10-Minutes a Day to Fix America



Fellow Countrymen, lend us your ears, eyes, and fingers for just 10 minutes a day.

Will you donate 10 minutes a day to play an important role in fixing our country?

Each day, I provide one project that asks for 10 minutes of your time. Please give us 10 minutes.

Read all about it…. 

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Video Conveys The Story of Legal and Judicial Corruption



Watch this Video.

It concisely educates the public about the realities of rampant legal and judicial corruption

It was produced by a legal intern.  It tells the story of what she learned abut thew legal system and judicial system during her internship.

What a Legal Intern learned on the Job.


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Time to SAVE America – Time to Get a GRIP




We have just launched our effort to get organizations, websites and bloggers that are focused on improving government to help themselves and us by forming an affiliation relationship.

The affiliation plan was announced in a video on the LawlessAmerica Channel on YouTube ….


Continue reading Time to SAVE America – Time to Get a GRIP

Government Corruption Movement is MOVING


The Second Government Corruption Crisis Conference was held Sunday March 6, 2011 from 5 to 7 pm EST.

The Conference is now a weekly event every Sunday — same time same place — Shovio.

The audience doubled from 650 participants last week to 1,300 this week ….

Continue reading Government Corruption Movement is MOVING