
Breaking News from Joeyisalittlekid Gang of sick cyberstalkers: It’s a Boy!


Breaking News from Joeyisalittlekid Gang of sick cyberstalkers:

It’s a Boy!

After years of speculation, one of the cyberstalkers has spilled the beans on who “Ginger Snap” is…

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Bill Windsor has arranged for people to take over his duties should he be sent to prison


Bill Windsor has made the necessary arrangements for and the Facebook pages to continue should he be spending the rest of his life in prison.

The woman chosen to take over is even more aggressive than William M. Windsor

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Cyberstalking – Online troll destroys a family’s offline life


Sharon and Richard Moreno were awakened by a phone call from a police negotiator around 2:30 a.m. one night last May.

He told them to get out of their home immediately and leave their adult son behind.

Officers with rifles greeted the couple on their front lawn in Sterling, Virginia

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Bill Windsor puts Joeyisalittlekid Blog Out of Business – Has the leader been hospitalized yet?

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Bill Windsor has put the Joeyisalittlekid Blog out of business.

Has the leader been hospitalized yet?

Inquiring minds want to know…

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Joeyisalittlekid Gang charged with bigotry and racial prejudice


An investigation has determined that the Joeyisalittlekid Gang appears to be composed of some people who may be white supremacists and who are bigots.

Meet the Joeyisalittlekid Gang.

Here are most of them – names and photographs

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Beware of men wearing a cap, reading glasses, and a watch who are filming a documentary


Beware of men wearing a cap, reading glasses, and a watch who are filming a documentary

Bill Windsor has taken a few days away from criminal matters to work on Lawless America photographs and movie film

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Is Bill Windsor of Lawless America embarrassed he was in jail? Hell No!


Is Bill Windsor of Lawless America embarrassed he was in jail? 

Hell No!

Bill Windsor has never committed a crime in his life, so jail was

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