Bill Windsor finally hears from the ACLU


Bill Windsor has been waiting to receive word from the ACLU as to their interest in representing him in his criminal case.

William M. Windsor went to Helena Montana on September 12, 2015 to go see the ACLU in person.

But guess what, they keep the location of their office a secret and won’t let people drop in to beg for help on their civil liberties…

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Americans do not have the right to a fair trial or an impartial judge


Americans do not have the right to a fair trial or an impartial judge.

These are fairy tales that we are taught by teachers who probably don’t know better...

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545 Government Officials should be Replaced — so says Veteran Newspaper Columnist


Charlie Reese of the Orlando Sentinel has been a journalist for 49 years.

In his final column, he says what we have been shouting for months: government officials are dishonest, and they have caused our country’s problems.  Basic fundamental rights that you THINK we have as Americans are a mirage.

We must replace them all with honest people.  Read all about it….

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What is GRIP and Why is it Needed? GRIP Part 2


What is GRIP, and why is it needed?

GRIP is the Government Reform & Integrity Platform.   GRIP was created to obtain commitments from We the People that we insist on government officials who tell the truth and protection of the fundamental rights afforded by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  GRIP asks every American to make a simple commitment to this cause, and GRIP seeks to get government officials to sign a Contract with the Citizens of the United States.

GRIP is needed because America is broken.  We have lost our most fundamental rights, and We the People are the only ones who can reclaim them.

Continue reading What is GRIP and Why is it Needed? GRIP Part 2

It Could Happen to You: Police Corruption – The Kristi Devine Saga


 It could happen to you…

Someone is out to get you.  The next thing you know, you are charged with committing crimes.

You know you are innocent and that the police are corrupt, but NO ONE will do anything about it.  The police lie.  The judges smirk.  It devastates your life, robs you of your money, and keeps you in fear of being sent to prison.  We have to do something!  Read all about it….

Continue reading It Could Happen to You: Police Corruption – The Kristi Devine Saga

Extent of Judicial and Government Corruption is Mind-Boggling


America has a SERIOUS problem.

When I began this website six months or so ago, I had no idea how serious the problem is of corruption in our government.

Even a month ago, I had no idea.  But now, I am aware of literally tens of thousands of reports of corruption in our judiciary and government.

We have to do something!  Read all about it….

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OUTRAGE: Children as young as 14 sent to Prison for CRIMES such as Forging a Sick Note for School


 As many as 5,000 children in Pennsylvania have been found guilty, and up to 2,000 of them put in prison, by two corrupt judges who received kickbacks from the builders and owners of private prison facilities that benefited.

 In Texas, an 11 Year-Old Girl has been charged with a crime for wearing too much perfume in school.  Children as young as 6-years-old have been charged with CRIMES for such things in school.

We have a government corruption crisis, and it is time for we the people to fix this.  Read all about it and see two shocking videos….

Continue reading OUTRAGE: Children as young as 14 sent to Prison for CRIMES such as Forging a Sick Note for School

Ideas for State Legislation to deal with Judicial and Government Dishonesty and Corruption


America, we have a lot of problems.

Our best hope of fixing some of our problems now is at the state level.  So, we are drafting proposed state legislation to deal with dishonesty and corruption with judges and other government officials.

Please review the points that have been submitted thus far, and add your comments to the article below….

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545 Government Officials should be Replaced — so says Veteran Newspaper Columnist and GRIP


Charlie Reese of the Orlando Sentinel has been a journalist for 49 years.

 In his final column, he says what we have been shouting for months: government officials are dishonest, and they have caused our country’s problems.  Basic fundamental rights that you THINK we have as Americans are a mirage.

We must replace them all with honest people.  Read all about it….


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The Plan for Government Reform & Integrity


America, we have a problem.

 Many of our government officials are dishonest, and many are corrupt.  Basic fundamental rights that you THINK we have as Americans are a mirage.

We have formed GRIP — Government Reform & Integrity Platform …. to fight this problem.  Read all about it….


Continue reading The Plan for Government Reform & Integrity