Federal Judge William S. Duffey subject to more charges of Corruption in Atlanta, Georgia


Federal Judge William S. Duffey, Jr. is subject to more charges of corruption by litigants in Atlanta, Georgia.

Over the past week, I have written and published numerous articles on LawlessAmerica.com charging numerous state and federal judges with countless crimes, ranging from conspiracy to commit / cover up the murder of my unborn child, to treason and declaring war against the United States Constitution.

Judge William S. Duffey Jr. joined the conspiracy in September 2011. 

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Georgia Judge Daphne Walker is charged with Corruption in Atlanta, Georgia — Clayton County Georgia


Georgia Judge Daphne Walker is charged with corruption in Atlanta, Georgia — Clayton County Georgia. 

As stated in a previous article published on LawlessAmerica.com regarding Judge John C. Carbo III, after the brutal murder of my unborn child on March 2, 201o by Clayton County law enforcement and the attempted murder of my teenage son and me, Judge Daphne Walker became a player in the conspiracy by aiding and abetting law enforcement in perfecting and filing in the court record, a severely fraudulent arrest warrant after the fact.

With criminal intent, not only to cover up / conceal murder / feticide and other crimes committed at the crime scene and elsewhere, Judge Daphne Walker made it appear as if officers had a warrant to enter my home.

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Georgia Judge John C. Carbo III is charged with Corruption in Atlanta, Georgia — Clayton County Georgia


On March 2, 2010, I was brutally attacked in my home by SWAT team, police, and Sheriff’s officers from three different law enforcement agencies within Clayton County.

I was brutalized, terrorized, held repeatedly at gun point, at one point when I ran out on my outside deck to call for help, more than 25 officers that were on my front lawn pointed their guns at me simultaneously and made me lay down unclothed on my cold, wet deck.

I was tortured, photographed naked in the presence of my children, kidnapped from my home naked, and arrested.   This was a failed assassination attempt that claimed the life of my unborn child. Judge John C. Carbo, III (shown here) was involved.

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Georgia Judge Constance C. Russell is charged with Corruption in Atlanta, Georgia — Fulton County Georgia


Georgia Judge Constance C. Russell is charged with corruption in Atlanta, Georgia — Fulton County Georgia.

Judge Constance C. Russell is another corrupt Fulton County Superior Court Judge who displayed criminal conduct similar to that of Judge Christopher S. Brasher, about whom I recently published an article here on LawlessAmerica.com.

My name is Shellie Youhoing-Nanan, and this is my story…

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Georgia Judge Christopher S. Brasher is charged with Corruption in Atlanta, Georgia — Fulton County Georgia


I have just posted an article on LawlessAmerica.com exposing judicial fraud concerning Judge Doris L. Downs of the Fulton County Superior Court in Atlanta, Georgia.

In that article, I explained how Judge Doris L. Downs joined with Travelers Insurance Company, Travelers attorneys, and Judge Christopher S. Brasher to fraudulently dismiss my family lawsuit to defraud my family of insurance compensation for burglary loss incurred in 2007 in the amount of almost $100,000.

I encourage everyone to read that article and send us your feedback on LawlessAmerica.com. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Georgia Judge Doris L. Downs is charged with Corruption in Atlanta, Georgia — Fulton County Georgia


Over the past decade, my family has suffered three disasters to our home — two fires and one burglary while vacationing in Florida. In all three cases, our insurance companies, Travelers and State Farm Insurance, were successful in utilizing our courts and our judges in obtaining fraudulent dismissals against us.

The Clayton County Police Department and Fire Department investigated the cases and declared my family victims in all three disasters suffered. Despite this, we have not received a dime in compensation for these losses. 

My name is Shellie Youhoing-Nanan, and this is my story…

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Georgia Federal Judge Charles A. Pannell, Jr. charged with Corruption

pannell charles-a-judge

Atlanta, Georgia federal Judge Charles A. Pannell, Jr. is charged with corruption.

My name is Shellie Youhoing-Nanan, and this is my story…

I stated in my previous article here on LawlessAmerica.com that I will be publishing an article exposing Federal Court Judge, Judge Charles A Pannell, Jr, as I did to Superior Court Judge Constance C. Russell and other corrupt judges who do not abide by our laws and Constitution, giving aid to the enemies and waring against the Constitution of the United States….

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Did you know that being a Good Samaritan and saving a child’s life can be a crime in Oregon?


The citizens of Oregon need to be warned that you can go to jail for saving a child’s life.  The Good Samaritan Laws and Oregon laws such as ORS 161.200 DO NOT protect you!!!

Oregon’s “Public servants/paid officials” are more concerned with the money generated with quotas and convictions, than having any moral conscience and upholding the law and finding out the TRUTH and true justice.

Previous to this experience with Judge Jeffrey S. Jones (shown here) and our INjustice system, I would have never believed someone telling me that you need to think twice about getting involved in an emergency situation and doing anything I possibly could to save someone else’s life, especially a child.

Continue reading Did you know that being a Good Samaritan and saving a child’s life can be a crime in Oregon?

Atlanta Georgia has the Most Corrupt Judges, Government, and Law Enforcement in the entire USA


Atlanta Georgia has THE MOST corrupt judges, government, and law enforcement personnel in the entire USA.

I know.  I am a victim, and I have been gathering evidence and meeting with other victims and witnesses for several years now.

The mainstream media has kept this story hidden because the mainstream media is all about money — money from the big companies that buy advertising, money from the wealthy who “own” various judges and government officials.

But that may be about to change….

Continue reading Atlanta Georgia has the Most Corrupt Judges, Government, and Law Enforcement in the entire USA

Impeach Alabama Judge J. David Jordan


This is the story of a Dad, Michael Caraway.  Mr. Caraway’s experience is one of the reasons why Alabama Judge J. David Jordan (shown here) should be impeached.

Michael Caraway and his wife divorced in 2004.  Mr. Caraway was at that time a nine-year veteran of the Alabama Department of Corrections as a Corrections Officer.

Mr. Caraway reports that his ex-wife is a drug addict — a crackhead….

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