DATE CHANGE — Participate in a VITAL Online Video Conference with Leaders against Corruption — Sunday January 14, 2012


DATE CHANGE — PLEASE set aside two hours on Sunday, January 14, 2012 from 5- 7 pm Eastern Time.  We are holding an online video conference of movers and shakers who want to work together to make some things happen in the battle against judicial corruption and government corruption.

My Outlook email has been broken all week, so I have been unable to promote effectively, so we are delaying the meeting until after the holidays.

THIS IS IMPORTANT.  PLEASE participate, and please encourage as many people as you know to watch it online….

Continue reading DATE CHANGE — Participate in a VITAL Online Video Conference with Leaders against Corruption — Sunday January 14, 2012

HELP Needed Badly – Need a Media Entity to File a Motion to Lift Seal of Secret Documents hidden by Corrupt Judge Orinda D. Evans


Help Needed Badly!

There are two documents being held in secret in the Federal Courthouse in Atlanta.  They will prove fraud upon the court and corruption by Federal Judge Orinda D. Evans.

I need a media outlet from somewhere — anywhere — to file a motion to lift the seal on these documents….

Continue reading HELP Needed Badly – Need a Media Entity to File a Motion to Lift Seal of Secret Documents hidden by Corrupt Judge Orinda D. Evans

To Fight Government Corruption and Judicial Corruption, We Must ORGANIZE as One Group


If any of us are to accomplish anything in our fights to minimize government corruption and judicial corruption, we must ORGANIZE as one group.

We should all continue to pursue our own areas of specific interest, but I believe our only hope is through the numbers that can only come by getting all of the various interest groups to come together….

Continue reading To Fight Government Corruption and Judicial Corruption, We Must ORGANIZE as One Group

Child Beater Texas Judge William Adams Suspended by the Texas Supreme Court


The Texas Supreme Court suspended Judge William Adams on November 22, 2011 whose beating of his then-teenage daughter in 2004 was viewed millions of times on the Internet.

Aransas County court-at-law Judge William Adams was suspended immediately with pay pending the outcome of the inquiry started earlier this month by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, according to an order signed on November 22, 2011 by the clerk of the state’s highest court.

A petition drive is underway to get Judge William Adams off the bench forever.  Please sign….

Continue reading Child Beater Texas Judge William Adams Suspended by the Texas Supreme Court

Fraudulent Court Dockets aid the Eleventh Circuit Federal Judges in their Criminal Racketeering


Gaming the System…That’s how one person put it.  The federal judges and the federal judicial employees game the system.  They do whatever it takes to screw the unchosen.

This may or may not be John Ley, Clerk of the Court of the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.  With 90-year-old judges like Judge Phyllis A. Kravitch and Octogenarians like Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat, John Ley is probably 100-years-old or so.

John Ley has committed a number of criminal acts, conspiring with the corrupt federal judges in Atlanta….

Continue reading Fraudulent Court Dockets aid the Eleventh Circuit Federal Judges in their Criminal Racketeering

Right to Appeal Voided in Corrupt Federal Courts in Georgia


82-year-old federal Judge Gerald Bard Tjoflat has announced that the right to file an appeal no longer exists in federal courts.

At least it doesn’t exist if your name is Windsor.

In a shocking order, Judge Tjoflat and his running buddies, Judge Ed Carnes, and Judge William H. Pryor, have denied my wife’s right to appeal….


Continue reading Right to Appeal Voided in Corrupt Federal Courts in Georgia

Corrupt 90-Year-Old Federal Judge Phyllis A. Kravitch Commits Criminal Acts Against William M. Windsor


This is corrupt 90-year-old Federal Judge Phyllis A. Kravitch.  She has joined the party in committing criminal acts against William M. Windsor.

I wonder how many people she has screwed in her excessively-long career as a judge?

In an October 31, 2011 Order denying an appeal of William M. Windsor, Judge Phyllis A. Kravitch took positions just exactly opposite the way she had ruled previously (and Eleventh Circuit and Supreme Court precedents required) on nine points of error….

Continue reading Corrupt 90-Year-Old Federal Judge Phyllis A. Kravitch Commits Criminal Acts Against William M. Windsor

William M. Windsor again concerned with Threats from the U.S. Government

William M. Windsor has served the United States government with a Criminal Trespass Warning.

As many regular readers know, William M. Windsor was informed in May 2011 that a federal prisoner claims he was approached with a deal to get out of prison if he killed Bill Windsor.

Bill Windsor is still alive, but recent threats and innuendo prompted him to issue a Criminal Trespass Warning….

 I was a guest on a radio talk show on Thursday, May 12, 2011.  Following the radio show, I was contacted by a known, reliable source who informed me that the U.S. government may be targeting me for assassination.  The report came from a federal prisoner through his wife.  I was told that the prisoner (in a state far away from Georgia) was approached by government officials offering the man a deal.  That deal was for him to infiltrate efforts of people, including specifically by name – William M. Windsor.  Assassination of me and at least one other named individual (also from Georgia) was mentioned.  Agent Harry Hammick with the FBI told me the FBI was going to come see me and investigate, but the FBI was never heard from again.

Some “men in black” were seen by our neighbor in the side of our yard (the side of our yard that is very close to the home next door — the side of the yard with no walkway, no equipment, no reason to be there — the side of our yard that someone could only reach by trespassing).  I never found out what that was all about, though some suspect that my phone has been tapped.   

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When I last visited the federal courthouse in Atlanta, U.S. Marshal Tom Shell said to me that he doesn’t want to see me end up in prison, or words to that effect.  I took that as a veiled threat that if I continue to pursue exposing the federal judges, they will manufacture some charges to put me in prison.  (I do not own a gun, do not break the law, and do not even have a traffic ticket or parking ticket in Georgia, where I was born and where I have lived for the last 10 years.  I would never break the law!)

Then last Thursday, the horribly corrupt federal Judge Thomas W. Thrash began making threats, including sending U.S. Marshals to my home.  I believe Judge Thomas W. Thrash would be involved in any plot to have me killed or arrested on manufactured charges.

As soon as I learned what Judge Thomas W. Thrash was doing, I immediately sent a Criminal Trespass Warning Notice to Judge Thomas W. Thrash, U.S. Marshal Tom Shell, the U.S. Department of Justice, Attorney General Holder, the U.S. Marshal Service, and others.

I advised them that, pursuant to O.C.G.A. 16-7-21, they are forbidden to enter upon the land or premises of my home at 3924 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta, GA 30068.  I told them I am the owner of the property at 3924 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta, GA 30068 (a requirement for someone to be able to issue such a Warning Notice). 

I told them “Do not enter our property for any reason.  Do not step foot on our driveway.  Do not jump our gate or our fences.  Stay away.  Failure to comply with this warning will mean that you are criminally trespassing, and I will do whatever is necessary to enforce my rights.”

I purchased an attractive (small) “No Trespassing” sign to go on our front gate.  I will post similar signs on each side of our property.

If you are concerned with blocking the government or anyone else from entering your property against your wishes, you should check your state’s laws on trespassing.

I may have to re-think my position on a gun.  I decided not to buy one because I felt the corrupt judges could use that to claim I am a threat.  But I may need a gun for protection.

Who’d have thunk that we would ever feel that we might be safer in some other country….

William M. Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law. This website is to expose corruption in government, law enforcement, and the judiciary. Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite of my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.

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Our repeated Petitions for redress of grievances have been answered only by repeated injury.


I received this message today: “Our repeated Petitions for redress of grievances have been answered only by repeated injury.”

Has this been your experience with judicial corruption and government corruption?

Continue reading Our repeated Petitions for redress of grievances have been answered only by repeated injury.