
Georgia Judge Constance C. Russell is charged with Corruption in Atlanta, Georgia — Fulton County Georgia


Georgia Judge Constance C. Russell is charged with corruption in Atlanta, Georgia — Fulton County Georgia.

Judge Constance C. Russell is another corrupt Fulton County Superior Court Judge who displayed criminal conduct similar to that of Judge Christopher S. Brasher, about whom I recently published an article here on

My name is Shellie Youhoing-Nanan, and this is my story…

 In her criminal racketeering act, Judge Constance C. Russell allowed herself and the legal administration of our court to conduct illegal activities, including her repeated attempts to aid and abet major insurance corporation in obtaining fraudulent dismissal against my family, who are disaster victims.

I hereby charge Judge Constance C. Russell with the crimes of conspiracy, judicial misconduct, witness tampering, insurance fraud, fraud, fraud upon the court, treason, violation of oath of office, and other serious crimes.

In January 2009, my family filed a lawsuit against Travelers Insurance in the Fulton County Superior Court due to Travelers’ refusal to rebuild our home after fire disaster. This was a devastating situation for my family because we almost lost the lives of two of our beautiful children in this disaster. Thanks to good neighbors and the compassion of Almighty God, my children are alive today. Travelers Insurance deserted my family, forcing us to take immediate refuge on the street.

Ironically, Judge Constance C. Russell who mainly handles criminal cases was the presiding judge over my case. Travelers’ Attorney, Michael Schroder, who I believe is one of the most crooked attorneys in Georgia’s history, was able to conspire with Judge Constance C. Russell and attempted to dismiss our lawsuit fraudulently.

In further serious violation of state and federal law, Judge Constance C. Russell allowed her assistant, Ms Vicki Hood, to call my home and inform me not to show up in court for a very important hearing under the false pretense that Judge Constance C. Russell would not be able to attend. No written notice was sent to me postponing the hearing. However, on the day of the hearing, Travelers’ lawyer; Michael Schroder showed up in court with his folder under his arms, demanding the dismissal of our case.

Had I not attended the hearing, there is no doubt that my case would have been fraudulently dismissed.

This was not all the fraud inflicted upon my family at the hands of Judge Constance C. Russell. Despite court records that revealed that the Fulton County Sheriff’s Department perfected legal process service upon Travelers’ registered agent, CT Corporation, Judge Constance C. Russell not only allowed Travelers’ attorney to commit fraud by denying service was perfected, she also threatened to dismiss our lawsuit for failure to prefect service upon Travelers.

I had to stand my ground and demand justice in the case. However, Travelers’ attorney was able to transfer the case to the federal court under severely fraudulent pretenses to Judge Charles A. Pannell who later fraudulently dismissed our case.

My next article on is exposing Federal Court Judge Charles A. Pannell.

Judge Constance C. Russell is a corrupt Fulton County Superior Court judge, and she must be exposed, investigated, imprisoned, and held accountable for her role in this conspiracy, including utilizing the legal administration of the court to aid and abet major insurance corporations in defrauding disaster victims of insurance compensation for loss incurred. She also has a profound prejudice and abuse towards pro se litigants.

written by Shellie Youhoing-Nanan

William M. Windsor

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