Judge William S. Duffey charged with Corruption by Georgia woman who represented herself in Court


The whole 11th Circuit in Atlanta, Georgia needs the Justice Department to come in and clean house and get rid of all those corrupt judges so that judges who “want” to uphold the law can do their jobs without fear of backlash from the corrupt judges who have a lot of bias against protected classes of people.

Corrupt judges like Judge William S. Duffey, Jr. and Judge Susan H. Black, who with others have abused power are the reason no one trust the courts anymore in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Judge Susan H. Black charged with Corruption by Georgia woman who represented herself in Court


The whole 11th Circuit in Atlanta, Georgia needs the Justice Department to come in and clean house and get rid of all those corrupt judges so that judges who “want” to uphold the law can do their jobs without fear of backlash from the corrupt judges who have a lot of bias against protected classes of people.

Corrupt judges like Judge William S. Duffey, Jr. and Judge Susan H. Black, who with others have abused power are the reason no one trust the courts anymore in Atlanta, Georgia.

Continue reading Judge Susan H. Black charged with Corruption by Georgia woman who represented herself in Court

Idaho Magistrate Judge Eugene A. Marano charged with Corruption

Another corrupt Judge is Magistrate Judge Eugene A. Marano.  It’s well known that he favors a certain law firm in town, particularly a certain female attorney. 

No matter how poorly written the motion, he grants it.

Anyone opposing her is not allowed to present evidence, is continually interrupted, and is admonished by this so-called judge.

Continue reading Idaho Magistrate Judge Eugene A. Marano charged with Corruption

Picketing and Petitioning at Atlanta Georgia Courthouse is a Success

GRIP-fulton-county-courthouse-2012-01-31 (3)-200w

At 8 am on January 31, 2012, “picketing” and petitioning began at the Fulton County Courthouse in downtown Atlanta, Georgia.

It was a fascinating experience in many ways, and it is my hope that GRIP (Government Reform & Integrity Platform) will now expand this effort to all 3,131 counties in America.

William M. Windsor, Evelyne Ennis, Curtrice Ennis, and Ed Dort manned the clipboards at the two entrances to the courthouse….

Continue reading Picketing and Petitioning at Atlanta Georgia Courthouse is a Success

New Music Video — Stop Judicial Corruption: Rally ’round Bill


A new music video was just released.  It’s called “Stop Judicial Corruption: Rally ’round Bill.”

Written, produced, and performed by K. Pat Brady, I hope you will forgive me for getting such a kick out of this.

Pat is very clever.  He won’t win American Idol, but you gotta appreciate this.

My favorite line is “Their a$$ will be grass, and we the lawnmower….”

Continue reading New Music Video — Stop Judicial Corruption: Rally ’round Bill

Judge David P. Darden is charged with Corruption in Cobb County Georgia


I charge Judge David P. Darden, judge of the State Court of Cobb County Georgia, with corruption.

Judge David P. Darden was the presiding judge in my lawsuit with State Farm Insurance Company.

This is one of the most corrupt state court judges in Georgia’s history, if not the history of the United States.  My name is Shellie Youhoing-Nanan, and this is my story….

Continue reading Judge David P. Darden is charged with Corruption in Cobb County Georgia

How Many U.S. Marshals will be waiting for William M. Windsor at Occupy the Courts?


How many armed U.S. Marshals will be waiting for William M. Windsor at Occupy the Courts on Friday, January 20, 2012?

Please plan to participate in Occupy the Courts tomorrow at your federal courthouse.  Let’s send a message that the battle for the hearts and minds has begun.

Whenever I arrive at the federal courthouse in Atlanta, I am “greeted” by armed guards….

Continue reading How Many U.S. Marshals will be waiting for William M. Windsor at Occupy the Courts?

Support Florida Legislation designed to Make Judges Accountable


End the judicial oligarchy in Florida.

Give your full support to Senate Bill 1524 for reining in judicial abuses.

This article just in from Bob Hurt….

Continue reading Support Florida Legislation designed to Make Judges Accountable

It’s Time to Kick It into HIGH Gear! The Real Battle against Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption begins NOW!


It’s time to kick It into HIGH gear!  The real battle against judicial corruption and government corruption begins NOW!

In case you don’t know, I have committed to spend the rest of my life battling judicial corruption and government corruption.

I have been battling my personal fight since I realized some judges were corrupt in 2007.  And in the fall of 2010, I started battling on the Internet to try to connect and rally others….

Continue reading It’s Time to Kick It into HIGH Gear! The Real Battle against Judicial Corruption and Government Corruption begins NOW!

Texas Judge Charles Sandoval, Judge Weldon Copeland, Judge William Roberts, and Judge Nathan E. White charged with Fraud, Extortion, and Corruption Destroying Lives of a Woman and her Child


Texas Judge Charles Sandoval, Judge Weldon Copeland, Judge William Roberts, and Judge Nathan E. White charged with fraud, extortion, and more…destroying lives of a woman and her child.

Denise Loughlin has been pitted against her wealthy ex-husband doctor.

This is the shocking story of Denise Loughlin….

Continue reading Texas Judge Charles Sandoval, Judge Weldon Copeland, Judge William Roberts, and Judge Nathan E. White charged with Fraud, Extortion, and Corruption Destroying Lives of a Woman and her Child