Inspector General Refuses to Investigate Bioweapons Coverup


The Inspector General for the United States Department of Justice has declined to investigate false and misleading statements made by a DOJ employee concerning domestic legislation which appears to violate an international bioweapons treaty.

In a recent unsigned letter issued on DOJ stationary, the IG’s office refused to look into written statements made by Dean Boyd, Press officer for the DOJ, wherein he made an incorrect legal citation when asked to comment on the perception that Section 817 (The Expansion of the Biological Weapons Statute) of the U.S. Patriot Act violates the International Bioweapons Convention (BWC).

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Alex Jones says President Obama’s Birth Certificate is a FAKE


Kurt Nimmo of Alex Jones’ says: “As we originally noted and has been mentioned by a number of electronic image experts, one of the most glaring details demonstrating Obama’s purported birth certificate is a fraud is the presence of digital artifacts.”

Nimmo goes on to say: “Now that we have established that the document is an obvious forgery, we should ask why Obama’s people would release as definitive proof of his citizenship such an easily debunked fraud.”

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Write to the Presidential Candidates – Our Best Shot at National Publicity for Our Cause


Please write to your favorite candidate.  Better yet, write to all of the candidates. Ask them to pledge to tell the truth at all times and defend our fundamental rights pursuant to the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Letters and addresses are provided….

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9,000 Government Officials in the U.S. are found Guilty of Corruption EACH YEAR!


 In 2008, the FBI had more than 2,500 open public corruption cases, an increase of more than 50 percent since 2003. 

During 2007 and 2008 alone, more than 18,000 government officials in the U.S. were convicted.  That means over 9,000 government officials are convicted every year — likely over 100,000 this decade.

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Defense Contractor to Plead Guilty to Bribery in Navy Kickback Case


Advanced Solutions for Tomorrow (ASFT) founder and former company president Anjan Dutta-Gupta has agreed to plead guilty in U.S. District Court in Providence, Rhode Island to bribery of a public official in connection with …

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Pennsylvania State Senator Jane Orie appeals criminal case to state Supreme Court



Jane Orie appealed her case to the state Supreme Court today, asking the court to halt her retrial on corruption charges to review whether an Allegheny County judge erred when he declared a mistrial for her and her sister last month. …

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Extent of Judicial and Government Corruption is Mind-Boggling


America has a SERIOUS problem.

When I began this website six months or so ago, I had no idea how serious the problem is of corruption in our government.

Even a month ago, I had no idea.  But now, I am aware of literally tens of thousands of reports of corruption in our judiciary and government.

We have to do something!  Read all about it….

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545 Government Officials should be Replaced — so says Veteran Newspaper Columnist and GRIP


Charlie Reese of the Orlando Sentinel has been a journalist for 49 years.

 In his final column, he says what we have been shouting for months: government officials are dishonest, and they have caused our country’s problems.  Basic fundamental rights that you THINK we have as Americans are a mirage.

We must replace them all with honest people.  Read all about it….


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President Obama proves he is Clueless

President Obama is CLUELESS.

William M. Windsor wrote to President Barack Obama on February 1, 2011 about the most serious problem this country has ever faced.  POTUS responded on March 23.  I guess we should be glad I wasn’t conveying news of a nuclear disaster or some other imminent danger.  51 days to respond….

This is not Obama-Bashing.  I believe this would have happened with ANY of the Presidents in recent history.  Read all about it…. 

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Former Alabama Mayor Pleads Guilty to Filing False Tax Return – Caught Embezzling from City Two Years Before


John Jackson, the former mayor of White Hall, Alabama pleaded guilty before U.S. Magistrate Judge Susan Walker in U.S. District Court in Montgomery, Ala., to one count of filing a false tax return, the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced on March 11, 2011.

According to the court documents, Jackson admitted filing a false joint 2004 U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, Form 1040, that did not report all of the total income earned by Jackson and his spouse.

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