Will Judge Jack Camp Expose Other Federal Judges?

masked-gunman-purple-dreamstime_8832468-192x180Atlanta Federal Judge Jack Camp was arrested on drug and gun charges related to his stripper girlfriend

From reading the news reports, it sure sounds like Judge Camp was caught red-handed by the FBI. 

Surely Judge Camp will either resign or be impeached.

Continue reading Will Judge Jack Camp Expose Other Federal Judges?

Open Letter to the FBI

I have been attempting to get the FBI to review the evidence that I have compiled against Judge Orinda D. Evans and Judge William S. Duffey

Judge Orinda D. Evans and Judge William S. Duffey are the first of Atlanta’s federal judges who need to be indicted for various criminal acts and impeached by Congress.

Here is my latest letter to the FBI:

Special Agent Mary Jo Mangrum
FBI Atlanta
2635 Century Parkway N.E., Suite 400
Atlanta, GA 30345
Fax: 404-679-6289

Dear Special Agent Mangrum:

I have proof of corruption in the federal courts in Atlanta, Georgia that makes Judge Camp’s bust look like child’s play.

I have never been arrested, never been accused of anything, haven’t even had a speeding or parking ticket in over 10 years.  I don’t smoke or drink, and I have never used drugs of any type.  I’m a normal retired business executive who has run into the devils in the federal courthouse.  As many as nine federal judges in Atlanta need to be indicted and impeached.

If we can meet, I can show you the corrupt acts as well as the proof that the acts were corrupt.  The long and short of it is that these judges ignore the facts, ignore the law, and violate a number of criminal statutes from the bench.  This is one of the biggest scandals in the history of our country.

Please call me.  I carry my cell phone at all times — currently confidential.


Bill Windsor
currently confidential

Open Letter to the U.S. Attorney’s Office

jail-man-cartoon-hands_010846-1500000-192wI have been attempting to get the U.S. Attorney to review the evidence that I have compiled against Judge Evans and Judge Duffey. 

Judge Orinda D. Evans and Judge William S. Duffey are the first of Atlanta’s federal judges who need to be indicted for various criminal acts and impeached by Congress.

Continue reading Open Letter to the U.S. Attorney’s Office

Atlanta Federal Judge Jack Camp Arrested

jack-camp-judge-jack-camp-jack-t-camp-jr1Another of Atlanta’s “finest” federal judges, Jack Camp, has been arrested. 

He was caught allegedly buying drugs for his stripper girlfriend.

All of ther federal judges recused themselves in Judge Camp’s case. 

So, the Chief Justice of The United States Supreme Court has named a judge from another circuit to handle the case.

Continue reading Atlanta Federal Judge Jack Camp Arrested

Nine Federal Judges Sued for Corruption


I sent a lawsuit to the Clerk of the United States District Court for filing on October 21, 2010.  It is a lawsuit against nine federal judges.  I have charged them with corruption. 

Notice of Filing of Verified Complaint

Verified Complaint (less the exhibits that are all orders of the various courts)

Continue reading Nine Federal Judges Sued for Corruption

Where is the Media Coverage? Nowhere!


Last week, I sent an email with information about this corruption to every major newspaper in the country, the television and radio networks, the local Atlanta media, major online media, and assorted others.  Hundreds of emails.

Guess how many responded.

Not a single solitary one.

Continue reading Where is the Media Coverage? Nowhere!

Violation #1 – Judicial Misconduct of Judge Orinda D. Evans – Lack of Impartiality


The following information is taken from a sworn affidavit that I filed with the courts as part of complaints about the judicial misconduct of Judge Orinda D. Evans:

1.    Judge Evans allowed Maid’s Attorneys to run wild and abuse the legal system in this case.  Judge Evans demonstrated pervasive bias throughout this proceeding.  Judge Evans has demonstrated a personal bias in favor of Maid and a prejudice against Alcatraz and me, in particular.  Judge Evans has withheld evidence from Alcatraz and me.  Judge Evans has not demonstrated the impartiality required of a judge.  To understand the gross professional misconduct of Judge Evans, see the Second Motion to Recuse filed June 4, 2009 and Dec #23 attached thereto [Evans Docket #406] and the Motion to Disqualify and Dec #23 and 32 attached thereto [Duffey Docket #17].

2.   VIOLATIONS BY JUDGE ORINDA D. EVANS — Lack of Impartiality.  I submit that this lack of impartiality is a violation of Canon 1 of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges; I submit that this lack of impartiality is a violation of Canon 2 and 2A. of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges; I submit that this lack of impartiality is a violation of Canon 3 and 3B.(5) of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges.  (Proof is provided in paragraphs above, the Second Motion to Recuse filed June 4, 2009 and Dec #23 attached thereto (Evans Docket #406) and the Motion to Disqualify and Dec #23 and 32 attached thereto (Duffey Docket #17) and throughout Dec #25.)

I have filed a Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge Orinda D. Evans with the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals.  I previously filed a Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge Evans that was ignored.  I also have a lawsuit pending against Judge Orinda D. Evans for Fraud Upon the Court (Civil Action No. 1:09-CV-02027-WSD in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.


Violation #1 – Professional Misconduct of Attorneys – Ex Parte Communications

The following information is taken from a sworn affidavit that I filed with the courts as part of complaints about the professional misconduct of the attorneys involved:

Continue reading Violation #1 – Professional Misconduct of Attorneys – Ex Parte Communications

Violation #2 – Judicial Misconduct of Judge Orinda D. Evans – Ex Parte Communications


The following information is taken from a sworn affidavit that I filed with the courts as part of complaints about the judicial misconduct of Judge Orinda D. Evans:

1.   I submit that it is possible that Judge Evans and/or a clerk for Judge Evans may have been improperly influenced in this case.  I believe it is possible that improper influence could be a criminal violation, though I have no proof.  This is only a suspicion of a possibility, and I have this suspicion because the behavior of Judge Evans in this matter makes no logical sense to me.

2.   The Time Slips of Maid’s Attorneys show that there was extensive ex parte communication between Maid’s Attorneys and Judge Evans and her staff.  While some of this may be permissible, the volume of ex parte contact certainly indicates that there was plenty of opportunity for Judge Evans to be improperly influenced.  There were conversations and communications between Judge Evans and Maid’s Attorneys that Judge Evans did not reveal to Alcatraz and me. (Exhibit #1 to Dec #23 – Evans Docket #406.)  [Evans Docket #253-8, 253-15, 253-10.]  (Exhibit #967 to Dec #25.)  (I submit that this is a violation of Rule 3.4 and 8.4 of the GCPC and Local Rule 83.1C.  I submit that this is a violation of Canon 3 of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges.)

3.   VIOLATIONS BY JUDGE ORINDA D. EVANS — I submit that this ex parte communication is a violation of Canon 3 of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges.  (Proof is provided in the paragraphs above, Evans Docket #253-8, 253-15, 253-10.)  (Dec #25, Exhibit #967.)

I have filed a Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge Orinda D. Evans with the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals.  I previously filed a Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge Evans that was ignored.  I also have a lawsuit pending against Judge Orinda D. Evans for Fraud Upon the Court (Civil Action No. 1:09-CV-02027-WSD in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.


Violation #1 – Judicial Misconduct of Judge Orinda D. Evans – Lack of Impartiality


The following information is taken from a sworn affidavit that I filed with the courts as part of complaints about the judicial misconduct of Judge Orinda D. Evans:

Continue reading Violation #1 – Judicial Misconduct of Judge Orinda D. Evans – Lack of Impartiality