
Fraudulent Felony Indictments Discovered in Texas – Part 1

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I’ve discovered massive wrongdoing in Texas with fraudulent felony indictments issued on a regular basis.  I’m William M. Windsor.  I’m not an attorney.  I cannot give legal advice, but I do share my experience representing myself as a pro se party, and I’m investigating unthinkable fraud and wrongdoing in Texas for magazine articles and a documentary film.  Check your county and state!

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Judge ignoring Motions – What can I do

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The judge is ignoring my motions.  What should I do?  This is one of the questions that I get asked the most.  You must act.  Don’t sit around griping and complaining.  Take the bull by the horns, and follow the same procedure on each and every motion!  

Continue reading Judge ignoring Motions – What can I do

Learn from Mistakes Criminal Defendant has made in Ellis County Texas

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This is a look at the mistakes Bill Windsor believes John Eric Armstrong has made as a pro se defendant in his criminal defense in Ellis County Texas District Court Case #45576.  You can learn from the mistakes of others, so whether civil or criminal, read on…
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Help 504 Prisoners in the Ellis County Jail


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Please help an Ellis County Jail prisoner buy something he or she wants or needs — Spicy Nacho Chips, a pad of paper, toothpaste, or something to drink.
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William M. Windsor is Back Exposing Corruption and INjustice

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William M. Windsor is back!  Bill Windsor has returned to fight corruption.  My family asked me to stop several years ago, but I was essentially disowned for my efforts to help people, and I’ve had enough.

Continue reading William M. Windsor is Back Exposing Corruption and INjustice

William M. Windsor Wins a Key Motion in Federal Court

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William M. Windsor has won a key decision in federal court.

Bill Windsor filed an appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.  The United States Attorney’s Office represents the government employees who are the defendants in the case.

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William M. Windsor Launches Website to Help People Representing Themselves in Court

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William M. Windsor has launched a website to help those representing themselves in court.

Continue reading William M. Windsor Launches Website to Help People Representing Themselves in Court

Detective Chris Shermer of the Missoula Police Department has been exposed as corrupt

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Chris Shermer was disciplined by the Missoula Police Department in Missoula, Montana in October 2010 for violations of MPD policies, but this was not disclosed to Bill Windsor or others who Chris Shermer wronged.  

This wasn’t a simple policy violation.  This was corruption, plain and simple.  A dirty cop.  AND, a violation that federal law REQUIRED the prosecuting attorney’s office to disclose to people with cases in which Chris Shermer was an investigator… 

Continue reading Detective Chris Shermer of the Missoula Police Department has been exposed as corrupt