
Judge John B. Sumner charged with Corruption…AGAIN


Georgia Judge John B. Sumner has been charged with corruption…again!

Barbara Rose, Tammy Harner-Shuman, K. Walker, and others have all experienced corruption by Judge John B. Sumner.

Judge John B. Sumner has been arrested for DUI twice, but that is nothing compared to the corruption he inflicts on innocent people in his courtroom. 

This is the story of Tammy Harner-Shuman….

My story does not seem to be any different than everyone that has gone up against Judge John B. Sumner and attorney Roger Johnson.  I lived in an emotional, mental, and financially abusive marriage for 14 years.  I left my career 15 years ago to be a stay-at-home Mom and raise my two beautiful children. 

One year prior to filing for divorce, my husband closed my bank account, took my car, ruined my credit, took me off of any accounts so I would have no access to money.  He would only give me money if I performed oral sex, would not give me money for my reflux and asthma medication, and so on.  I had been looking for a job for four years that would be conducive for my children since I came from the entertainment industry.  I wanted to get my children and me out of this abusive situation, but I never found a job that would pay the bills because I had been out of the workforce for 14 years. 

At the end of my rope, I finally called the Domestic Abuse Hotline where I learned of the Cherokee Family Violence Center (“CFVC”).  After hiring an attorney, Angel Cordele, I started to meet with a case worker (Theresa) at CFVC immediately to seek counseling for emotional abuse and to devise a plan for my and my children’s future.

Eventually, due to his escalated behavior, a CFVC legal advocate and I were able to get a Temporary Protective Order *(“TPO”) against my husband on September 13, 2011 through Judge Baker.  One week later, my husband’s attorney, Roger Johnson, called an Emergency Custody hearing with Judge John B. Sumner presiding.  I received the call on September 19 from Roger Johnson’s assistant informing me that I needed to be in court on September 20.  This was during the time of my children’s fall break, and everyone was out of town.  I immediately called my attorney, Angel Cordele, and she informed me that she was unable to make it and suggested that I contact the CFVC since they are the ones that helped me get the TPO.  I called my case worker, Theresa, and she said that their attorney Courtney could be there to represent me.  They felt confident that we would get an extension in order to prepare since we had less than 24 hours to do so.  Judge John B. Sumner DID NOT grant an extension.  I lost my children that day based on hearsay…NO EVIDENCE.  In fact, I had all the evidence to prove that my soon to be Ex, KERRY SHUMAN was on drugs and was an abuser.  My son found my ex’s one-hitter the night before and used a zip lock bag to pick it up so it could be submitted for court.  Judge John B. Sumner did not accept any physical evidence nor did he hear any of it and took my kids and my home away.

October 18, 2011 was the next court date in which I was allowed to have people testify on my behalf.  These were upstanding citizens with influential presence in our community of Hickory Flat.  My children also testified in a closed courtroom and stated that everything that I had been saying was tru.  They told Judge John B. Sumner that they wanted to live with me.  Roger Johnson attacked my daughter and made fun of her because she said that she was depressed because she missed me and also had been cutting herself. 

Let me remind you that I was not allowed to have ANY CONTACT with them in the four weeks since the emergency hearin.  Prior to that, I had never been a day without them.  I was granted joint legal custody, can only talk to them at 8pm every night, can see them every other weekend, and am responsible for transportation cost.  Judge John B. Sumner knows I had been a stay at home mom for 14 years and that I have no money.

Roger Johnson had Judge John B. Sumner appointed as our divorce judge based on the fact that my husband, Kerry Shuman, had his papers filed with the clerk first which I actually filed on August 13, but Angel Cordele forgot to send them to the clerk.

I fired Angel Cordele because she was corrupt.   She had a meeting with my parents on my behalf and informed them that Judge John B. Sumner wanted her to join his law firm.  I hired Josh Mason because CFVC said that he is a huge advocate and specializes in abuse.

On January 18, 2012, I finally had my first temporary divorce hearing.  Based on the fact that I have unsupervised visitation with my children every other weekend, it was my hope to get more liberties back with regards to the parenting plan that both my soon-to-be-ex and I agreed upon.  It took 41 days for Judge John B. Sumner to come back with the same exact order plus I now have to pay $150 a month in child support.  My attorney proved in court that I was the primary caregiver and that my husband had been lying about his finances for years.

Because of Judge John B. Sumner’s relationship with Roger Johnson, I have been ripped away from my children.  They are now struggling emotionally, exhibiting bad behavior, and their grades are falling.  My daughter has said many times that she wants to die.  My son’s grades have fallen; he received ISS for the first time ever, and he has received two misconduct notifications based on disrespect. 

Judge John B. Sumner is destroying everything I love; he is changing the people that they are supposed to be, and for what?  Anyone that goes up against Judge John B. Sumner and Roger Johnson will LOSE EVERYTHING.

Tammy Harner-Shuman

Judge John B. Sumner has deprived Barbara Rose of the right to see her grandchildren for 10 years.

 The Corrupt and Incompetant Judge John B. Sumner

Judge John B. Sumner

Barbara Rose Story

Superior court Judge John B. Sumner of CHEROKEE COUNTY Georgia consistently plays GOD when it comes to the well being of children, and he is consistently wrong.  He is reported to have two DUI’s, cheated on his ex-wife while she was pregnant, disregards evidence and facts, makes fun of Domestic Violence, makes fun of children with depression, and is STILL allowed to PLAY GOD!

I know Tammy Harner-Shuman and Barbara Rose, and you will not find two sweeter ladies who in no way should have been denied their rights as parent and grandparent.  Let’s get Judge John B. Sumner removed from office!

If you have information on this bad man, please email

William M. Windsor

I, William M. Windsor, am not an attorney.  This website expresses my OPINIONS.   The comments of visitors or guest authors to the website are their opinions and do not therefore reflect my opinions.  Anyone mentioned by name in any article is welcome to file a response.   This website does not provide legal advice.  I do not give legal advice.  I do not practice law.  This website is to expose government corruption, law enforcement corruption, political corruption, and judicial corruption.   Whatever this website says about the law is presented in the context of how I or others perceive the applicability of the law to a set of circumstances if I (or some other author) was in the circumstances under the conditions discussed.  Despite my concerns about lawyers in general, I suggest that anyone with legal questions consult an attorney for an answer, particularly after reading anything on this website.  The law is a gray area at best.  Please read our Legal Notice and Terms.

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