The Plan for Government Reform & Integrity


America, we have a problem.

 Many of our government officials are dishonest, and many are corrupt.  Basic fundamental rights that you THINK we have as Americans are a mirage.

We have formed GRIP — Government Reform & Integrity Platform …. to fight this problem.  Read all about it….


Continue reading The Plan for Government Reform & Integrity

President Obama proves he is Clueless

President Obama is CLUELESS.

William M. Windsor wrote to President Barack Obama on February 1, 2011 about the most serious problem this country has ever faced.  POTUS responded on March 23.  I guess we should be glad I wasn’t conveying news of a nuclear disaster or some other imminent danger.  51 days to respond….

This is not Obama-Bashing.  I believe this would have happened with ANY of the Presidents in recent history.  Read all about it…. 

Continue reading President Obama proves he is Clueless

10-Minutes a Day to Fix America



Fellow Countrymen, lend us your ears, eyes, and fingers for just 10 minutes a day.

Will you donate 10 minutes a day to play an important role in fixing our country?

Each day, I provide one project that asks for 10 minutes of your time. Please give us 10 minutes.

Read all about it…. 

Continue reading 10-Minutes a Day to Fix America

Video Conveys The Story of Legal and Judicial Corruption



Watch this Video.

It concisely educates the public about the realities of rampant legal and judicial corruption

It was produced by a legal intern.  It tells the story of what she learned abut thew legal system and judicial system during her internship.

What a Legal Intern learned on the Job.


Continue reading Video Conveys The Story of Legal and Judicial Corruption

Elena Sassower of Center for Judicial Accountability — Lawless America TV, Sunday 5-7 pm EDT

















The Lawless America Government Corruption Crisis Online TV Conference is scheduled for Sunday March 20, 2011 from 5 to 7 pm EDT.  

Tune in to hear Elena Sassower from the Center for Judicial Accountability as she will discuss her organization’s efforts against judicial corruption.  Elena has been fighting judicial corruption for over 20 years, and she has a wealth of knowledge and real-life experience!
Please plan to join us ….

Continue reading Elena Sassower of Center for Judicial Accountability — Lawless America TV, Sunday 5-7 pm EDT

Elena Sassower of Center for Judicial Accountability — Lawless America TV, Sunday March 27, 2011 – 5-7 pm EDT


The Lawless America Government Corruption Crisis Online TV Conference is scheduled for Sunday March 27, 2011 from 5 to 7 pm EDT.  

Tune in to hear Elena Sassower from the Center for Judicial Accountability as she will discuss her organization’s efforts against judicial corruption.  Elena has been fighting judicial corruption for over 20 years, and she has a wealth of knowledge and real-life experience!

Please plan to join us ….

Continue reading Elena Sassower of Center for Judicial Accountability — Lawless America TV, Sunday March 27, 2011 – 5-7 pm EDT

Secret Courts – Secret Law by Larry Bolin



The traditional Anglo-American distrust for secret trials has been variously ascribed to the notorious use of this practice by the Spanish Inquisition, to the excesses of the English Court of Star Chamber, and to the French monarchy’s abuse of the lettre de cachet. All of these institutions obviously symbolized a menace to liberty. In the hands of despotic groups each of them had become an instrument for the suppression of political and religious heresies in ruthless disregard of the right of an accused to a fair trial. In re: Oliver, 333 U.S. 257, 68 S. Ct. 499, 92 L. Ed. 682 (1948).

Continue reading Secret Courts – Secret Law by Larry Bolin

Federal Appellate Judges asked to Sign Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States


One aspect of our proposed plan for dealing with government and judicial corruption is to ask all elected and appointed government officials and all political candidates to sign an Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States of America. 

On March 10, 2011, I sent letters to every federal appellate court judge, except the ones at the Eleventh Circuit because I already know they are corrupt.

Please take a look at the letter and the Contract, and see what you can do….

Continue reading Federal Appellate Judges asked to Sign Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States

Every Member of House and Senate asked to Sign Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States


One aspect of our proposed plan for dealing with government and judicial corruption is to ask all elected and appointed government officials and all political candidates to sign an Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States of America. 

On March 14, 2011, letters were sent to every member of the Senate and House of Representatives.

Please take a look at the letter and the Contract, and see what you can do….

Continue reading Every Member of House and Senate asked to Sign Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States