Congressional Testimony from Lawless America – Exposing Corruption


Congressional Testimony of Over 750 Americans

presented to the United States Congress

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State Index to Corruption Testimony presented to Congress by Lawless America

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This index makes it easy for you to find those filmed by Lawless America in the state or states of interest to you

Simply click on the State to see a list of people filmed about government and judicial corruption.

Please note that there are multiple pages, so scroll to the bottom of the page to access the subsequent pages.

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Index to Type of Corruption Testimony presented to Congress by Lawless America


This index makes it easy for you to find those filmed by Lawless America by the type of corruption of interest to you

Simply click on the Corruption Type to see a list of people filmed about that type of corruption.

Please note that there are multiple pages, so scroll to the bottom of the page to access the subsequent pages.

Continue reading Index to Type of Corruption Testimony presented to Congress by Lawless America

Police Riot Squads to attend Lawless America Meet Me in DC event – February 5-6, 2013 – Group seen as Terrorists?


DC Police are busy investigating Bill Windsor, Lawless America, and Meet Me in DC, to be held February 5-6, 2013. 

It seems the police may have been told we are a terrorist group

Lawless America…The Movie has become a revolution…The Lawless America RevolutionPlease join our efforts by attending this event in Washington, DC.

Continue reading Police Riot Squads to attend Lawless America Meet Me in DC event – February 5-6, 2013 – Group seen as Terrorists?

545 Government Officials should be Replaced — so says Veteran Newspaper Columnist


Charlie Reese of the Orlando Sentinel has been a journalist for 49 years.

In his final column, he says what we have been shouting for months: government officials are dishonest, and they have caused our country’s problems.  Basic fundamental rights that you THINK we have as Americans are a mirage.

We must replace them all with honest people.  Read all about it….

Continue reading 545 Government Officials should be Replaced — so says Veteran Newspaper Columnist

New American Revolution has been begun — the Lawless America Revolution


 Atlanta, GA – A grandpa from Georgia has formally announced a new American revolution with the battle cry “We want our country back!”

Lawless America began as a mission to produce a documentary film about government and judicial corruption, but the mission grew to be a movement, and it is now the Lawless America Revolution, led by Producer/Director and grandpa, William M. Windsor.

Continue reading New American Revolution has been begun — the Lawless America Revolution

Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network Files Against State Supreme Court


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Andy Ostrowski and PCRLN file federal action based upon violations by courts and authorities in Attorney Don Bailey disciplinary proceedings.

A federal civil rights lawsuit was filed today by Andy Ostrowski and the Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network raising claims for violations of, and interference with, their rights under the United States Constitution.  See PRCLN website.

Continue reading Pennsylvania Civil Rights Law Network Files Against State Supreme Court

Whistleblower Productions invites students in every state to work on the crew of Lawless America…The Movie


Whistleblower Productions launched a national publicity campaign for Lawless America…The Movie on May 16, 2012.

The second of many news releases was issued today.  Promotion will be sent regularly to a special media database of over 200,000 email addresses compiled by and many of the people who will be filmed for the movie.

The second release does not mention the name of the movie in hopes of “tricking” the mainstream media into providing coverage based on some of the unique aspects of the movie…

Continue reading Whistleblower Productions invites students in every state to work on the crew of Lawless America…The Movie

Whistleblower Productions launches National Publicity Campaign for Lawless America…The Movie


Whistleblower Productions has launched a national publicity campaign for Lawless America…The Movie.

The first of many news releases was issued today.  Promotion will be sent regularly to a special media database of over 200,000 email addresses compiled by and many of the people who will be filmed for the movie.

The initial release does not mention the name of the movie in hopes of “tricking” the mainstream media into providing coverage based on some of the unique aspects of the movie…

Continue reading Whistleblower Productions launches National Publicity Campaign for Lawless America…The Movie