Detective Chris Shermer of the Missoula Police Department has been exposed as corrupt

police handcuffs 070323a0062 200w

Chris Shermer was disciplined by the Missoula Police Department in Missoula, Montana in October 2010 for violations of MPD policies, but this was not disclosed to Bill Windsor or others who Chris Shermer wronged.  

This wasn’t a simple policy violation.  This was corruption, plain and simple.  A dirty cop.  AND, a violation that federal law REQUIRED the prosecuting attorney’s office to disclose to people with cases in which Chris Shermer was an investigator… 

Continue reading Detective Chris Shermer of the Missoula Police Department has been exposed as corrupt

Judges, Court Clerks, and Attorneys all commit Fraud Upon the Court


Should you think judges, their staffs, court clerks, and attorneys are honest, think again.

If you are involved in a court matter, you are most likely a victim.  It is important to understand what fraud upon the court is so you can realize when it is happening to you.

Fraud upon the court is important because orders and judgments may be set aside at any time when fraud upon the court is proven.  I have seen cases where as many as 60 years later, a judgment was set aside.


Continue reading Judges, Court Clerks, and Attorneys all commit Fraud Upon the Court

How to Fight Judicial Corruption – Know how Judges Commit Crimes

When I discovered that I was being victimized by judicial corruption, I decided to fight.

I am not an attorney, and I am not giving legal advice.

This is what I have learned about how judges commit crimes.

Know How Judges Commit Crimes

To effectively battle judicial corruption, you must have a good handle on the various techniques that judges use to break the rules, favor the other party, and commit crimes.  Keep these techniques in mind as you analyze what has been done to you.

I suggest that you prepare a document listing each of these techniques that are applicable to your situation, and then gather the evidence that you have of each.  You will be able to use this information in many of the things that you do to battle corruption and expose the evildoers.

Judges regularly commit the crimes of obstruction of justice and perjury.  They obstruct justice by using various techniques to render decisions and issue orders that are intended to deny justice.

They do this to favor certain parties and law firms.   They may do it for money or other considerations, or they may do it simply because they favor certain attorneys….

For our purposes now, why they do it is not as important as the fact that they do obstruct justice.  They all belong in prison.

To pursue criminal charges against judges, you need to document everything that is improper.  It is my opinion that a pattern and practice of this wrongdoing can establish the crime of obstruction of justice.  This article references one judge who recently committed all of this wrongdoing against me.  I could reference dozens of judges from personal experience and hundreds of judges from stories that I have filmed.  The simple truth is that judges do whatever they want in complete disregard for the facts and the law.

These are some of the techniques the judges use:

Ignore the Law

One of the primary techniques used by corrupt judges is to simply ignore the law.  One party cites the law and overwhelming case law.  The favored party doesn’t have the law on their side.   The judge simply ignores the law and rules against the party that was legally right.  In one instance, I presented literally thousands of cases that proved that I was right.  In fact, there had never been a case in any court where there was a ruling other than one that would be in my favor.  Judge James A. Haynes had one and only one motive, so he ignored the law repeatedly and ruled against me.  I carefully researched the legal issues in my case, so I know what the law is.

Cite Invalid Law

Sometimes a judge will feel like citation of case law is needed to support their ruling.  So, they claim a case applies when it doesn’t.  Judge James A. Haynes has done this.  He cited the case of State v. Moga in his order dated December 4, 2015, claiming it applied to my Motion to Dismiss Count #1 due to expiration of the Statute of Limitations, but it does not apply.  But he ruled against me because he needed to in order to keep some bogus charges against me to reduce the exposure of Missoula County on a malicious prosecution case.  Always review the cases cited by judges so you can identify the invalid cases that are cited.  I use for my legal research.

Ignore the Facts

Judges don’t address points raised by parties who aren’t favored.  I find appellate judges are even more dishonest than lower court judges when it comes to ignoring the issues, facts, statutes, and case law.  Lying about the facts in orders and lying under oath both constitute perjury.  Judges are always under oath, and a judge is supposed to never say or write anything that isn’t true.  So, when a judge knowingly lies in orders for the purpose of ruling against a party for the judge’s criminal reasons, it is a criminal violation of perjury.  Each such instance is a separate count.  In my recent case, Judge James A. Haynes committed a number of counts of perjury.  He has claimed that I have said and done things that haven’t happened.  He has done this so it will appear he has some justification for denying my motions without consideration and blocking my ability to file anything. 

Ignore Issues

Another favorite technique is to simply ignore issues in orders.  Judge James A. Haynes ignored motions where his ruling could not possibly be explained.  So, rather than make up an explanation, he just ignored those tough issues.  As a result, he has not properly addressed whether Montana has jurisdiction for something that allegedly happened in Texas, whether the charges must be dismissed due to failure to provide a speedy trial, and others.

Conceal Evidence

A really dishonest judge like Judge James A. Haynes will simply conceal evidence.  In my case, he denied me any discovery, and in so doing, he concealed the evidence.

Say Nothing in Orders

One of the favorite techniques of Judge James A. Haynes is to say nothing.  He simply says “denied.” Montana law requires that judges provide a “findings of fact and conclusions of law” on their orders, but Judge James A. Haynes doesn’t.

Block Filing of Motions and Evidence

By allowing the favored party to file anything they choose and blocking the filings and motions of the pro se party, judges commit the worst form of obstruction of justice.   The pro se party is denied the information needed to defeat the other party, and there is no record of this evidence and these arguments on appeal.  Judge James A. Haynes has done this to me repeatedly and in a CRIMINAL case.

Tamper with Evidence

Tampering with evidence is a crime.  Judges commit tampering with evidence by causing evidence submitted for filing to disappear and not get added to the court record.  In my case, Judge James A. Haynes simply did not allow me to use any of my evidence or ask questions of witnesses.  Then at trial, my evidence disappeared.  I was required to file the originals with the Clerk prior to the trial, and when I asked for my evidence during the trial, photocopies appeared instead — hiding the evidence that I needed.  I was flabbergasted.  But you should never underestimate what these dishonest judges, prosecutors, and attorneys will do.

Deny Constitutional Rights

The Constitution is meaningless to corrupt judges.  They simply violate Constitutional rights with no regard for the people they damage.  Most of the judges who I have encountered have violated my Constitutional rights.  I have been raped of my rights to due process.  I have been denied the right to call witnesses, to testify under oath, to cross-examine witnesses, to introduce evidence, to file answers to motions filed by the favored party, to file lawsuits, to contact witnesses, and much more.  It is very important for you to know the Constitutional rights that judges routinely deny.  The First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments are most violated by judges.

Violate and Ignore the Rules of Civil Procedure

By violating and ignoring the Rules of Civil Procedure and the Rules of Evidence, judges commit obstruction of justice.  They allow the favored party to break rules and get away with it.  

Automatically Rule against Certain Classes of People

Judges automatically rule against certain classes of people.  The concept of fair and impartial judges is a fairy tale.  I have proven that people who represent themselves as plaintiffs in the federal courts in Atlanta, Georgia always lose.  We have a right to represent ourselves in court, but we automatically lose.  Judges are simply attorneys in black dresses, and they seem to uniformly hate parties who aren’t spending a fortune with attorneys, so they screw them.

Order Monetary Sanctions against Parties they want to Damage

The criminal judges inflict damage on parties who aren’t favored by ordering monetary sanctions against them.  They inflict financial punishment to break people.  

Refuse to Disqualify Themselves

The Constitution and case law clearly provide that we are supposed to be entitled to a fair and impartial judge, but the corrupt judges simply ignore the law.  They refuse to disqualify themselves so they can inflict damage on parties who aren’t favored.  This has happened with Judge James A. Haynes.

Violate their Oath of Office and the Code of Judicial Conduct

Like the rules of civil procedure, a judge’s Oath of Office and Code of Judicial Conduct READ great.  But the judges pay no attention to the Oath or Code.  When they intentionally violate their Oath and the Code of Judicial Conduct, they are intentionally damaging a party.  Judge James A. Haynes may have set a record in the volume of judicial misconduct.

Conspire with Fellow Judges and Judicial Employees

The corrupt judges commit conspiracy with their fellow judges and judicial employees.  They often need help from other judges as well as law clerks, the employees in the Office of the Clerk of the Court, and others. The court clerks have been very much involved in the corruption against me.

Allow Perjury

Dishonest judges allow a favored party to lie and cheat.  The felony of perjury is ignored.  This is an excellent way for a crooked judge to allow a favored party who is dishonest to obstruct justice.   When the judge knows the testimony is perjured, the judge is suborning perjury when he or she does nothing about it and accepts the perjury as if it was fact.  Judge James A. Haynes is allowing the perjured testimony of Sean Boushie to be considered fact despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

Deny Hearings

In the federal courts in Fulton County, it is extremely difficult to get a hearing.  In six years, I was never granted a hearing.  Hearings are dangerous for dishonest judges as courtroom observers, media, and the transcript of the hearing will force the judges to be a little more honest.  Judge James A. Haynes held hearings; he just did all the talking.  It’s a lecture rather than a hearing.  Judge James A. Haynes has a “hearing” problem.

Practice Simulated Litigation

Dishonest judges don’t issue valid orders, and they don’t maintain legal dockets.  I guess this makes it easier for them to manipulate things.  Judge James A. Haynes has issued many handwritten documents that purport to be orders, but they are not on the Docket, and they are not valid orders.

Dismiss Cases or Grant Summary Judgments

Dishonest judges ignore the law and violate the law by dismissing cases or by granting summary judgment.  This is done regularly.  This keeps the honest party from the right to have a jury make the decision.

Deny Jury Trials

Judges corrupt the judicial process by depriving parties of a jury trial.  Honest juries can’t be controlled by the judges to ensure that their favored party wins, so judges end cases before the people who should win can reach a jury.  Now this is not to say that juries may not be rigged.

Don’t Publish the Improper Orders

When they are violating the law, they have protection by not publishing the order.   This keeps it from the eyes of attorneys and other judges who would identify the wrongdoing.  Publishing would also make their erroneous decisions precedents for other cases.  The whole legal system would be turned even more upside down if this were to happen.

Judges are Corrupt

Corruption is the abuse of power by a public official.  Judicial corruption is abuse of power by a judge.  Corruption does not have to be economic in character.  A police officer who fabricates evidence against a person he believes to be guilty of paedophilia is not committing an economic crime; and he might do so because he believes the accused to be guilty, and does not want him to go unpunished.  Economics is not necessarily involved as an element of the officer’s crime or as a motivation.   When police do wrong they are often motivated by a misplaced sense of justice, rather than by financial reward.  Again, a person in authority motivated by sadistic pleasure who abuses her power by meting out cruel and unjust treatment to those subject to her authority, is not engaging in an economic crime; and she is not motivated by economic considerations.  Judges and many of those who occupy positions of authority are motivated by a desire to exercise power for its own sake, rather than by a desire for financial reward.  That said, bribery is generally regarded as the most serious form of public corruption.

How to Fight Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption — A Step-by-Step Procedure

Part 1 in this series is “Go in with Your Eyes Open.”

Part 2 in this series is “Fire Your Attorney.”

Part 3 in this series is “Establish a Support Network.”

Part 4 in this series is “Know How Judges Commit Crimes.”

Part 5 in this series is “Document Everything — Take Notes — Put it in Writing.”

Part 6 in this series is “Always abide by the Rules.”

Part 7 in this series is “Prepare Everything Very Carefully.”

Part 8 in this series is “Get Your Facts and Evidence Together.”

William M. Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.  This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.

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Federal politicians convicted of crimes in Lawless America

Many politicians have been convicted of crimes in Lawless America.

It’s sad, but what is really sad is that soooo many others commit crimes and get away with it…

This list consists of American politicians convicted of crimes either committed or prosecuted while holding office in the federal government.  It includes politicians who were convicted or pleaded guilty in a court of law; and does not include politicians involved in unprosecuted scandals (which may or may not have been illegal in nature), or politicians who have only been arrested or indicted.  The list also does not include crimes which occur outside the politician’s tenure unless they specifically stem from acts while they were in office.

Although the convicted politicians are arranged by presidential terms starting with the most recent, many of the crimes have little or no connection to who is President….

2017–2017 (Trump (R) presidency)

Legislative branch

  • Anthony Weiner, a former Democratic Congressman from New York who had resigned in 2011 after it was revealed that he was “sexting” young women,[1] was convicted of ‘sexting’ a 15 year old girl and was made to sign the sexual offenders register. (2017)[2]
  • Corrine Brown (D-FL) was convicted on 18 felony counts of wire and tax fraud, conspiracy, lying to federal investigators, and other corruption charges. (2017)[3]
  • Greg Gianforte (R-MT) pled guilty to charge of assault. (2017)[4][5]

2009–2017 (Obama (D) presidency)

Executive branch

Legislative branch

  • Chaka Fattah (D-PA) was convicted on 23 counts of racketeering, fraud, and other corruption charges. (2016)[8]
  • Dennis Hastert (R-IL) Speaker of the United States House of Representatives pleaded guilty in court for illegally structuring bank transactions related to payment of $3.5 million to quash allegations of sexual misconduct with a student when he was a high school teacher and coach decades ago.[9] (2016)
  • Michael Grimm (R-NY) pleaded guilty of felony tax evasion. This was the fourth count in a 20-count indictment brought against him for improper use of campaign funds. The guilty plea had a maximum sentence of three years; he was sentenced to eight months in prison. (2015)[10][11]
  • Trey Radel (R-FL) was convicted of possession of cocaine in November 2013. As a first-time offender, he was sentenced to one year probation and fined $250. Radel announced he would take a leave of absence, but did not resign. Later, under pressure from a number of Republican leaders, he announced through a spokesperson that he would resign. (2013)[12][13][14]
  • Rick Renzi (R-AZ) was found guilty on 17 of 32 counts against him June 12, 2013, including wire fraud, conspiracy, extortion, racketeering, money laundering and making false statements to insurance regulators. (2013)[15]
  • Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL) pleaded guilty February 20, 2013, to one count of wire and mail fraud in connection with his misuse of $750,000 in campaign funds. Jackson was sentenced to two and one-half years’ imprisonment. (2013)[16]
  • Laura Richardson (D-CA) was found guilty on seven counts of violating US House rules by improperly using her staff to campaign for her, destroying the evidence and tampering with witness testimony. The House Ethics Committee ordered Richardson to pay a fine of $10,000. (2012)[17][18]

Judicial branch

  • Mark E. Fuller (R) U.S. District Judge was found guilty of domestic violence and sentenced to 24 weeks of family and domestic training and forced to resign his position. (2015)[19][20][21]

2001–2009 (George W. Bush (R) presidency)

Executive branch

  • Scott Bloch (R) United States Special Counsel. pleaded guilty to criminal contempt of Congress for “willfully and unlawfully withholding pertinent information from a House Committee investigating his decision to have several government computers wiped …”[22][23] On June 24, 2013, U. S. District Judge Robert L. Wilkins sentenced Bloch to one day in jail and two years’ probation, and also ordered him to pay a $5000 fine and perform 200 hours of community service.(2010) [24]
  • David Safavian (R) Administrator for the Office of Management and Budget[25] where he set purchasing policy for the entire government.[26][27] He was found guilty of blocking justice and lying,[28] and sentenced to 18 months. (2008)[29][30]
  • Lewis Libby (R) Chief of Staff to Vice President Dick Cheney (R). ‘Scooter’ was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice in the Plame Affair on March 6, 2007 and was sentenced to 30 months in prison and fined $250,000. His sentence was commuted by George W. Bush (R) on July 1, 2007. (2007)[31]
  • Lester Crawford (R) Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, resigned after 2 months. Pleaded guilty to conflict of interest and received 3 years suspended sentence and fined $90,000. (2006) [32]
  • Claude Allen (R) Director of the Domestic Policy Council, was arrested for a series of felony thefts in retail stores. (2006) He was convicted on one count and resigned soon after.[33]

Legislative branch

  • William J. Jefferson (D-LA) was charged in August 2005 after the FBI seized $90,000 in cash from his home freezer. He was re-elected to the House in 2006, but lost in 2008. He was convicted November 13, 2009, of 11 counts of bribery and sentenced to 13 years in prison. (2009)[34] Jefferson’s Chief of Staff Brett Pfeffer, was sentenced to 84 months for bribery. (2006) [35]
  • Jack Abramoff CNMI scandal involves the efforts of Abramoff to influence Congressional action concerning U.S. immigration and minimum wage laws. See Executive branch convictions. Congressmen convicted in the Abramoff scandal include:
  1. Bob Ney (R-OH) pleaded guilty to conspiracy and making false statements as a result of his receiving trips from Abramoff in exchange for legislative favors. Ney received 30 months in prison. (2007)[36]
  • Duke Cunningham (R-CA) pleaded guilty November 28, 2005, to charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud and tax evasion in what came to be called the Cunningham scandal and was sentenced to over eight years in prison. (2005)[37]
  • Frank Ballance (D-NC) admitted to federal charges of money laundering and mail fraud in October 2005 and was sentenced to four years in prison. (2005)[38]
  • Bill Janklow (R-SD) was convicted of second-degree manslaughter for running a stop sign and killing a motorcyclist. Resigned from the House and given 100 days in the county jail and three years probation. (2003)[39]
  • Jim Traficant (D-OH) was found guilty on ten felony counts of financial corruption, sentenced to eight years in prison and expelled from the House of Representatives. (2002) [40]

1993–2001 (Clinton (D) presidency)

Executive branch

Legislative branch

  • Mel Reynolds (D-IL) was convicted on 12 counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography. (1997) He was later convicted of 12 counts of bank fraud. (1999) Reynolds served his entire sentence stemming from the first conviction and served 42 months in prison for the bank fraud conviction at which point his sentence was commuted by President Bill Clinton.[47] As a result, Reynolds was released from prison and served his remaining time in a halfway house.[48][49]
  • Bob Packwood (R-OR), 19 women accused him of sexual misconduct. He fought the allegations, but eventually, the US Senate Ethics Committee found him guilty of a “pattern of abuse of his position of power and authority” and recommended that he be expelled from the Senate. He resigned on Sept. 7, 1995.[50]
  • Wes Cooley (R-OR), was convicted of having lied on the 1994 voter information pamphlet about his service in the Army. He was fined and sentenced to two years probation (1997)[51] After leaving office, Cooley was convicted of income tax fraud connected to an investment scheme. He was sentenced to one year in prison and to pay restitution of $3.5 million to investors and $138,000 to the IRS.[52]
  • Austin Murphy (D-PA) was convicted of one count of voter fraud for filling out absentee ballots for members of a nursing home. (1999) [53]
  • House banking scandal [54] The House of Representatives Bank found that 450 members had overdrawn their checking accounts, but not been penalized. Six were convicted of charges, most only tangentially related to the House Bank itself. Twenty two more of the most prolific over-drafters were singled out by the House Ethics Committee. (1992)
  1. Buz Lukens (R-Ohio) convicted of bribery and conspiracy.[55]
  2. Carl C. Perkins (D-Kentucky) pleaded guilty to a check kiting scheme involving several financial institutions (including the House Bank).[56]
  3. Carroll Hubbard (D-Kentucky) was convicted of illegally funneling money to his wife’s 1992 campaign to succeed him in congress.[57]
  4. Mary Rose Oakar (D-Ohio) pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor campaign finance charge not related to the House Bank.[58]
  5. Walter Fauntroy (D-District of Columbia) was convicted of filing false disclosure forms to hide unauthorized income.[59]
  1. Dan Rostenkowski (D-IL) was convicted and sentenced to 18 months in prison, in 1995.[61]
  2. Joe Kolter (D-Pennsylvania) pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy and sentenced to 6 months in prison.(1996)[62][63]

1989–1993 (George H. W. Bush (R) presidency)

Executive branch

Legislative branch

  • Nicholas Mavroules (D-Massachusetts) was convicted of extortion, accepting illegal gifts and failing to report them on congressional disclosure and income tax forms. Mavroules pleaded guilty to fifteen counts in April 1993 and was sentenced to a fifteen-month prison term. (1993) [65][66]
  • Albert Bustamante (D-Texas) was convicted of accepting bribes and sentenced to three and one-half years in prison. (1993) [67]
  • David Durenberger Senator (R-Minnesota) denounced by Senate for unethical financial transactions and then disbarred (1990). He pleaded guilty to misuse of public funds and given one year probation (1995) [68]
  • Jay Kim (R-CA) accepted $250,000 in illegal 1992 campaign contributions and was sentenced to two months house arrest. (1992)[69][70][71][72]

1981–1989 (Reagan (R) presidency)

Executive branch

See also: Reagan administration scandals


  • Operation Ill Wind was a three-year investigation launched in 1986 by the FBI into corruption by U.S. government and military officials, and private defense contractors.
  1. Melvyn Paisley, Assistant Secretary of the Navy,[73] was found to have accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes. He pleaded guilty to bribery and served four years in prison.[74][75][76]
  2. James E. Gaines, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy, took over when Paisley resigned his office.[77] Gaines was convicted of accepting an illegal gratuity and theft and conversion of government property. He was sentenced to six months in prison.[78]
  3. Victor D. Cohen, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, was the 50th conviction obtained under the Ill Wind probe when he pleaded guilty to accepting bribes and conspiring to defraud the government. He was sentenced to 33 months in prison.[79][80]
  • Housing and Urban Development Scandal was a controversy concerning bribery by selected contractors for low income housing projects.[81]
  1. James G. Watt (R) United States Secretary of the Interior 1981–1983, was charged with 25 counts of perjury and obstruction of justice. Sentenced to five years probation, fined $5,000 and 500 hours of community service[82]
  • Iran-Contra Affair (1985–1986); A secret sale of arms to Iran, to secure the release of hostages and allow U.S. intelligence agencies to fund the Nicaraguan Contras, in violation of the Boland Amendment.[83]
  1. Elliott Abrams (R) Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, convicted of withholding evidence. Given 2 years probation. Later pardoned by President George H. W. Bush.[84]

Legislative branch

  • Abscam FBI sting involving fake ‘Arabs’ trying to bribe 31 congressmen. (1980) [86] The following Congressmen were convicted:
  1. Harrison A. Williams (D-NJ) Convicted on 9 counts of bribery and conspiracy. Sentenced to 3 years in prison.[87]
  2. John Jenrette (D-SC) sentenced to two years in prison for bribery and conspiracy.[88]
  3. Richard Kelly (R-FL) Accepted $25K and then claimed he was conducting his own investigation into corruption. Served 13 months.[89]
  4. Raymond Lederer (D-PA) “I can give you me” he said after accepting $50K. Sentenced to 3 years.[90]
  5. Michael Myers (D-PA) Accepted $50K saying, “…money talks and bullshit walks.” Sentenced to 3 years and was expelled from the House.[91]
  6. Frank Thompson (D-NJ) Sentenced to 3 years.[92]
  7. John M. Murphy (D-NY) Served 20 months of a 3-year sentence.[93]
  • Wedtech scandal Wedtech Corporation was convicted of bribery in connection with Defense Department contracts.[94]
  1. Mario Biaggi (D-NY) Convicted of obstruction of justice and accepting illegal gratuities he was sentenced to 2½ years in prison and fined $500K. (1987)[95]
  2. Robert Garcia (D-NY) sentenced to 2½ years.[96]
  • Pat Swindall (R-GA) convicted of 6 counts of perjury. (1989) [97][98]
  • George V. Hansen (R-ID) censured for failing to file out disclosure forms. Spent 15 months in prison.[99]
  • Frederick W. Richmond (D-NY),Convicted of tax evasion and possession of marijuana. Served 9 months (1982) [100]
  • Dan Flood (D-PA) censured for bribery. After a trial ended in a deadlocked jury, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a year’s probation.[101][102]
  • Joshua Eilberg (D-PA) pleaded guilty to conflict-of-interest charges. In addition, he convinced president Carter to fire the U.S. Attorney investigating his case.[103]
  • Jon Hinson (R-MS) was arrested for having homosexual oral sex in the House of Representatives’ bathroom with a government staffer. Hinson, who was married, later received a 30-day jail sentence, and a year’s probation, on condition that he get counseling and treatment. At the time, homosexual acts were criminalized, even between consenting adults. He then resigned his seat and began working as a gay rights advocate.(1981) [104][105]

1977–1981 (Carter (D) presidency)

Legislative branch

  • J. Herbert Burke (R-FL) pleaded guilty to disorderly intoxication, resisting arrest, and nolo contendere to an additional charge of witness tampering. He was sentenced to three months plus fines.(1978)[106]
  • Fred Richmond (D-New York) – Convicted of tax fraud and possession of marijuana. Served 9 months in prison. Charges of soliciting sex from a 16-year-old boy were dropped after he submitted to counseling. (1978) [107]
  • Charles Diggs (D-Michigan), convicted on 29 charges of mail fraud and filing false payroll forms which formed a kickback scheme with his staff. Sentenced to 3 years (1978) [108]
  • Michael Myers (D-Pennsylvania) Received suspended six-month jail term after pleading no contest to disorderly conduct charged stemming from an incident at a Virginia bar in which he allegedly attacked a hotel security guard and a cashier.[109]
  • Frank M. Clark (D-Pennsylvania) pleaded guilty to mail fraud and tax evasion on June 12, 1979 and sentenced to two years in prison.[110]
  • Richard Tonry (D-Louisiana) pleaded guilty to receiving illegal campaign contributions.[111]

1974–1977 (Ford (R) presidency)

Executive branch

  • Earl Butz (R) Secretary of Agriculture. He was charged with failing to report more than $148,000 in 1978. Butz pleaded guilty to the tax evasion charge and was sentenced to 30 days in jail and five years of probation and was ordered to make restitution. He served 25 days behind bars before his release.[112][113]

Legislative branch

  • James F. Hastings (R-New York), convicted of kickbacks and mail fraud, he also took money from his employees for personal use. Served 14 months at Allenwood penitentiary. (1976) [114]
  • John V. Dowdy (D-Texas), Allegedly tried to stop a federal investigation of a construction firm. He served 6 months in prison for perjury. (1973) [115][116]
  • Bertram Podell (D-New York), pleaded guilty to conspiracy and conflict of interest. He was fined $5,000 and served four months in prison. (1974)[117]
  • Frank Brasco (D-New York) Sentenced to three months in jail and fined $10,000 for conspiracy to accept bribes from a reputed Mafia figure who sought truck leasing contracts from the Post Office and loans to buy trucks.[103]
  • Richard T. Hanna (D-CA), convicted in an influence-buying scandal. (1974)[118]

1969–1974 (Nixon (R) presidency)

Executive branch

  • Watergate (1972–1973) Republican ‘bugging’ of the Democratic Party National Headquarters at the Watergate Hotel led to a burglary which was discovered. The cover up of the affair by President Richard Nixon (R) and his staff resulted in 69 government officials being charged and 48 pleading guilty, including 7 for actual burglary. Eventually, Nixon resigned his position.[119]
  1. John N. Mitchell (R) former United States Attorney General, convicted of perjury.[120]
  2. Richard Kleindienst (R) United States Attorney General, convicted of “refusing to answer questions” given one month in jail.
  3. H. R. Haldeman (R) White House Chief of Staff, convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and perjury. Served 18 months in prison.
  4. John Ehrlichman (R) former White House Counsel, convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and perjury. Served 18 months in prison.
  5. Egil Krogh (R) United States Undersecretary of Transportation, sentenced to six months.
  6. John Dean (R) White House Counsel, convicted of obstruction of justice, later reduced to felony offenses and served 4 months.
  7. Dwight Chapin (R) Secretary to the President of the United States, convicted of perjury.
  8. Charles Colson (R) Special Counsel to the President for Public Liaison, convicted of obstruction of justice. Served 7 months.

Legislative branch

  • Edwin Reinecke (R-CA) convicted of perjury and sentenced to 18 months in prison as part of the Watergate investigation.
  • Cornelius Gallagher (D-New Jersey) pleaded guilty to tax evasion, and served two years in prison.[123]
  • J. Irving Whalley (R-Pennsylvania) Received suspended three-year sentence and fined $11,000 in 1973 for using mails to deposit staff salary kickbacks and threatening an employee to prevent her from giving information to the FBI.[103]
  • Martin B. McKneally (R-New York) Placed on one-year probation and fined $5,000 in 1971 for failing to file income tax return. He had not paid taxes for many years prior.[124]
  • James Fred Hastings (R-NY) Resigned on January 20, 1976 after being convicted of kickbacks and mail fraud. He served 14 months at Allenwood penitentiary (1976).[114]
  • George V. Hansen (R-ID) US Representative, first member of Congress to be convicted of violating a new 1971 campaign law requiring disclosure of financial contributions(1974)[125][126]

1963–1969 (Lyndon B. Johnson (D) presidency)

Legislative branch

  • Ted Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) drove his car into the channel between Chappaquiddick Island and Martha’s Vineyard, killing passenger Mary Jo Kopechne. Kennedy pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident and received a suspended sentence of two months (1969)[127]
  • Daniel Brewster (D-Maryland) pleaded no contest to accepting ” an unlawful gratuity without corrupt intent “.[128]
  • Frank W. Boykin (D-AL) was convicted of conspiracy and conflict of interest in July 1963.[129]

1961–1963 (Kennedy (D) presidency)

Legislative branch

  • Thomas F. Johnson (D-Maryland) was convicted of conspiracy and conflict of interest regarding the receipt of illegal gratuities.[130]
  • Frank Boykin (D-Alabama) Was placed on probation and fined $40,000 following conviction in a case involving a conflict of interest and conspiracy to defraud the government. He was pardoned by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964.[131]

1953–1961 (Eisenhower (R) presidency)

Legislative branch

  • Thomas J. Lane (D-Massachusetts) convicted for evading taxes on his congressional income. Served 4 months in prison, but was re-elected three more times.[132] before his 1962 defeat due to re-districting. (1956) [133]
  • Ernest K. Bramblett (R-California) Received a suspended sentence and a $5,000 fine in 1955 for making false statements in connection with payroll padding and kickbacks from congressional employees.[134]

1945–1953 (Truman (D) presidency)

Legislative branch

  • Walter E. Brehm (R-Ohio) convicted of accepting contributions illegally from one of his employees. Received a 15-month suspended sentence and a $5,000 fine.[135]
  • J. Parnell Thomas (R-New Jersey): a member of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), was convicted of salary fraud and given an 18-month sentence and a fine, resigning from Congress in 1950. He was imprisoned in Danbury Prison with two of the Hollywood Ten he had helped put there. After serving his 18 months he was pardoned by Truman (D) in 1952,[136]
  • Andrew J. May (D-Kentucky) Convicted of accepting bribes in 1947 from a war munitions manufacturer. Was sentenced to 9 months in prison, after which he was pardoned by Truman (D) in 1952.[137]
  • James M. Curley (D-Massachusetts) fined $1,000 and served six-months for fraud before Harry S. Truman commuted the rest of his sentence.[138]

1933–1945 (Franklin D. Roosevelt (D) presidency)

Legislative branch

  • John H. Hoeppel (D-CA) convicted in 1936 of selling an appointment to the West Point Military Academy. He was fined $1,000 and sentenced to 4–12 months in jail.[139]
  • Michael J. Hogan (R-NY) was convicted of bribery and sentenced to a year and a day in a Federal Penitentiary.(1935)[140]

1929-1933 (Hoover (R) presidency)

Legislative Branch

  • Harry E. Rowbottom, (R-IN) was convicted in Federal court of accepting bribes from persons who sought post office appointments. He served one year in Leavenworth.(1931)[141]

1923–1929 (Coolidge (R) presidency)

Legislative branch

  • John W. Langley (R-KY) Resigned from the US Congress in January 1926, after losing an appeal to set aside his conviction of violating the Volstead Act (Prohibition). He had also been caught trying to bribe a Prohibition officer. He was sentenced to two years, after which his wife Katherine G. Langley ran for Congress in his place and won two full terms.[142][143]

1921–1923 (Harding (R) presidency)

Executive branch

The Harding administration was marred by scandals stemming from his appointment of men in his administration whom he had known in Ohio. They came to be known as the Ohio Gang. They include;


  1. Albert Fall (R) Secretary of the Interior who was bribed by Harry F. Sinclair for control of the Teapot Dome federal oil reserves in Wyoming. He was the first U.S. cabinet member to ever be convicted; he served two years in prison. (1922) [144]

1909-1921 (Taft (R) and Wilson (D))

<No criminal convictions of American federal politicians found by contributors to this article for this period>


1901-1909 (Theodore Roosevelt (R) presidency)

Legislative Branch

1897-1901 (McKinley (R) presidency)

Executive Branch

  • Oregon US Federal District Attorney John Hicklin Hall (R) was appointed by President William McKinley. In 1903, Hall was ordered to investigate land fraud in what became known as the Oregon land fraud scandal and was put on trial for failing to prosecute land companies engaging in fraudulent activities, and for using his knowledge of illegal activities to blackmail his political opponents. On February 8, 1908, a jury found Hall guilty of the charges.(1907)[149] He was later pardoned by President William Howard Taft.[150]



 Information courtesy of Wikipedia

William M. Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.  This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms. — — — — —

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Bill Windsor reports on Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County (Phoenix) Arizona

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America went to Phoenix, Arizona to film stories about Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

While many think Sheriff Joe Arpaio is great, Bill Windsor found fault with his handling of sex crimes and the inhumane conditions in which prisoners were kept while simply being held prior to trial…

Continue reading Bill Windsor reports on Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County (Phoenix) Arizona

Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s fate in hands of judge at criminal trial

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The fate of Joe Arpaio, who embraced the moniker “America’s Toughest Sheriff,” rests with a judge after lawyers wrapped up closing arguments Thursday at his criminal trial on the topic that helped Arpaio win a nationwide reputation —immigration.

Joe Arpaio, who held six terms as sheriff of Arizona’s Maricopa County before losing reelection last November, is accused of criminal contempt for defying a judge’s 2011 court order to refrain from racially profiling Latinos during patrols.

Continue reading Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s fate in hands of judge at criminal trial

Bill Windsor of Lawless America issues Warning on Dating Site Scams

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America is preparing an expose of online dating site predators.

Dishonesty and crimes in America are not limited to government, judicial, and law enforcement personnel.

It is shocking what scammers get away with online.  I am working on matters involving men who use dozens of names and a myriad of web pages to scam women all over the world…

Continue reading Bill Windsor of Lawless America issues Warning on Dating Site Scams

Bill Windsor resumes work on Lawless America

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Bill Windsor has resumed work on Lawless America.

It was 2007 when Bill Windsor launched Lawless America.

To say it has been quite an experience would be a huge understatement….

Continue reading Bill Windsor resumes work on Lawless America

Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger removed in Bill Windsor Case


Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger has been removed as the judge in the Bill Windsor Case.

After a long battle, Judge Cindy Ermatinger is no longer the judge in Bill Windsor’s case in Ellis County Texas.

Filing a Motion for Recusal of a judge is not going to make the judge friendly toward you, and the effort usually fails….

Continue reading Texas Judge Cindy Ermatinger removed in Bill Windsor Case

Judge Gerald Hill dismisses a lawsuit in Florida because the Plaintiff was unable to hear the Defendant


Judge Gerald Hill has dismissed a lawsuit in Florida because the Plaintiff was unable to hear the Defendant.

Judge Gerald Hill said he was busy.

Look at this wimp.  Dont you know he was picked on in school.  So now he’s a judge, and he violates the rules and the law because he can…

Continue reading Judge Gerald Hill dismisses a lawsuit in Florida because the Plaintiff was unable to hear the Defendant