
17 State Leaders needed to coordinate activities in Battle Against Corruption


One of the organizational elements that I believe will be essential in further organization of the battle against corruption is to identify people in each state who can be our “State Chairmen.”

These will be people who will coordinate coalition efforts in their state.  I have prepared a list of volunteers thus far and/or people who I know to be quite active.

If your name is on the list, please email me at to let me know if you agree to be a State Chairman.  If you would like to be a State Chairman or Co-Chairman, please email me as well….

Continue reading 17 State Leaders needed to coordinate activities in Battle Against Corruption

SOCK – Save Our Constitution Konvention – will be held online THIS SUNDAY


SOCK — Save Our Constitution Konvention — will be held THIS WEEK — Sunday, January 15, 2012 from 5- 7 pm Eastern Time.

Please Please PLEASE plan to participate.

America is broken, and we may be our country’s only hope.  We must join together in a colation of associations, websites, causes, bloggers, and victims to take action!

Continue reading SOCK – Save Our Constitution Konvention – will be held online THIS SUNDAY

Millionaire Corrupt Kids for Cash Judge Mark Ciavarella has his Appeal paid for by the Taxpayers


Millionaire Corrupt Judge Mark A. Ciavarella has his Appeal paid for by the Taxpayers.

Federal appeals judges routinely deny requests by poor parties who simply seek to have the filing fees waived.

So, here we go again.  The federal appellate judges are paying for this reprobate’s defense.  One can only imagine what’s next….

Continue reading Millionaire Corrupt Kids for Cash Judge Mark Ciavarella has his Appeal paid for by the Taxpayers

Police sent to collect Overdue Books From 5-Year-Old – Child feared she was going to Jail


A Charlton, Massachusetts mom says her local library crossed the line when they sent police to collect her daughter’s overdue library books.

Her mom says the 5-year-old girl was so afraid that she burst into tears.

She was afraid she was going to jail….

Continue reading Police sent to collect Overdue Books From 5-Year-Old – Child feared she was going to Jail

Texas Judge Polly Jackson Spencer accused of Judicial Misconduct


Jay Kofler is a Dad.  He has been deprived of his Constitutional right to raise his child.

Judge Polly Jackson Spencer appears to be out to get Jay Kofler.

Here is a letter that Jay Kofler has sent to Judge Polly Jackson Spencer….

Continue reading Texas Judge Polly Jackson Spencer accused of Judicial Misconduct

Judge Victor Tobin supported Foreclosure Fraud as a Judge…and Now he is profiting from it as an Attorney


Occasionally the mainstream media does expose a teeny little bit of the dishonesty and corruption that permeates our entire legal and judicial system.

The Broward Palm Beach New Times put out the call for people they missed in their roundup of 2011’s most devilish people, and they were informed of one overlooked former judge who certainly qualifies — Judge Victor Tobin.

Continue reading Judge Victor Tobin supported Foreclosure Fraud as a Judge…and Now he is profiting from it as an Attorney

Judge Michael Mahili’s Order to Obama…and Why this is So Important


I reported earlier this week that Georgia State Judge Micheal Mahili refused the motion to dismiss a lawsuit that would require Barack Obama to prove he is eligible to run for the Office of President of the United States.

President Obama’s lawyers filed a motion that would keep him from presenting proof of his eligibility to be President of the United States.  That motion was denied.

The article announcing this is the most-read and most-liked article in many months, but some have criticized me for it….

Continue reading Judge Michael Mahili’s Order to Obama…and Why this is So Important

Newt Gingrich, We NEED You, and You NEED Us


This is a letter to Presidential Candidate Newt Gingrich from Dr. Richard Cordero, a leader in the battle against judicial corruption.

Dr. Cordero provides evidence for Speaker Gingrich to criticize federal judges on the objective basis of their wrongdoing, and earn the attention and support of an outraged public.

Lawless America is non-partisan.  If Speaker Gingrich will agree to make the government corruption a key part of his campaign, then he would have my support.  Same goes for Ron Paul or anyone else.

Continue reading Newt Gingrich, We NEED You, and You NEED Us

Achieving Justice after a Judge inflicts Evil – The Story of The Citizens’ Voice


This the story of The Citizens’ Voice by Scott Lynett:

My concerns began when a local attorney, who is a friend of mine, pulled me aside at a party.

“I need to talk to you about your case in front of Judge Ciavarella.”

Continue reading Achieving Justice after a Judge inflicts Evil – The Story of The Citizens’ Voice