9,000 Government Officials in the U.S. are found Guilty of Corruption EACH YEAR!


 In 2008, the FBI had more than 2,500 open public corruption cases, an increase of more than 50 percent since 2003. 

During 2007 and 2008 alone, more than 18,000 government officials in the U.S. were convicted.  That means over 9,000 government officials are convicted every year — likely over 100,000 this decade.

Continue reading 9,000 Government Officials in the U.S. are found Guilty of Corruption EACH YEAR!

Extent of Judicial and Government Corruption is Mind-Boggling


America has a SERIOUS problem.

When I began this website six months or so ago, I had no idea how serious the problem is of corruption in our government.

Even a month ago, I had no idea.  But now, I am aware of literally tens of thousands of reports of corruption in our judiciary and government.

We have to do something!  Read all about it….

Continue reading Extent of Judicial and Government Corruption is Mind-Boggling

President Obama proves he is Clueless


President Obama is CLUELESS.

William M. Windsor wrote to President Barack Obama on February 1, 2011 about the most serious problem this country has ever faced.  POTUS responded on March 23.  I guess we should be glad I wasn’t conveying news of a nuclear disaster or some other imminent danger.  51 days to respond….

This is not Obama-Bashing.  I believe this would have happened with ANY of the Presidents in recent history.  Read all about it…. 

Continue reading President Obama proves he is Clueless

Search for One Honest Government Official hits the Streets of Washington, DC Today

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A group of concerned citizens are searching for one honest government official….

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Search for One Honest Government Official FAILS in Washington, DC

 mobile billboard seeking one honest government official 200w

A group of concerned citizens searched for one honest government official in Washington, DC, but they found there were none…. 

They weren’t able to find one through regular channels, so they purchased a mobile billboard that drove throughout Washington, DC on March 1, 2011 advertising for one honest government official to call.

Continue reading Search for One Honest Government Official FAILS in Washington, DC

Email from 13-Year-Old Suzannah and Hannah



I received an email from 13-year-old Suzannah and Hannah.  The girls read an article online about my actions with The Supreme Court. 

They are concerned about their future. 

Read what they have written….

Continue reading Email from 13-Year-Old Suzannah and Hannah

How can America be so Corrupt?



How can America be so corrupt?

I thought America was a “free country” with the “greatest legal system in the world” – so how can you say it is corrupt?

Consider this just received from Mark Garner …

Continue reading How can America be so Corrupt?