
Atlanta Georgia News announces Protest at Courthouse over Corrupt Judges — Weekly Protests needed Nationwide


One Atlanta TV station announced this week that protests were taking place at the Fulton County Courthouse against CORRUPT JUDGES.

Hey folks, that was US!

The picketing and petitioning at the Fulton County Courthouse in Atlanta was a big success.  We need weekly petitioning at every county courthouse in America….

In Atlanta, we will be protesting on Tuesday and Friday this week.  We want more and more media coverage.  We want more and more opportunities to meet other victims and courthouse employees who will help us reach former employees who will provide testimony and evidence about the corruption.  This week, we will also have protestors with signs at the entrance to the underground parking garage where the judges slither in each morning; we want them all to know that we are there and after them.

PLEASE accept the job of organizing petitioners in your county.  Please email with your address, county, and phone, and we will send you what you need to get started.  The main thing you need are volunteers to help.  You need at least two people at each entrance to the courthouse from 8 am to 5 pm at least one day a week. If you are in a cold climate, plan to start petitioning when the weather warms up enough…but start now to get volunteers.

We can make a difference, folks.  We just need to act now.

William M. Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.  This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption.  Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms

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