Judge Michael Mahili’s Order to Obama…and Why this is So Important


I reported earlier this week that Georgia State Judge Micheal Mahili refused the motion to dismiss a lawsuit that would require Barack Obama to prove he is eligible to run for the Office of President of the United States.

President Obama’s lawyers filed a motion that would keep him from presenting proof of his eligibility to be President of the United States.  That motion was denied.

The article announcing this is the most-read and most-liked article in many months, but some have criticized me for it….

Continue reading Judge Michael Mahili’s Order to Obama…and Why this is So Important

Obama must stand trial in Georgia to PROVE he is eligible to be on the ballot


Barack Obama will have to stand trial in Georgia and prove (if he can) his eligibility for office.

HUGE news.  Congratulations to Orly Taitz, Carl Swensson, and others who refused to give up….

Continue reading Obama must stand trial in Georgia to PROVE he is eligible to be on the ballot

Article II Super Pac formed to fight Obama’s Eligibility for Election


Carl Swensson and others have formed the Article II Political Action Committee to fight Barack Obama’s eligibility for election. 
The information about the Article II SuperPac has been provided by the Committee:

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Activist Siobhan Reynolds dies in Plane Crash – Victim of Government Corruption


The attractive, diminutive woman who drove into my driveway on the last Saturday in October hardly looked to be the person that federal authorities desperately were trying to find a way to throw into prison.

Her lovely eyes had a sparkle in them, and she hardly looked to be a threat to the life and liberty of anyone.

Yet, here was a woman coming into my home who was being targeted by the feds because she had the audacity to openly question the Drug War in general and the government’s war on people taking pain medications and the doctors that prescribe them.

Continue reading Activist Siobhan Reynolds dies in Plane Crash – Victim of Government Corruption

State of the Union according to William M. Windsor


The State of the Union is HORRIBLE.

I never dreamed that our country would become a police state controlled by big corporations and dishonest and corrupt politicians, but that is precisely what we have today.

So, I decided to sit down at the keyboard and do a brain dump of my thoughts….

Continue reading State of the Union according to William M. Windsor

Senator Orin Hatch is just the Tip of the Iceberg of Corruption in Utah


Senator Orin Hatch is just the “Tip of the Iceberg” of corruption in Utah.

I am familiar with researching U.S Code, but what I’ve found is the corruption in the State of Utah runs from head to toe.

The local oligarch’s have corrupted the entire infrastructural integrity of all departments.

Continue reading Senator Orin Hatch is just the Tip of the Iceberg of Corruption in Utah

Puerto Rico Senator Robert Arango resigns


A Puerto Rico lawmaker has resigned following reports that explicit photos of him surfaced on an iPhone application for gays and bisexuals.

The head of the U.S. territory’s Senate announced this on August 28, 2011.


Senator Roberto Arango, a Republican who represents the capital of San Juan for the island’s governing party, presented his letter of resignation…


Continue reading Puerto Rico Senator Robert Arango resigns

Another Congressional Pervert Resigns


Rep. David Wu (D-Ore.) announced Tuesday he will resign from Congress following accusations he had unwanted sexual contact with a teenage girl.

“I cannot care for my family the way I wish while serving in Congress and fighting these very serious allegations,” Wu said in a statement.

Wu claims the incident with the daughter of a longtime friend and donor–who is now 18 years old–was consensual, and said he will continue to serve until the resolution of the debt ceiling battle.

Continue reading Another Congressional Pervert Resigns

U.S. Attorney tries to Stop Windsor from filing any Lawsuit in any Court in America


U.S. Attorney tries to Stop me from filing any Lawsuit in any Court in America.

This is Sally Quillian Yates, U.S. Attorney and a corrupt federal official.  She is being assisted in this effort by corrupt Assistant U.S. Attorney, Christopher Huber.

A motion was filed in federal court by these extremely dishonest people.  It was filed in the court of another corrupt federal official, Thomas Woodrow Thrash.  Trash is a federal judge who violates the law to damage people like me.

Continue reading U.S. Attorney tries to Stop Windsor from filing any Lawsuit in any Court in America