
Habeas Corpus – It’s Not Just Where’s the Body


Habeas Corpus is not just about “Where’s the body?”

Warning: I am not an attorney, and everything I know about habeas corpus was learned in the last 48 hours.

But I have now filed THREE Petitions for Writ of Habeas Corpus….

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Why Judicial Corruption is Invisible by JOHN BARTH, Jr.


We all would like to believe that, as when we were children in a family, there is in our society a final authority to whom we can turn in case we are seriously wronged.

We are not predisposed to believe the accusers of the judicial process any more than the detractors of Santa Claus.

Perhaps critics are merely sore losers or angry convicts, and perhaps judicial misconduct would be exposed by appeals courts or the mass media, and corrected…

Continue reading Why Judicial Corruption is Invisible by JOHN BARTH, Jr.

Stay Away from Georgia! If you live in Georgia, MOVE


Stay away from Georgia.  Don’t even visit.  If you live here, MOVE!  

You risk your life and everything you own and hold dear if you spend any time in Georgia.

Georgia is Home of THE Most Corrupt Legal and Judicial Systems in America….

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Innocent Man Freed in Texas after 25 Years in Prison for a Murder he did not commit


A Texas grocery store employee who spent nearly 25 years in prison in his wife’s beating death walked free Tuesday after DNA tests showed another man was responsible.

His attorneys say prosecutors and investigators kept evidence from the defense that would have helped acquit him at trial.

Michael Morton, 57, was convicted on circumstantial evidence and sentenced to life in prison for the August 1986 killing of his wife, Christine.

Continue reading Innocent Man Freed in Texas after 25 Years in Prison for a Murder he did not commit

Judge William S. Duffey is as Corrupt as a Federal Judge Can Be


Judge William S. Duffey is as corrupt as any judge can be.

Judge Duffey is a federal judge in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia in Atlanta.

One of his favorite techniques is to have evidence destroyed.  Here’s the proof…..


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Criminal Charges filed against Fulton County Georgia Superior Court Judge Jerry W. Baxter


Criminal charges have been filed against Fulton County Georgia Superior Court Judge Jerry W. Baxter.

Judge Jerry Baxter has been charged with Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Misprision of Felonies, and RICO.

Charges were filed with the Federal Bureau of Investigation Task Force on Judicial Corruption in Georgia….

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Windsor gets Screwed, Glued, and Tattooed yet Again!


William M. Windsor was screwed, glued, and tattooed today by The Dishonorable Judge Jerry W. Baxter of the Fulton County Superior Court.

The October 7, 2011 Preliminary Injunction Hearing in William M. Windsor v. Fulton County, et. al. was your basic Kangraoo Court.

Not only did Baxter deny my request for a TRO and Preliminary Injunction, his dismissed my case and banned me from ever filing another lawsuit….

Continue reading Windsor gets Screwed, Glued, and Tattooed yet Again!

Outlook dims as Windsor prepares for October 7, 2011 Hearing in Lawsuit against Fulton County for Criminal Racketeering


The outlook for success at William M. Windsor’s October 7, 2011 Preliminary Injunction Hearing dimmed late Thursday.

On October 6, 2011, Judge Jerry W. Baxter QUASHED Windsor’s subpoena for Fulton Countu’s County manager to appear to testify with documents.  The he DENIED Windsor’s motion to allow recording of the proceedings in the courtroom.

The orders give no justification for the rulings….

Continue reading Outlook dims as Windsor prepares for October 7, 2011 Hearing in Lawsuit against Fulton County for Criminal Racketeering

William Windsor to be Executed in Kentucky


The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear the case of Shawn William Windsor, a Kentucky death row inmate who wanted to hasten his execution.

The high court’s decision on October 3, 2011 does not mean that 47-year-old Shawn William Windsor will be immediately executed.

Windsor pleaded guilty in 2006 to killing his estranged wife and son in Louisville and asked for a death sentence….

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Windsor prepares for October 7, 2011 Hearing in Lawsuit against Fulton County for Criminal Racketeering


William M. Windsor has been working hard in preparation for the October 7, 2011 hearing in William M. Windsor v. Fulton County, et. al.

On September 23, I won approval for this lawsuit to decide the rights of Georgia citizens with Grand Juries.  The Verified Complaint was filed on September 27, and Judge Baxter scheduled a hearing for October 7, 2011 at 2:30 pm in Courtroom 4D, Justice Center Tower, 185 Central Avenue SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30303.  If you are in Georgia, please plan to attend….

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