative Harry Geisinger meets with Bill Windsor

The Plan for Government Reform & Integrity


America, we have a problem.

 Many of our government officials are dishonest, and many are corrupt.  Basic fundamental rights that you THINK we have as Americans are a mirage.

We have formed GRIP — Government Reform & Integrity Platform …. to fight this problem.  Read all about it….


Continue reading The Plan for Government Reform & Integrity

10-Minutes a Day to Fix America



Fellow Countrymen, lend us your ears, eyes, and fingers for just 10 minutes a day.

Will you donate 10 minutes a day to play an important role in fixing our country?

Each day, I provide one project that asks for 10 minutes of your time. Please give us 10 minutes.

Read all about it…. 

Continue reading 10-Minutes a Day to Fix America

Time to SAVE America – Time to Get a GRIP




We have just launched our effort to get organizations, websites and bloggers that are focused on improving government to help themselves and us by forming an affiliation relationship.

The affiliation plan was announced in a video on the LawlessAmerica Channel on YouTube ….


Continue reading Time to SAVE America – Time to Get a GRIP

Report all Dishonest and Corrupt Government “Officials”



Please report all dishonest and corrupt government officials. has a new online Complaint Listing Form.

Please take a few minutes and post your complaints…


Continue reading Report all Dishonest and Corrupt Government “Officials”

Government Corruption Movement is MOVING


The Second Government Corruption Crisis Conference was held Sunday March 6, 2011 from 5 to 7 pm EST.

The Conference is now a weekly event every Sunday — same time same place — Shovio.

The audience doubled from 650 participants last week to 1,300 this week ….

Continue reading Government Corruption Movement is MOVING

First Candidate Commits to Sign Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States



Reuben Torres, Board of Freeholders candidate for Essex County New Jersey, is the first candidate for elected office in the United States to execute an Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States.

One aspect of our proposed plan for dealing with government and judicial corruption is to ask all elected and appointed government officials and all political candidates to sign an Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States of America. 

Reuben made the commitment on a radio broadcast on March 3, 2011.  He was the first candidate ever asked to sign, and he did! 

Let’s hope Reuben Torres becomes the answer to a trivia question in years to come.

Continue reading First Candidate Commits to Sign Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States