Fraudulent Felony Indictments Discovered in Texas – Part 1

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I’ve discovered massive wrongdoing in Texas with fraudulent felony indictments issued on a regular basis.  I’m William M. Windsor.  I’m not an attorney.  I cannot give legal advice, but I do share my experience representing myself as a pro se party, and I’m investigating unthinkable fraud and wrongdoing in Texas for magazine articles and a documentary film.  Check your county and state!

Continue reading Fraudulent Felony Indictments Discovered in Texas – Part 1

Bill Windsor of Lawless America issues Warning on Dating Site Scams

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Bill Windsor of Lawless America is preparing an expose of online dating site predators.

Dishonesty and crimes in America are not limited to government, judicial, and law enforcement personnel.

It is shocking what scammers get away with online.  I am working on matters involving men who use dozens of names and a myriad of web pages to scam women all over the world…

Continue reading Bill Windsor of Lawless America issues Warning on Dating Site Scams