
Get a GRIP Logos


Get a GRIP America.

Please place the GRIP logo on your website, blog, Facebook page, etc.

Here are logos in various sizes ….

Inserting the logo is as simple as inserting a photo in your web page.  Right click to save one or more of these logos to your computer.  Insert the photo and then make it hyperlink to

If you have any trouble, just put a word link: Get a GRIP America.  Link those words to

get-a-grip-america-logo-300w get-a-grip-america-logo-150w
300 pixel width 150 pixel width
get-a-grip-america-logo-200w get-a-grip-america-logo-250w
200 pixel width 250 pixel width


















600 pixel width














GRIP — The Government Reform Integrity Platform — is an effort to get at least one million people to sign a pledge saying they support honesty at all times by government officials as well as protection of our rights under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  GRIP asks concerned Americans to join the Facebook Group “I support the Constitution and Bill of Rights” and sign the Petition.  GRIP also asks all concerned Americans to vote only for candidates who have taken the same pledge by signing the Contract with the Citizens of America.

William M. Windsor

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