
Osama bin Laden is DEAD


WASHINGTON – Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks against the United States, is dead, and the U.S. is in possession of his body, a person familiar with the situation said late Sunday.

President Barack Obama was expected to address the nation on the developments Sunday night.

It was unclear where how bin Laden was killed and how the U.S. captured his body.

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Our First Presidential Candidate has responded with Support for Our Cause!


Charles Harvey, an independent candidate for President of the United States, has responded to my letter asking him to sign our Contract with the Citizens of the United States.

Mr. Harvey recognizes the corruption in the judiciary!

Here is Mr. Harvey’s response….

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The Misfortune of Inheriting


Lawrence Yetzer was standing in his front yard, yelling. The fifty-two year old Rialto man, who was blind and suffered from cerebral palsy, had just discovered his father lying unmoving on the front room floor. “Help!” yelled Yetzer. “Something has happened to Dad!” Please help us!”

Neighbor Yvonne Boone remembers that the paramedics came. Yetzer’s step-father, Max Vantilburg, had died of a heart attack. And Lawrence Yetzer, who had lived with his parents his entire life, was left alone in the world.

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Police and Law Enforcement Corruption and Abuse — an Epidemic in America


Every day, I receive as many as 100 reports of police abuse, brutality, and corruption.  This is a disease that must also be addressed in the same manner that we are attacking judicial corruption. We need to be able to take complaints against the police to grand juries for independent investigation.

I received a series of threats by email tonight from a cop bully threatening me with bodily harm for reporting about police abuse in our country.  So, I will triple my efforts!

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Inspector General Refuses to Investigate Bioweapons Coverup


The Inspector General for the United States Department of Justice has declined to investigate false and misleading statements made by a DOJ employee concerning domestic legislation which appears to violate an international bioweapons treaty.

In a recent unsigned letter issued on DOJ stationary, the IG’s office refused to look into written statements made by Dean Boyd, Press officer for the DOJ, wherein he made an incorrect legal citation when asked to comment on the perception that Section 817 (The Expansion of the Biological Weapons Statute) of the U.S. Patriot Act violates the International Bioweapons Convention (BWC).

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Alex Jones says President Obama’s Birth Certificate is a FAKE


Kurt Nimmo of Alex Jones’ says: “As we originally noted and has been mentioned by a number of electronic image experts, one of the most glaring details demonstrating Obama’s purported birth certificate is a fraud is the presence of digital artifacts.”

Nimmo goes on to say: “Now that we have established that the document is an obvious forgery, we should ask why Obama’s people would release as definitive proof of his citizenship such an easily debunked fraud.”

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Former Georgia Candidate for U.S. Congress Disbarred, Indicted, and More


Craig Steven Mathis, who once challenged Saxby Chambliss for a seat in U.S. Congress has now been disbarred by the Georgia state supreme court after it says he took settlement funds from a client.

Mathis has been stripped of his law license after the justices of the Georgia Supreme Court decided unanimously to disbar him on April 26, 2011.

he has also been indicted on drug charges

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Atlanta Georgia Police Officer Brutally beats Woman at International House of Pancakes


 A scuffle between an Atlanta police officer and a female customer at an IHOP restaurant in Atlanta Georgia was captured on video…much to the chagrin of the policeman.

A group of friends went to get coffee at the IHOP in the early morning hours on Easter Sunday, and a man asked them to be quiet.   

The next thing you see is the man, an Atlanta Police Officer, punching a woman in the face with a clenched fist delivered with full force.

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Las Vegas Man Beaten for filming a Policeman and then Falsely Arrested


Police corruption is out of control.  The fact the public turns a blind eye to it only worsens the problem.

Derek Colling, a Las Vegas Policeman, beat a photograpoher who was filing him and then falsely arrested him.

Photographer Mitchell Crooks (shown in this mugshot following his beating) caught the brutality on tape.

Continue reading Las Vegas Man Beaten for filming a Policeman and then Falsely Arrested

Write to the Presidential Candidates – Our Best Shot at National Publicity for Our Cause


Please write to your favorite candidate.  Better yet, write to all of the candidates. Ask them to pledge to tell the truth at all times and defend our fundamental rights pursuant to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Letters and addresses are provided….

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