
Expose Judicial Corruption, Government Corruption, Legal Corruption, and Law Enforcement Corruption


Expose Judicial Corruption, Government Corruption, Legal Corruption, and Law Enforcement Corruption.

Publicizing the corruption that we all encounter is one of the most important things we can do to battle corruption.

If you are a victim of judicial corruption, goivernment corruption, legal corruption, or law enforcement corruption or abuse, please send your story to Lawless America….

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Mother Wrongly Accused of Murder loses her Children to DCFS as a result — in a town wrongly named Justice, Illinois


I was wrongly accused of murder, but I have lost my children to DCFS as a result.

The system of alleged srevices for “children and families” is hopelessly broken.

My name is Lydia Price.  I live in Justice, Illinois.  This is my diary of what has happened to our family….

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Texas Federal Judge W. Royal Furgeson, Jr. charged with Corruption in Looting Over $4 Million


In Texas, federal Judge W. Royal Furgeson, Jr. has been charged with corruption. 

The case involves an individual named Jeff Baron and a company that he owned, named Ondova Limited Company[1].

Ondova Limited Company was a successful Internet company, accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), that pioneered innovative software in the early days of the Internet….

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Federal Judge Clarence Cooper charged with Corruption in the case of Scott Hintz — Scott sent to Prison


Why has federal Judge Clarence Cooper denied Scott Hintz’ Constitutional rights?  Why did Judge Clarence Cooper deny Scott Hintz his undeniable legal rights to represent himself in court?  Why has Judge Clarence Cooper forced attorney Dennis O’Brien on Scott Hintz?

These are just a few of the questions following Judge Clarence Cooper’s order sending Scott Hintz to prison.

Scott is a friend of Lawless America, and I know him quite well….

Continue reading Federal Judge Clarence Cooper charged with Corruption in the case of Scott Hintz — Scott sent to Prison

You can be in Lawless America…The Movie – Documentary about Government Corruption to be filmed in All 50 States


We want YOU to be in LAWLESS AMERICA…THE MOVIE, a documentary about judicial corruption and government corruption.  The movie will be filmed in all 50 states and will feature at least one victim from each state.

The movie will be a Lawless America Production with all proceeds donated to GRIP (Government Reform & Integrity Platform).  Screenwriter Denise Loughlin has volunteered her services, and we will be looking for all types of help with the movie.

It is our hope that this movie can educate many, many people about the reality that America is broken.  This article has been updated, so click here.

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Mind-altering drugs for kids as young as three years old? It’s a national DCF scandal that has hit home in Florida

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Mind-altering drugs for kids as young three years old? It’s a national scandal that has hit home in Florida.Read about the horror story of our Lawless America friend, Francesca Moore.

Twelve percent of children in Florida who have been removed from their homes and are in state foster care are prescribed psychotropic drugs. According to a government accountability report, kids in foster care in Florida are about three times more likely to receive the drugs.

The side effects from these drugs can be suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, nightmares, and even death.

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What in the world will it take to get Americans to realize that we have lost Our Fundamental Rights


What in the world will it take to get Americans to realize that we have lost our fundamental rights?

Maybe I will drive to all 50 state capitals in an antique hearse with signs on the side and back that say “America is Dead.”

And film a documentary with people telling their stories of government corruption and judicial corruption…at least one from each state….

Continue reading What in the world will it take to get Americans to realize that we have lost Our Fundamental Rights

Atlanta Georgia Courthouse evacuated due to Bomb Threat


The Fulton County Court complex in Atlanta, Georgia has re-opened after a late morning bomb threat on February 9, 2012 put the buildings on lockdown for an hour, Fulton County Superior Court spokesman Don Plummer said.

The lockdown, which lasted an hour, disrupted two high-profile trials.

Officers from more than 10 agencies searched the buildings after someone called 9-11 saying there was a bomb in the courthouse and that it would explode at 1 p.m., according to Lt. Col. Michael Wilson of the Fulton County Sheriff’s office.

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Judicial Whitsleblower Murdered, and New York Police don’t Investigate – Sign Petition PLEASE


Sunny Sheu was a victim of mortgage fraud, who discovered that a New York Supreme Court Judge was complicit in the fraud that stole his home.

Sunny was officially scheduled to testify at a New York State Senate hearing on Judicial Corruption, but before he could testify, he was abducted by two New York Police department detectives and threatened with death if he “went to the authorities.”

Sunny requested witness protection from the FBI and posted a video on Youtube predicting his murder by the judge and the New York Police Department….

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Julian Heicklen and Tyranny Fighters battle outrages perpetrated by the U.S. Government


Tyranny Fighters is a group that fights outrages perpetrated by all the U. S. and state governments (federal, state, county, and municipality).

The group has no fixed rules of policy. There is no constitution, bylaws, or rules. It has no officers, no elections, standing committees, nor specific agenda. There are no dues and no formal memberships. Everyone does his or her own thing for freedom and justice. 

Tyranny Fighters is a networking operation. The goal is to return the country to constitutional government.  Julian Heicklen leads Tyranny Fighters, and this is his latest report….

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