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GRIP, the Government Reform & Integrity Platform, has launched a nationwide effort to promote honesty in government and protection of the fundamental rights that we were promised by our forefathers in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
If you are an American citizen who wants honesty in government and our fundamental rights, please sign the Petition online.
If you are a candidate, an elected official, or a government employee anywhere in America, please sign the online Contract with the Citizens of the United States committing to these requirements and agreeing to be removed from oiffice if you violate the contract.
Citizen Petition — Background (Preamble):
Our forefathers established this country with a Constitution and Bill of Rights that are supposed to provide us with fundamental rights. Every candidate for political office, every elected official, and every government employee should be willing to commit in writing to always defend our fundamental rights. Sadly, many do not — people in all parties and people in no parties.
GRIP, the Government Reform & Integrity Platform, is a non-partisan coalition of organizations and people who simply seek honesty and our fundamental rights from government. This all that we stand for, and getting signatures from our fellow Americans will be used to send a message to every candidate, elected official, and government employee.
GRIP is also asking every candidate to sign a contract, and we ask every American voter to vote only for candidates who sign the Contract agreeing to always be honest and protect our fundamental rights.
We ask you to vote only for people who say they will be honest and remain accountable – regardless of party. Dishonesty is the fundamental problem with government today. We must all do something about it, and signing this petiiton is quick, easy, and important.
I Support Honesty in Government and the Constitution and Bill of Rights Petition:
I Support Honesty in Government and the fundamental rights that our forefathers provided for us under the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Dishonesty by candidates, elected officials, and government employees is unacceptable.
Judicial Corruption is unacceptable.
Government Corruption is unacceptable.
VITAL Petition to be Signed to Send a Message to All Political Candidates
Map showing Location of Signatures
Political Candidate Petition Contract — Background (Preamble):
Every candidate for political office, every elected official, and every government employee should be willing to commit in writing to always be honest.
Our forefathers established this country with a Constitution and Bill of Rights that are supposed to provide us with fundamental rights. Every candidate for political office, every elected official, and every government employee should be willing to commit in writing to always defend our fundamental rights.
This is what this petition provides. GRIP, the Government Reform & Integrity Platform, is a non-partisan coalition of organizations and people who simply seek honesty and our fundamental rights from government. This all that we stand for, and getting signatures on this petition is our mission.
Everyone should be willing to sign this petition, but dishonest candidates and government officials will be unwilling to sign because the contract provides that they may be removed from office if they violate the petition contract.
GRIP will ask every American voter to vote only for candidates who sign this Contract. Platform First – Party Second. Let’s vote only for people who say they will be honest and remain accountable – regardless of party. Dishonesty is the fundamental problem with government today. This Contract can make a difference.
Honesty Contract with the Citizens of the United States:
WHEREAS, I am a government employee or I am a candidate for an elected government office; and
WHEREAS, I recognize that the citizens of the United States of America expect me to be honest and honor the Constitution and the Bill of Rights;
NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration:
I hereby promise that I will be honest in everything that I say and do while in any position with any government authority in the United States.
I promise to always tell the truth while performing my duties.
I promise to honor and defend the Constitution at all times and in all situations.
I promise to honor and defend the Bill of Rights at all times and in all situations.
I promise to bring honor and integrity to everything I do in my capacity as a Public Servant, and to never lose sight of the fact that my duty while serving in government is service to my country and its people by honoring and fulfilling the intent of our founders in their drafting of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States.
I will voluntarily remove myself from office if I ever violate this promise.
If a complaint is made against me and any jury finds that I have violated this Contract, I will immediately resign my position, and I will agree to never seek employment or any elected position with any government authority at the national, state, county, or local level.
We are making REAL PROGRESS in our battle against dishonesty and corruption in government. Please help, and ask all of your relatives, friends, and associates to sign our simple petition.
We need to all work to make this Petition a HUGE success, and we need GRIP State Chairman to ensure that their state and county political party leadership receives notice of the Contract and a request for all honest candidiates to sign.
William M. Windsor
I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney. This website expresses my OPINIONS. The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions. Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response. This website does not provide legal advice. I do not give legal advice. I do not practice law. This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed. Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website. The law is a gray area at best. Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.
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