
Attorneys Needed who will handle Cases for those Fighting Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption


Many people are looking for an attorney to handle their cases involving judicial corruption or government corruption.

If you are an honest and willing attorney, or if you know good attorneys who will handle such cases, please email me with contact information.

I get asked this question every week….

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Child Protective Services steals two children. It is not a crime to be poor


When our family moved from Minnesota to North Carolina, we never dreamed our children would be taken from us because we were unemployed.

But that is precisely what happened, and the story is now getting even worse.

My name is Mollie Malone, and this is our story….

Continue reading Child Protective Services steals two children. It is not a crime to be poor

Tennessee Judge Christy Little’s Threats to Mother in Custody Case Aired Before House Judiciary Committee


The Post & Email had reported on two Tennessee child custody cases as told to us by the girls’ mother, Karen Caldwell, in late November 2011.  Ms. Caldwell’s open letter to readers wishing to assist her to regain custody of her daughters was reposted here.

Since that time, Karen Caldwell has traveled twice to Nashville to speak with members of the Tennessee Senate and House Judiciary Committees about her experience and perception of the custody orders made by the respective judges in her daughters’ cases.

Continue reading Tennessee Judge Christy Little’s Threats to Mother in Custody Case Aired Before House Judiciary Committee

Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation under Guardianship is Corruption and a National Disgrace


Elder abuse and financial exploitation under guardianship is corruption and a national disgrace!

Lives are stolen; rights are stolen; estates are looted, families are ruined; extortion is committed; elders are abused and neglected — all under the guise of protection and the color of law in guardianships.

Please sign the petiiton —

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Sacramento Juvenile Court Official Arrested On Child Molestation Accusations


Sacramento California  Juvenile Court official arrested on child molestation accusations.

 Daniel Horton, 47, was arrested On February 15, 2012.  He was booked into the Sacramento County Jail and released on bail. 

He has been arrested on child molestation accusations after allegedly attempting to arrange to have teens pose naked for him.

Continue reading Sacramento Juvenile Court Official Arrested On Child Molestation Accusations

Federal Judge Thomas E. Roberts, III charged with Judicial Corruption in South Carolina


On September 7, 2006, Magistrate Judge Thomas E. Rogers, III commenced a conspiracy against my civil and constitutional rights with the scheduling of an October 2, 2006 mock Motion Hearing allegedly on the only motion on file – my April 20, 2006 Motion to Compel Discovery.  

This began an outrageous five years (and counting) experience that proved to Roslyn Holman that our federal courts are corrupt….

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Mainstream Media is covering Judicial Corruption – Please, Please, PLEASE Post a Comment on this Article! Federal Judge Royal Furgeson is RESIGNING.


The “Mainstream Media” is actually covering a significant story of Judicial Corruption – the story of Judge W. Royal Furgeson’s outrageous crimes against Jeff Baron.

Please, Please, PLEASE Post a Comment on this Article in The Washington Examiner!

This is the opportunity for us to get our support for this story and a one or two sentence statement of our own experiences with corruption….

Continue reading Mainstream Media is covering Judicial Corruption – Please, Please, PLEASE Post a Comment on this Article! Federal Judge Royal Furgeson is RESIGNING.

It’s Time for all Victims of Government Corruption to become The Squeaky Wheel


You know what they say…it’s the squeaky wheel that gets the grease.

Well, it’s time for all victims of government corruption to become The Squeaky Wheel.

Our message is being heard by the bad guys, and that’s a good thing.  We simply need more of everything, but be warned, these government crooks can play as dirty as it gets….

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Chicago is the Most Corrupt City in America


A former Chicago alderman turned political science professor/corruption fighter, Dick Simpson, has found that Chicago is the most corrupt city in the country.

He cites data from the U.S. Department of Justice to prove his case. And, he says, Illinois is third-most corrupt state in the country.

It’s hard to imagine a city more corrupt than Atlanta, Georgia, but based on these particular statistics, Chicago is the most corrupt.  The crooked government officials in Atlanta apparently do a better job of protecting each other from prosecution.

Continue reading Chicago is the Most Corrupt City in America

Victories in Battle against Judicial Corruption, Government Corruption, Legal Corruption, and Law Enforcement Corruption


I am very pleased to report that we are scoring some victories in the battle against Judicial Corruption, Government Corruption, Legal Corruption, and Law Enforcement Corruption.

In one case, hundreds of followers of Lawless America answered the call to sign a petition asking that Judge Gail S. Tusan recuse herself.

And SHE DID!  Ed Dort thanks GRIP and each and every one of you for your help.

Continue reading Victories in Battle against Judicial Corruption, Government Corruption, Legal Corruption, and Law Enforcement Corruption