Ohio Probate Judge Michael L. Brady charged with Corruption


Ohio Probate Judge Michael L. Brady is charged with Corruption.

This is the story of Rosanna Miller:

My parents were the most simple humble people I have ever known in my whole life.  They were born in the depression era and knew what it was like to do without and never forgot their roots.  If our tyrannical government operated the way they lived their entire lives, we would have the best country of morals, ethics, integrity, total frugality, and agape love.  Life is in shambles and a bottomless pit without them.

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Judge John B. Sumner charged with Corruption…AGAIN


Georgia Judge John B. Sumner has been charged with corruption…again!

Barbara Rose, Tammy Harner-Shuman, K. Walker, and others have all experienced corruption by Judge John B. Sumner.

Judge John B. Sumner has been arrested for DUI twice, but that is nothing compared to the corruption he inflicts on innocent people in his courtroom. 

This is the story of Tammy Harner-Shuman….

Continue reading Judge John B. Sumner charged with Corruption…AGAIN

Federal Judge Richard Cebull files complaint over his own racist e-mail message


March 1, 2012 Amanda Bronstad The National Law Journal 

Judge Richard Cebull, chief judge of the U.S. District Court in Montana, has initiated a disciplinary investigation into his own behavior after acknowledging he sent a racist e-mail to friends and family about President Obama.

“Chief District Judge Cebull has publicly acknowledged that he has acted inappropriately,” said Cathy Catterson, circuit executive for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, in a prepared statement.

Continue reading Federal Judge Richard Cebull files complaint over his own racist e-mail message

How corrupt judges and attorneys steal everything a person has: The Jeff Baron Story.


How corrupt judges and attorneys steal everything a person has: The Jeff Baron Story.

Jeff Baron is an Internet pioneer who, at the age of 32, invented a technology in the early days of the Internet to make it easier to register Internet domain names.  Jeff quickly became successful.  His business was  profitable and  made money. 

But today, Jeff Baron does not even own the shirt on his back.  Tens of millions of dollars have disappeared due to the actions of two federal judges and a small army of unscrupulous Texas attorneys.

Continue reading How corrupt judges and attorneys steal everything a person has: The Jeff Baron Story.

Judicial Council of Georgia shows how court personnel allow court transcripts to be falsified


The Judicial Council of Georgia shows how court personnel allow court transcripts to be falsified and covers up the criminal acts of court reporters and judges.

This is not a problem isolated to Georgia.  One of the corrupt things that judges do is to have the transcript falsified.

If you feel that your hearing transcript was falsified, find out what administrative body in your state handles complaints of falsified court transcripts.

Continue reading Judicial Council of Georgia shows how court personnel allow court transcripts to be falsified

Judges and Judicial Personnel in Georgia Cover-Up Judicial Corruption


Judges and Judicial Personnel in Georgia Cover-Up Judicial Corruption.

In this video, William M. Windsor details the ways in which judges and law enforcement personnel in Atlanta Georgia cover up their criminal acts and the criminal acts of their peers.

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Judicial Council of Georgia conceals records that Candidate for Judge says should prove Organized Crime Activities


A candidate for Chief Magistrate Judge in Cobb County Georgia believes The Judicial Council of Georgia is concealing documents that will prove the Judicial Council of Georgia functions as a criminl racketeering enterprise to conceal the crimes of Georgia judges and judicial personnel.

Bill Windsor says he has documented criminal acts by the Judicial Council of Georgia in covering up falsification of court transcripts by court reporter Evelyn D. Parker and Judge Jerry W. Baxter.

Windsor issued a Georgia Open Records Act request to the Judicial Council of Georgia, and they are hiding the documents that Windsor says will prove a pattern and practice of obstruction of justice.

Continue reading Judicial Council of Georgia conceals records that Candidate for Judge says should prove Organized Crime Activities

Credit where Credit is Due — Honest Judge Award to Georgia Judge Joseph C. Iannazzone


Credit should be given where credit is due.  I proudly award our first ever Honest Judge Award to Judge Joseph C. Iannazzone of the State Court of Gwinnett County, Georgia.

Judge Joseph C. Iannazzone is the first honest judge who I have encountered in the State of Georgia.

Unlike reviews I have made of dozens of other federal, state, and county judges, Judge Jospeh C. Iannazzone adhered to the law and based his decision on the facts.  And he ruled in favor of a pro se party against a high-powered lawfirm, and he ruled FOR ME!

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Websites established to Elect Bill Windsor Chief Magistrate Judge of Cobb County Georgia


A website has been established to promote the election of Bill Windsor as Chief Magistrate Judge of Cobb County Georgia — VoteBillWindsor.com.

A Facebook Cause has also been established.  Please take five seconds to click on this link to “join” as a show of support for William M. Windsor.

Bill Windsor needs 20,000 signatures on petitions to get his name on the ballot, so this will not be easy.

Continue reading Websites established to Elect Bill Windsor Chief Magistrate Judge of Cobb County Georgia

Candidate for Congress files Criminal Charges against Members of Judicial Council of Georgia


William M. Windsor, candidate for U.S. House of Representatives, has filed criminal charges against members of the Judicial Council of Georgia.

The Judicial Council of Georgia is a state-level judicial agency charged with allegedly developing policies for administering and improving the courts.  There is no indication that the Judicial Council of Georgia does any such thing.

It is very clear that the Judicial Council of Georgia commits obstruction of justice and misprision of felonies in its aiding and abetting of criminal activities by the courts and court personnel….

Continue reading Candidate for Congress files Criminal Charges against Members of Judicial Council of Georgia